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ANKARA: The Turkish-Armenian Dispute: Who Has Something To Hide?

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  • ANKARA: The Turkish-Armenian Dispute: Who Has Something To Hide?


    Daily Sabah, Turkey
    Oct 14 2014

    Maxime Gauin
    Published : 14.10.2014 01:55:20

    In the context of the Perincek v. Switzerland case, and of the
    forthcoming centennial of 1915, Turkey will be, once again, pressured
    to "face history." However, who can contest the fact that contemporary
    history should be written after free studies in the relevant archives?

    The Ottoman and Turkish archives (prior to 1938) have been open since
    1989 and the ease of access greatly increased over the last 15 years.

    Supporters of the "Armenian genocide" have worked in the Ottoman
    archives since 1991, including Ara Sarafian, Hilmar Kaiser, Garabet
    Moumdjian and Taner Akcam.

    On the other hand, the only scholar who does not endorse the Armenian
    nationalist narrative and who tried to work in the National Archives
    of Armenia, Yektan Turkyılmaz, was arrested without reason and
    eventually expelled. About 10 years ago, Stefano Trinchese, a professor
    of history at Chieti University in Italy wrote a letter to the
    archives of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) in Watertown,
    a suburb of Boston in the U.S. His demand of access to documents
    was left unanswered. Nothing has changed until now. In August, I
    was in the U.S. to work in various archives. I had sent an email to
    the head of the ARF Archives Institute about three weeks before my
    arrival in Boston - he did not answer. I re-sent the email, without
    any success. I wrote twice to Dickran Kaligian, an Armenian-American
    historian affiliated with the ARF, but he did not answer. Eventually,
    I called, but nobody responded. This is hardly a surprise - if you
    consult the official web site of the ARF Archives iInstitute, you
    cannot find any information for researchers such as the time and days
    of opening. Regardless, this was not my first bad experience with
    Armenian archives. I tried twice to work in the Nubarian Library in
    Paris, which is not affiliated with the ARF, but the first time the
    curator said that he would be out of France when I would be here,
    and the second time he simply did not reply to my emails. Cumulated,
    all these facts are already illuminating on Armenian archives.

    However, and even more strikingly, scholars who challenge the
    "Armenian genocide" label are not alone in facing a closed door
    to Armenian documents as Ara Sarafian noticed. The personal papers
    collected by the Zoryan Institute in the U.S. and the archives of
    the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem are open only to a very small
    number of "partisan" authors who can as a result, affirm whatever
    they want without taking the risk of being contested. In short, who
    can seriously pretend to defend "the truth" and hide his own archives?

    The reasons for this closing of Armenian archives are not hard to
    find. Some will be provided here. Gradually, thanks to the work of
    historians like Michael Reynolds, who is not exactly a supporter of
    the Young Turks, it appears how Russian officers were concerned by the
    war crimes of Armenian volunteers as early as autumn 1914. Even less
    known, however, are the similar concerns of French officers from 1918
    to 1920. In July 1920, a pogrom was perpetrated in Adana against the
    Muslim population who fled en masse. Colonel Ã~Idouard Brémond, who
    was a friend of the Armenian people all his life, ordered systematic
    hangings of Armenian criminals without trial to put end to the crisis.

    In addition, the Armenians and Assyrians who had slaughtered the
    whole population of a village close to Adana were put on trial. All
    were sentenced by the French military tribunal. Five of them were
    sentenced to death and four to life terms of hard labor. It took
    one month to curb the worst aspects of the Armenian violence and
    two more months to restore tranquility. After the return of calm
    and Muslims to Adana, Tommy Martin, head of the police of Adana,
    unequivocally concluded after a careful investigation that the
    riots in the summer of 1920 were planned and executed by Armenian
    nationalists, especially the Social Democratic Hunchakian Party, to
    practice ethnic cleansing and to reform Cilician Armenia. As a result,
    several Armenian leaders and agitators were expelled from Cilicia by
    the French administration. The Armenian Legion, established in 1916 by
    an agreement between the French government and Armenian nationalists,
    was disbanded in the summer of 1920 because of its recurrent "evil
    spirit" in the words of the French cabinet.

