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Turkey Threatens Deportation Of American Pastor

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  • Turkey Threatens Deportation Of American Pastor

    Oct 9 2014

    Turkey Threatens Deportation Of American Pastor

    Thursday, October 9, 2014 (12:40 pm)

    ISTANBUL, TURKEY (BosNewsLife)-- An American evangelical pastor in
    Turkey faced uncertainty Thursday, October 9, after authorities
    reportedly cancelled his long-term residence permit and ordered his

    Local police also sealed the premises of Pastor Patrick Jensen's 'New
    Life Church' congregation in the southeastern city of Gaziantep, said
    the church leader and other Christians.

    Jensen was detained for some 30 hours on September 14, before being
    permitted to return to his home. His Turkish residence permit -- valid
    through to November of 2015 -- was cancelled, but a temporary 30-day
    permit was issued until the court rules on his appeal, BosNewsLife

    The pastor said he was ordered to pay 3,043 Turkish lira (some $1,331)
    for allegedly violating the country's labour laws, which require a
    work permit for legal employment status.

    In published remarks Jensen made clear he would not pay the fine as he
    was only "a volunteer serving in the church." He said Labour Ministry
    officials had "mistakenly classified the church as a place of


    The pastor started the small congregation of up to 40 adults nine
    years ago when he and his family moved to Gaziantep, among the oldest
    continuously inhabited cities in the world.

    However, "It seemed we were being viewed negatively, as if we were
    enemies. Some pressure is being put on us, although our open presence
    and activities here had not been an issue before," he said.

    Jensen isn't the only foreign church leader experiencing problems. "It
    is not clear according to which criteria they say yes or no,"
    explained General Secretary Umut Sahin of the Association of
    Protestant Churchescps. "Currently, only four Protestant church
    leaders have been able to obtain this visa status."

    Following last month's police crackdown, the New Life Church
    congregation has been meeting informally in a park and in private

    Voice Of the Martyrs Canada (VOMC), an advocacy group supporting
    "persecuted Christians" noted that the fledgling congregation has not
    yet applied for official status as an association, "which is the only
    legal option open to register new Christian congregations."


    Despite an estimated 5,000 Protestant Christians meeting in 120 small
    congregations in Turkey, the state prohibits institutions for the
    theological training of their clergy, according to activists.

    The same ban apparently prevents traditional Orthodox, Armenian and
    Syriac communities from opening seminaries for their local priests and
    church workers.

    Christians comprise less than 0.2 percent of the country's over 80
    million mainly population, according to the U.S. Central Intelligence
    Agency (CIA), and church leaders have expressed concerns about Islamic
    threats and violence against Christians in the Muslim-majority

    Turkey has come under international pressure to improve religious
    rights following several deadly attacks against priests and


    However Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?Ä?an has strongly denied
    U.S. suggestions that his nation supports Islamists fighters such as
    Islamic State, which has been known for killing Christians and others
    it does not like.

    American Vice-President Joe Biden apologised Tuesday, October 7, to
    Saudi Arabia, after already making apologies to Turkey and the United
    Arab Emirates, for saying that they have supported terrorism in the
    Middle East.

    Amid the standoff, VOMC urged fellow believers to bring Jensen's
    "difficult situation to our Lord in prayer, trusting that His will be
    done on earth as it is in " a reference to Bible verse Matthew 6:10.

    The group also urged prayers for "peace", that authorities will
    "overturn the fine and deportation order" and that " this congregation
    will continue to meet for worship despite this latest obstacle, and
    that God will provide another suitable location for their services."

    From: A. Papazian