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ANKARA: Mayor Gokcek's Remarks On Armenians, PKK Draw Controversy

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  • ANKARA: Mayor Gokcek's Remarks On Armenians, PKK Draw Controversy


    Cihan News Agency, Turkey
    Oct 15 2014

    ISTANBUL - 15.10.2014 17:55:51

    Ankara Mayor Melih Gökcek made provocative remarks concerning Kurds,
    Armenians and atheists on his Twitter page on Tuesday.

    The mayor shared three consecutive tweets on Kurds, religion and
    Armenians. He first shared a video from the Cihan news agency
    containing old footage of Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) members
    entertaining other PKK members with a comedy skit poking fun at
    salat, or Islamic ritualistic prayer. Alongside the video, the mayor
    commented: "It's these types of PKK [members] that don't want a
    peace process or an end to war. They are the enemies of Islam. Here
    is proof."

    He continued in another tweet, "Peace to the Kurds in the east who
    are putting their lives on the line for the nation and solidarity
    and for Islam." In his next tweet, Gökcek continued, "But there are
    those posing as Kurds but are actually Armenian atheists... (By the
    way, I absolve our Armenian brothers and sisters that are citizens
    of their nation.)" The mayor later deleted two of the controversial
    tweets (keeping the one with the video), though Twitter users were
    quick to respond with comments.

    What the mayor is referring to are "hidden" Armenians who pretended
    to be Muslim Kurds in the Dersim mountains to avoid persecution during
    the massacres of Armenians in 1915.

    User @ubbozkurt called him an "idiot" and not someone to be taken
    seriously, while journalist Benjamin Harvey reminded this user
    that Gökcek is also the mayor of Ankara, with 2 million followers,
    criticizing the fact that a man in such a position of power can make
    senseless remarks.

    Hayko Bagdat, an Armenian columnist for the Taraf daily, tweeted
    to the mayor, "Which category do I fall under, boss?" Today's Zaman
    spoke over the phone with Bagdat, asking him his views on the matter,
    and he explained: "This is plain racism. It's prejudice on many
    levels. It's not just against one demographic of people but against
    several: Armenians, Kurds, atheists. It is hate speech, and if this
    [Turkey] were a civil country then he [Gökcek] would be removed from
    his position for these remarks. But these types of remarks have become
    commonplace with [Justice and Development Party] AK Party politicians,
    we see it in the president."

    In August, a similar incident involving racist comments came from
    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. During a television broadcast on Star
    TV and NTV, President Erdogan said: "Let all Turks in Turkey say they
    are Turks and all Kurds say they are Kurds. What is wrong with that?

    You wouldn't believe the things they have said about me. They have said
    I am Georgian ... they have said even uglier things -- they have called
    me Armenian, but I am Turkish." Criticisms were raised about Erdogan's
    assertion that being Armenian is "uglier" than being Georgian.

    The mayor's Twitter account continuously draws public attention,
    as Gökcek is known to tweet on many topics regardless of their
    relevance to his political responsibilities.

    Zeynep KarataÅ~_ (Cihan/Today's Zaman)
