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Crossroads E-Newsletter - October 16, 2014

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  • Crossroads E-Newsletter - October 16, 2014

    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
    H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
    Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168

    October 16, 2014


    Archbishop Shahan Sarkissian, Prelate of Aleppo, arrived in the United
    States on Monday and will be visiting communities in the United States
    and Canada. He will conduct public briefings on the continuing crisis
    facing the Armenian community in Syria and will raise funds to help
    keep the Armenian schools in Syria open and functioning. Currently
    Archbishop Shahan is in California; after his visit to the east coast
    he will go to Canada.

    Archbishop Oshagan will travel with Archbishop Shahan during his
    visits to
    communities within the jurisdiction of the Eastern Prelacy. The
    schedule of visits is as follows:

    Wednesday, October 22, St. Stephen's Church, Watertown, Massachusetts,
    where in the morning there will be a meeting with the members of the
    Central and Regional executives of the Armenian Relief Society. In the
    evening a community gathering will take place at St. Stephen's Church

    Thursday, October 23, Sts. Vartanantz Church in Providence, Rhode
    Island (during the day); in the evening at St. Gregory the Illuminator
    Church, Philadelphia.

    Friday evening, October 24, St. Sarkis Church in Douglaston, New York.

    Saturday evening, October 25, Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New

    Sunday, October 26, Archbishop Shahan Sarkissian will celebrate the
    Liturgy and deliver the sermon at Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield,
    New Jersey. The Liturgy will be followed by a presentation and

    Monday, October 27, St. Illuminator's Cathedral, New York City.

    Please support these public briefings with your attendance and
    donation; if you prefer you may make your donation now.

    A scene of destruction from one of the Armenian neighborhoods of


    The crisis in Syria requires our financial assistance.

    Please keep this community in your prayers, your hearts, and your





    Armenian Prelacy

    138 E. 39th Street

    New York, NY 10016

    Checks payable to: Fund for Syrian Armenian Relief

    Thank you for your help


    Archbishop Oshagan will travel to Connecticut, where this Sunday,
    October 19, he will celebrate the Divine Liturgy and deliver the
    Sermon at St. Stephen's Church, in New Britain. Archbishop Oshagan
    will be assisted at the altar by Archpriest Fr. Aram Stepanian. The
    Prelate will ordain Ara Stepanian to the order of the diaconate. His
    Eminence will preside over the parish's 89th anniversary celebration
    following the liturgy.



    Bishop Anoushavan will celebrate the Divine Liturgy and deliver the
    at St. Gregory Church in Granite City, Illinois, this Sunday,
    October19. On this occasion the Vicar will introduce the parish's new
    pastor, Rev. Fr. Torkom Chorbajian and Yeretzgin Shogher.

    Last Sunday, October 12, the Board of Trustees and the Ladies Guild of
    Stephen's Church, Watertown, Massachusetts, hosted a special coffee
    hour and fellowship to bid farewell to Der Torkom and Yn. Shogher
    after the Divine Liturgy, where Der Torkom has been serving as
    assistant pastor in
    an internship program under the guidance of Archpriest Fr. Antranig

    Archpriest Fr. Antranig and Rev. Fr. Torkom with deacons, altar
    servers, and choir members following the Divine Liturgy that was
    celebrated by Der Torkom.

    A farewell dinner for Der Torkom and Yeretzgin was hosted by Michael
    and Susan Guzelian and attended by Der Antranig and Yeretzgin and
    board members of St. Stephen's Church.


    Last Sunday Archbishop Oshagan celebrated the Divine Liturgy and
    the sermon at St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan. During the
    Liturgy His Eminence ordained Jeffery Noroian, Khatchig Kafafian, and
    Thomas Gerjikian as deacons and Yervant Bedikian as a sub-deacon. The
    Prelate also presided over the parish's 52nd anniversary celebration
    in Lilian Arakelian Hall. Attending were children recently baptized at
    St. Sarkis Church who received the blessings of His Eminence.

    A scene during the ordination service.

    Recently baptized children received the blessings of the Prelate.



    Archbishop Oshagan will attend the groundbreaking of the new Saint
    Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church near Ground Zero in New York, this
    Saturday, October 18, at noon.

    St.Nicholas Church was a well-known and often visited sanctuary in
    lower Manhattan since the 19th century until it was destroyed by the
    collapse of the World Trade Center's south tower on September 11,
    2001. The new structure, designed by Santiago Calatrava (designer of
    the PATH station at the World Trade Center under construction), will
    overlook the 9/11 Memorial. Construction of the church is expected to
    be completed by 2016 or early 2017.


