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EAEU And Karabakh Draught

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  • EAEU And Karabakh Draught


    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Oct 15 2014

    14 October 2014 - 8:13am

    Yuri Glushakov exclusively to Vestnik Kavkaza

    Accession of Armenia into the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) finally
    determined a course of development of the country for future decades,
    which will be directed at full dependence on Russia. Considering
    its political interests, Moscow agreed to take Yerevan "aboard,"
    convincing its partners in the Union that Russia itself would pay
    for consequences of such a decision.

    The thesis is confirmed by distribution of sums of customs rates,
    which will come to the EAEU from import of goods. Since January 2nd,
    2015, the beginning of the Union's work, Armenia will get 1.13% of the
    whole sum of customs duties. The figure appeared due to reduction of
    Russia's share in the "customs pie" from 88% to 86.97%. At the same
    time, shares of Belarus and Kazakhstan will decrease only by 0.05%,
    Minsk will get 4.65%, Astana - 7.25%.

    According to the head of the IMF mission in Armenia, Mark Horton, the
    general volume of customs duty resources which will fill the Armenian
    budget next year is going to be about $150-200 million. He thinks that
    the Armenian government can spend the money for expenditure items of
    the budget, that will influence the country's economy positively.

    But this is not all: Armenia has got a respite till 2022 for launching
    common customs duties for the EAEU. Till 2020 the country will use
    its own rates for some milk products, eggs, and honey; till 2019 some
    rates will remain for some fruits and nuts. Some kinds of civilian
    helicopters and aircrafts which are imported to Armenia, as well as
    goods necessary for construction and modernization of the nuclear
    power plant will also stay free from customs duties till 2022.

    Another important customs bonus for Armenia is a benefit for import of
    military products for the Armed Forces of Armenia, if their analogues
    are not produced in other member countries of the Union. Of course
    construction of the nuclear power plant and export of weapons to
    Armenia will be provided by Russia. It will sponsor Armenian economy.

    The general sum of Russia's "donations" for accession of Armenia into
    the EAEU will be about $1 billion annually. By 2022 the sum could
    increase by $10 billion, considering investments into construction
    of the NPP and export of weapons.

    Not all Armenian political forces stood against such presents from
    Moscow, but the majority of them focused their attention on another
    aspect of the EAEU deal: accession of Armenia into the new Union
    within borders recognized by the UN. Surprisingly, Serge Sargsyan's
    consent to accession of Armenia without Nagorno-Karabakh caused a heavy
    discussion. The opposition mass media which supports integration with
    the EU accused the President of betrayal of the Karabakh movement.

    It is surprising, as Armenia doesn't recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as a
    state or a constituent of Armenia. Other countries have even fewer
    reasons for taking responsibility and being involved into disputes
    in the conflict zone. At least it was strange to read such phrases in
    the Armenian media: "Armenia is deprived of its right for independent
    foreign policy, including on the Armenian issue." What did prevent
    them from showing their independence in their position earlier?

    If Nagorno-Karabakh is an unrecognized formation, why should Moscow,
    Minsk, and Astana consider the territory a part of Armenia? The
    countries of the Union need no grey zones which could be sources of
    conflicts. That's why Armenia is recognized within borders which are
    internationally recognized, i.e. without Karabakh and eastern Turkish
    provinces which are marked as the Armenian issue in Yerevan.

    As for Azerbaijani euphoria that Karabakh is eliminated from Yerevan's
    influence within the EAEU, it is understandable. Baku has been proving
    obvious truth on recognition of borders and occupation of seven regions
    along with Nagorno-Karabakh by Armenia for too long. The so-called
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic which tried to be promoted by Yerevan to
    the EAEU declares that it includes Azerbaijani regions which didn't
    belong to Karabakh.

    What will happen next to Armenia and occupied Karabakh? Of course
    we cannot expect building of customs checkpoints on the border of
    Armenia and Karabakh, i.e. Armenia and Azerbaijani territory (the
    former NKAO had no common border with Armenia) in next few months.

    Alexander Iskandaryan, the director of the Caucasus Institute, noted
    that only mass media reported on establishing of a customs checkpoint
    between Armenia and the NKR; there were no official messages.

    We can assume that products made in Karabakh will get to Russian
    markets and probably markets of other EAEU countries illegally. Moscow
    will diplomatically ignore it. Products made in the unrecognized
    territory can be seen not only in Russia today. It is exported to
    the UAE, Jordan, other countries of the Middle East. Legalization of
    products takes place in Yerevan. To meet requirements of the EAEU,
    it will be enough to write a Yerevan address on a package. It will
    be enough. Only adherence to principles of members of the Union is
    able to reveal illegal goods and cut off their flow.

    At the same time, it will be difficult to substitute volumes of
    economic ties between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. In 2013 the general
    volume of NKR's revenues was about $70 million. Such volumes are at
    the level of margin for the EAEU countries. So, Russia will close
    eyes for the Karabakh hole which will inevitably attract cheating
    players. Only settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, deoccupation
    of the territories and further opening of borders between Armenia
    and Azerbaijan and Turkey could close the hole. Russia diplomacy will
    have to do its best to convince Yerevan that such a step is necessary,
    otherwise the Karabakh draught blow off the building of the new Union,
    just like in the early 1990s.