    These events were not isolated. As observed by the French navy's
    intelligence service, there was a triple movement in the spring and
    summer of 1920: Greek offensives from the west, Armenian attacks
    from the south and other Armenian attacks in the Caucasus. This
    is corroborated by the fact that the expulsions and massacres of
    Azeris were led in the Caucasus by Archbishop Moushegh Seropian,
    who had previously been sentenced in absentia by the French martial
    court of Adana to 10 years of hard labor and 20 years in exile for
    conspiring for terrorism in April 1920. Correspondingly, the French
    high commissioner in Tbilisi, Damien de Martel, wrote that in June
    1920 only 36,000 "Tatars" (Azeris) had been expelled from south of
    the Yerevan region and 4,000 others including women and children had
    been killed. Damien de Martel concluded, in diplomatic language:
    "It did not seem unnecessary to report these details, which show
    that this is not always 'the same ones who are massacred.' " Some
    politicians should remember, or rather learn, these remarks, which
    are indeed "not unnecessary."

    They should be remembered even more since two of the main perpetrators
    of the ethnic cleansing against Azeris in the Caucasus were Drastamat
    Kanayan, also known as Dro, who was later an officer in the Nazi army
    and Garegin Nzhdeh, who collaborated with Axis powers and the Soviets.

    Armenian apologists try to trivialize the alliance between the
    Armenian Revolutionary Federation and the Third Reich as simply
    opportunistic. It was not. At a time around 1922 when Hitler was a
    completely obscure politician, the ARF was already obsessed by the idea
    of the "Aryan race." In the 1920s, the ARF tried to create an "Aryan
    confederation" in the name of "Aryan fraternity" with nationalist
    Kurds in the Xoybun organization and also with Iran - see the works of
    Jordi Tejel Gorgas on Kurdish nationalism from 1925 to 1946. About
    at the same time, in 1928, the ARF began its rapprochement with
    Fascist Italy, whose ideologues eventually acknowledged the proximity
    between Mussolini's fascism and the doctrine of the ARF. It went
    so far that the ARF proposed to recruit volunteers for the Italian
    invasion of Ethiopia in 1936 as well as ways to ease the effect of
    the economic sanctions dictated by the League of Nations. On this
    rapprochement read the illuminating publications of Beatrice Penati
    and G. Mamoulia. Obviously, for these Armenian nationalists, Hitler
    was the perfect combination of fascism and "Aryan fraternity."

    It must also be noted that several editorials published in official
    newspapers of the ARF in the 1930s, especially Hairenik and the U.S.

    Hairenik Weekly, expressed an extremely virulent anti-Semitism that
    was for decades not only verbal. For example, the Jewish community
    of Van was entirely annihilated by the Armenians of the Russian army
    during the World War I, as observed by the historian Justin McCarthy.

    After the defeat of the Third Reich, Nzhdeh was arrested by the Soviets
    and died in prison in 1955. However, Dro escaped and eventually
    fled to the U.S. In 2007, the CIA released part of its documents
    on him in the archival series on Nazi and Japanese war criminals. I
    read and photographed this file in the National Archives at College
    Park, Virginia, discovering interesting facts. First of all, there
    were strong Soviet efforts to capture Dro. Marshal Georgy Zhukov,
    military governor of the Soviet Occupation Zone in Germany, asked his
    head to the Americans. So, how did he escape? The CIA documents show
    that Dro became, as early as 1945, an agent of the U.S.

    military intelligence service and that he worked for the CIA after it
    was established where he worked until his death in 1956. In spite of
    having been a perpetrator of ethnic cleansing, a Nazi war criminal -
    each time for ideological reasons - and a CIA agent - to save his
    life, this time - Dro and Nzhdeh are revered both in Armenia and by
    the Armenian diaspora. It is not difficult to imagine why the ARF does
    not want to open its archives on them. I do not think that most Turks
    are afraid of the truth. They simply want the whole truth honestly
    and scientifically examined.

    * MA in History from Paris-Sorbonne University