    The clergy of the Eastern Prelacy gathered at St. Mary of Providence
    Center in Elverson, Pennsylvania, for a three day retreat, from
    October 13-15, 2014, under the presidency of the Prelate, His Eminence
    Archbishop Oshagan.

    The members of the clergy were afforded the opportunity to give
    more fully to prayer and reflection, in order to return to their
    respective parishes rejuvenated, refreshed and renewed. This was the
    main goal for the gathering. There were also six other items on the

    Throughout those three days, the clergy celebrated the seven daily
    services of the Armenian Apostolic Church, which are 1) The night hour
    zham), 2) the morning hour (aravodyan zham), 3) the sunrise hour
    zham), 4) the midday hour (jashu zham), 5) the evening hour (yeregoyan
    zham), 6) the peace hour (khaghaghagan zham), and 7) the rest hour

    The other items on the agenda were: 1) the final review and
    suggestions of
    the Holy Week services with its new English translation; 2) the
    resolutions of the 2014 National Representative Assembly; 3) the 100th
    anniversary of
    the Armenian Genocide; 4) Bishops Conclave in Etchmiadzin in November
    2015; 5) the Pontifical visit of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I in May
    2015; 6) the recent summit that was held in Washington, D.C., `In
    Defense of Christians'; and 7) a workshop on `Pastoral Skills' led by
    Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian, pastor of St. Sarkis Armenian Church in
    Douglaston, New York.

    In reference to the NRA resolution, the clergy were assigned the task
    of reviewing the Prelacy's Christian education programs, and Dn. Shant
    Kazanjian, Director of the Prelacy's Armenian Religious Education
    Council (AREC), was invited to participate in that session.

    Dn. Shant presented a brief outline of the Christian Faith. The clergy
    reviewed it and made several significant revisions and additions. They
    then discussed ways to strengthen the Christian educational programs
    within our parishes, exploring also ways to integrate technology in
    this ministry at all
    levels. It was reaffirmed that every parish should form and implement
    a Christian Education Committee, if they do not already have one. It
    was also recommended that AREC evaluate the St. Gregory of Datev
    Institute Summer Program. And as expected, one of the perennial issues
    in such gatherings
    was the Soorp Badarak-helping our people to better understand and
    participate in the central worship service of the Armenian Church.

    And finally, on the occasion of the pontifical visit, the Prelacy
    were asked to focus on the general theme of `Faithfulness to our
    Armenian Christian Heritage.' And Deacon Shant was asked to present
    5-6 topics under this overall theme. Faithfulness to our Armenian
    Christian heritage, he highlighted, entails being faithful 1) to the
    Bible, 2)
    to our baptismal calling, 3) to our faith expressed in the creeds, 4)
    in prayer, 5) to coming together on Sundays to celebrate the Soorp
    Badarak, and
    6) in participating in the mission of the Church. This plan was
    endorsed by the clergy.

    Click on the banner below to listen to a podcast from the retreat
    center in Elverson produced by Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian that includes
    interviews, Bible reflection, and sharagan. This is the seventh weekly
    podcast in a new initiative by Fr. Nareg, pastor of St. Sarkis Church
    in Douglaston, New York.


    Clergy serving the Eastern Prelacy in front of the serene St. Mary of
    Providence Center in Pennsylvania where they met for a three-day
    retreat. From left to right: Rev. Fr. Torkom Chorbajian,
    Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, Rev. Fr. Hovnan Bozoian, Rev. Fr. Bedros
    Shetilian, Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian, Archpriest Fr. Aram
    Stepanian, Archpriest Fr. Zareh Sahakian, Bishop
    Anoushavan Tanielian, Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Very Rev. Fr. Sahag
    Yemishyan, Archpriest Fr. Antranig Baljian, Archpriest Fr. Nerses
    Manoogian, Rev. Fr. Sarkis Aktavoukian, Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian,
    Rev. Fr. Stephan Baljian, Rev. Fr. Hrant Kevorkian.

    The clergy during one of their study sessions.


    The Musical Armenia committee is accepting applications from young
    Armenian musicians who would like to be featured in a concert at
    Carnegie Hall's Weill Recital Hall in New York City. Those interested
    in applying should visit the Prelacy's web site
    ( or click here

    The Prelacy inaugurated the Musical Armenia series in 1982 in order to
    promote the careers of talented young Armenian musicians from all over
    the world. Since then, the annual concerts have remained faithful to
    the objectives of the series. The 2015 concert will take place on
    Friday, March 20. Applications should be sent no later than October
    30, 2014.


    Bible readings for Sunday, October 19, Sixth Sunday of the Exaltation
    Isaiah 20:2-21:6; Galatians 4:3-18; Luke 4:14-23.

