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U.K. Student Union Rejects Anti-Islamic State Motion Amid Claims Of

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  • U.K. Student Union Rejects Anti-Islamic State Motion Amid Claims Of


    Haaretz, Israel
    Oct 16 2014

    Meanwhile, a London university union rejects motion to commemorate
    Holocaust Memorial Day that some members said was 'eurocentric.'

    By Haaretz | Oct. 16, 2014

    The U.K.'s national student union has rejected a motion condemning
    the Islamic State amid claims that it is Islamophobic.

    Last month, the motion calling on the body to condemn the brutal
    Sunni militant group was put to the National Union of Students'
    National Executive Council.

    The motion urged students "to condemn the IS and support Kurdish
    forces fighting against it, while expressing no confidence or trust
    in the US military intervention," according to student news website
    The Tab. It also called for unity among Muslims.

    The motion had already been adopted by Scotland's national student
    union, but Black Students Officer Malia Bouattia called on students
    to reject it when it reached the NUS executive council meeting in

    "We recognize that condemnation of ISIS appears to have become a
    justification for war and blatant Islamaphobia," The Tab cited her as
    saying. "This rhetoric exacerbates the issue at hand and in essence
    is a further attack on those we aim to defend."

    Bouattia, a student of postcolonial theory and language at the
    University of Birmingham, is planning to put forward a new motion
    against IS that will "in no way pander to Western imperialistic
    intervention or the demonization of Muslim peoples."

    Daniel Cooper, one of three people behind the rejected motion, wrote
    about the meeting on his blog. "I have looked again and again at the
    contents of the motion, yet I cannot track any Islamophobia or racism,"
    he wrote. He also noted that the motion specified that it did not
    express "confidence or trust in the U.S. military intervention."

    An NUS spokesman said in response: "At our most recent NEC meeting,
    a motion on this issue was presented and voted on by all members. Some
    committee members felt that the wording of the motion being presented
    would unfairly demonize all Muslims rather than solely the group of
    people it set out to rightfully condemn.

    Of course NUS does not support Isis and a new motion will be taken
    to the next NUS National Executive Committee meeting, which will
    specifically condemn the politics and methods of Isis and offer
    solidarity for the Kurdish people."

    Meanwhile, the student union at London's Goldsmiths University this
    week rejected a motion to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day and
    other victims of genocide for being "eurocentric."

    The motion, brought to a vote at the Goldsmiths Students' Assembly
    Tuesday, was rejected by 60 votes to 1, The Tab reported.

    Goldsmiths University Education Officer Sarah El-alfy urged students to
    reject the "eurocentric" motion, according to The Tab. Another student
    who attended the meeting tweeted that the union is "anti-Zionist"
    and that the motion was "colonialist"

    The motion stated: "The Student Union recognizes the unspeakable
    horrors of the Holocaust, of the other genocides, of totalitarianism
    and racial hatred. It further recognises that commemorating the victims
    of genocide, racial hatred and totalitarianism, and promoting public
    awareness of these crimes against humanity, is essential to sustaining
    and defending democratic culture and civil society, especially in the
    face of a resurgence of neo-fascism, racial hatred and neo-Stalinism
    across Europe."

    The motion suggested that the union organize commemorative events
    on Holocaust Memorial Day, on the European Day of Remembrance for
    Victims of Stalinism and Nazism, on the Holodomor Genocide Memorial
    Day Act and on Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day.

    Howard Littler, president of the union described the incident as
    "a storm in a teacup."

    "There was a broad range of political backgrounds in the room. There
    was the opinion that the motion could have been more inclusive. We
    intend to bring in a more exhaustive list to add to the Holocaust
    motion at the next meeting," the report cited him as saying.
