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International school officially opens doors in Armenia's resort town

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  • International school officially opens doors in Armenia's resort town

    International school officially opens doors in Armenia's resort town

    15:57 * 11.10.14

    The United World Colleges' (UWC) first ever international school in
    Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States, UWC Dilijan
    on Saturday held its official opening in Armenia's north-eastern
    resort town (Tavush region).

    The school, which now has 96 students (aged 16-17) and only 25
    pedagogues, is planning to increase its overload to by 2023 to involve
    more young people and specialists in the system.

    At a news conference held before the opening event, the school's
    founding partner, Ruben Vardanyan, thanked all the people who believed
    and assisted in the project. He expressed hope that UWC Dilijan will
    set a good model in the international education system, by helping
    shape new standards and values.

    Armenian will not be taught as a foreign language at the school whose
    curriculum includes courses in mathematics and foreign languages, said
    John Puddefoot, the acting principal. But he expressed hope that they
    will manage to organize classes of Armenians in the near future. The
    school will also engage in scientific projects.

    The idea to launch the school came into life thanks to assistance by
    donors from around 200 countries. The total cost of the development
    activities is $115 million as of now. An additional $30 million will
    be spent for the procurement of land lots, architectural-engineering
    activities and infra-structure development.

    The curriculum, offered in the Armenian language, is based on the
    International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma program. Starting from 2017,
    the school will admit students aged 13-14.

    The opening ceremony was attended by Armenian President Serzh
    Sargsyan, President of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakyan,
    and other high-ranking officials.