    Then Jesus filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee,
    and a
    report about him spread through all the surrounding country. He began
    to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone. When he came
    to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on
    the Sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the
    scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll
    and found the place where it was written: `The Spirit of the Lord is
    upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He
    has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight
    to the blind, to let the oppressed
    go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.'

    And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat
    down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. Then he
    began to say to
    them, `Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.' All
    spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from
    his mouth. They said, `Is not this Joseph's son?' He said to them,
    `Doubtless you will quote to me this proverb, `Doctor, cure yourself!'
    And you will say, `Do here also in your hometown the things that we
    have heard you did at Capernaum.'' (Luke 4:14-23)

    For a listing of the coming week's Bible readings click here


    This Saturday, October 18, the Armenian Church commemorates the Holy
    Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the authors of the four
    Gospels. The
    word Evangelist comes from the Greek Euaggelistes which means `one
    who brings good news.' Evangelists are given the special ability by
    the Holy Spirit to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ clearly and
    effectively. In the early days of the church evangelism was the work
    of the apostles. By the third century, the authors of the four
    canonical Gospels became known as the Holy Evangelists, and as the
    church grew `evangelist' began to denote a specific office that could
    include =80=9Capostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers'
    (see Ephesians 4:11-12). All four died martyrs.

    Matthew is the patron of the Church's mission. The Gospel attributed
    to him closes with Jesus' command to His disciples and followers
    to, `Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
    the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and
    teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And
    remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.' (Matthew

    Mark had significant influence on the advancement of
    Christianity. Although the Gospel according to Mark is a narrative of
    the life of Jesus, theologians consider it to be a handbook of
    discipleship. The dominant message is that being a Christian is not
    only believing in Jesus Christ, it is also living according to the
    example set by Jesus. According to tradition, Mark was the first
    bishop of Alexandria. One of the most magnificent cathedrals in
    the world is named after him in Venice, where his relics are kept.

    Luke is the author of the third Gospel and the Book of Acts. He is
    considered to be the patron of physicians and artists. The Gospel
    according to Luke describes Jesus as `the healer of a broken world.'
    Luke is also noted for his concern for the poor, the marginalized,
    women, and social outcasts. His Gospel does not end with the
    Resurrection, but continues to Pentecost and the eternal presence of
    Christ in the world. Traditionally
    he is believed to be one of the Seventy and the unnamed disciple in

    John, often called the `beloved disciple,' is the author of the fourth
    Gospel. He was the only one of the twelve disciples who did not
    forsake Christ and stood at the foot of the Cross. Jesus entrusted his
    mother to John's care on the day of the Crucifixion. The best known
    verse in his Gospel is John 3:16: `For God so loved the world that he
    gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but
    have eternal life.' According to tradition, John left Jerusalem after
    attending the first ecumenical council and went to Asia Minor and
    settled in Ephesus. He was exiled to the island of Patmos where he
    wrote the book of
    Revelation, although more recently scholars have concluded that John
    the Apostle and John of Patmos were two different people.


    (Prepared by the Armenian National Education Committee[ANEC])

    Death of Anastas Mikoyan (October 21, 1978)

    Anastas Mikoyan was perhaps the only politician that lived through the
    first half century of the Soviet regime, from the days of Lenin to the
    first years of Leonid Brezhnev's rule in the 1960s, and remained at
    the highest positions of the Communist Party. He was also a
    controversial name with regards to Armenian history. (His younger
    brother Artem was the co-founder of the Mig aviation design bureau,
    which would produce the military jets.)

    Mikoyan was born on November 13 (25), 1895, in the village of Sanahin,
    nowadays the neighborhood of the city of Alaverdi, in the province of
    Lori (Republic of Armenia). After graduating from the local school, he
    studied at the Nersisian School in Tiflis and the Gevorgian Seminary
    in Etchmiadzin.

    In 1915 he formed a workers' soviet in Etchmiadzin and formally joined
    the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. He
    edited two newspapers in Baku and led the Bolshevik clandestine
    network after the collapse of the Commune of Baku in June 1918. He was
    among the 26 commissars who fled from Baku and the only one who
    escaped death when the others were shot in September 1918. The
    circumstances have remained shrouded in mystery.

    In 1919 Mikoyan became the head of the Baku board of the Caucasian
    committee of the Russian Communist Party. After a short stay in
    Moscow, he returned to Baku as representative of the
    Military-Revolutionary Committee of the XI Red Army. In December 1919
    he wrote a report to Lenin where he insisted on the need to put an end
    to the Armenian Question and to renounce the idea
    of the formation of a united Armenian state. In 1921 he co-signed a
    sent to Lenin by Nariman Narimanov, the head of the
    Committee of Azerbaijan, which said that Gharabagh and Nakhichevan
    should remain under the authority of Soviet Azerbaijan.

