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Karabakh Question Clouds Armenia's Eurasian Union Accession

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  • Karabakh Question Clouds Armenia's Eurasian Union Accession


    IPS - Inter Press Service
    October 11, 2014 Saturday

    by Marianna Grigoryan /eurasianet *

    YEREVAN, Oct 11 2014

    Armenia has finalized its accession to the Russia-led Eurasian Economic
    Union, an intended regional counterweight to the European Union. But
    while Armenian and Russian officials focus on future prosperity, some
    Armenian observers believe membership in the bloc could exacerbate
    Armenia's security challenges.

    During an Oct. 10 meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council,
    held in Minsk, Belarus, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan confirmed
    that Armenia would be formally admitted to the Eurasian Economic Union
    (EEU) when it launches on Jan. 1, 2015.

    The Armenian government approved the draft text of the accession
    agreement in early October, Armenian media reported. The EEU will
    be an outgrowth of the existing customs union among Russia, Belarus
    and Kazakhstan.

    Armenian political analysts greeted the accession announcement with
    mixed feelings, in part because the final text of the pact has not
    been subjected to public scrutiny. There is particular concern about
    the pact's ramifications for Armenia's relationship with the Nagorno
    Karabakh territory, an enclave inhabited by ethnic Armenians who
    aspire to gain international recognition of their de-facto independence
    from Azerbaijan.

    A draft released earlier this year implied that a customs post would
    be established between Armenia and Karabakh. Local economists say that
    such an economic barrier would paralyze Karabakh's economy since the
    territory depends on Armenia as its primary market for its limited
    selection of exports.

    Beyond the potential economic ramifications, many Armenians would see
    the establishment of a customs regime as tantamount to the cutting of
    cultural ties with Karabakh, an act that could leave the territory -
    and, consequently, Armenia itself - vulnerable to possible Azerbaijani

    "Currently, we have no expectations with regard to security. We see
    only threats," commented Aghasi Yenokian, director of the Armenian
    Center for Political and International Studies, a Yerevan-based

    Over the past year, Armenian officials have said repeatedly that
    Armenia's membership in the Eurasian Economic Union takes into account
    security guarantees for both Armenia and Karabakh, but no proof of
    this has been offered.

    As a result, uncertainty continues to swirl around the future of the
    Armenia-Karabakh trade relationship. Two of the EEU's three members,
    Belarus and Kazakhstan, are on record as categorically opposed to
    allowing Armenia to share the bloc's trade advantages with Karabakh,
    which none of the members recognize as a country independent from

    In Minsk, however, Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev stated
    that a "compromise" had been reached "on a delicate question within the
    borders by which Armenia will be joined to our union," the ITAR-TASS
    news agency reported.

    Details were not immediately available.

    Members of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia contacted by declined to comment on the challenges that EEU
    membership could pose for Armenia's ties with Karabakh.

    "There is a very complicated period awaiting us, taking into account
    the somewhat unfriendly attitude of the EEU to Armenia, particularly
    on the part of Nazarbayev and [Belarusian President Alexander ]
    Lukashenko," commented Styopa Safarian, director of the Armenian
    Institute of International and Security Affairs.

    President Sargsyan, a native of Karabakh, does not, however, appear to
    share such worries. Congratulating Russian President Vladimir Putin
    on his Oct. 7 birthday, Sargsyan stated that Putin's "consistent
    efforts" for a peaceful resolution of the 26-year Karabakh conflict
    with Azerbaijan, and his support for Armenia's EEU membership "deserve
    the deepest appreciation."

    Opposition parties have also adopted conciliatory stances toward
    Russia, observers note. This fact leaves some analysts glum; to them,
    it means the political class is unlikely to push hard to promote
    Armenia's interests within the EEU.

    "The opposition and the authorities do their best not to make the
    Kremlin angry," said Styopa Safarian, the analyst and former member
    of the opposition Heritage Party. "This situation is not encouraging
    at all."

    From: A. Papazian