    Afterwards, Mikoyan moved to Moscow, where he continued his political
    career. He was in Stalin's inner circle; he became People's Commissar
    of Trade of the Soviet Union in 1926 and Commissar of Food Industry in
    1931. He developed a comprehensive program for the Soviet food
    industry and, in this regard, he visited the United States for two
    months in 1936 with his wife Ashkhen (died in 1962) to study the
    American methods of production. He initiated the production of ice
    cream in the Soviet Union, which remained under his personal
    supervision until the end of his tenure.

    The Caucasus trio: From left to right, Mikoyan, Joseph Stalin, and
    Sergo Ordzhonikidze.

    Mikoyan was elected a full member of the Politburo of the Communist
    Party in 1935 (he would keep this position until 1966) and became
    deputy chairman
    of the Council of People's Commissars in 1937. He was among those who
    executed Stalin's policies, including signing documents that condemned
    to death hundreds and thousands of people during the Great Purge.

    In September 1937 Stalin dispatched him, along with Georgy Malenkov
    and Lavrentiy Beria, with a list of 300 names to Yerevan, to oversee
    the liquidation of the Communist Party of Armenia, which was largely
    made up of old Bolsheviks. Over a thousand people were arrested and
    seven of nine members of the Armenian Politburo were sacked from
    office. On September 22, 1937, Nikolai Yezhov, head of the NKVD
    (predecessor of the KGB) from 1936 to 1938, transmitted to Stalin a
    petition by Mikoyan to execute 2,000 Armenians, instead of the initial
    1,500. During the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the NKVD at
    the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, on December 20, 1937, Mikoyan praised
    Yezhov for his tireless work: `Learn the Stalin way to work,"
    he said, "from Comrade Yezhov, just as he learned and will continue to
    learn from Comrade Stalin himself.' On the other hand, he helped the
    families of purged friends who had remained without any assistance. He
    also saved Marshal Hovhannes Baghramian, a hero of World War II, from
    and exile in 1937.

    Mikoyan had an outstanding role during the war. Trade, army supply,
    and production of light and food industry were under his
    supervision. In 1941 he became a representative of the State Defense
    Committee, which was the supreme state authority during the war, and
    was decorated with the order of Hero
    of Socialist Labor in 1943 for his remarkable job. After the war, he
    continued to be Minister of Foreign Trade until 1949. Despite his
    position, his teenage children Sergo and Vano were exiled on
    trumped-up charges, but returned shortly after the end of the war. His
    son Vladimir, a pilot in the Red
    Air Force, had died in combat during the war.

    During the 19th Congress of the Communist Party in October 1952,
    despite his speech filled with praises of Stalin, Mikoyan was not
    elected to the presidium of the congress. Although he was elected a
    member of the Central Committee of the party, he did not make it to
    the presidium of the party. During the plenary session, Stalin rained
    invectives over Mikoyan and Molotov, first deputy chairman of the USSR
    Council of Ministers, and expressed publicly his lack of trust in
    them. Stalin's death in March 1953 probably saved Mikoyan's career and

    Ernesto "Che" Guevara, First Deputy Premier Anastas Mikoyan of the
    Soviet Union, and Fidel Castro meet after the successful revolution in

    The `survivor,' as he would be labeled by Time magazine, maintained a
    neutral position in the struggle for power after Stalin's death. He
    supported Nikita Khrushchev after he imposed himself over Beria as the
    strongman of the Soviet Union and backed his policy of
    de-Stalinization. He returned to the post of Minister of Foreign Trade
    (1953-55) and then became first deputy chairman of the USSR Council of
    Ministers (1955-1964). Nevertheless, he never gave a public assessment
    of Stalin's crimes. In 1954 he visited Armenia and gave a speech in
    Yerevan, where he encouraged Armenians to reprint the forbidden works
    of Raffi and Yeghishe Charents.

    The veteran politician, who visited the United States several times
    Khrushchev's time, would have a crucial intervention in the solution
    of the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. Two years later, he would become
    chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR shortly
    before the coup that ousted Khrushchev and replaced him by Leonid
    Brezhnev, but he was forced to retire in 1965. Mikoyan was one of the
    few Old Bolsheviks who was spared from Stalin's purges and was able to
    retire comfortably from political life. He died on October 21, 1978,
    at the age of 82, from natural causes and was buried at Novodevichy
    Cemetery in Moscow. Last April, an initiative to erect a statue of
    Mikoyan in Yerevan gave room to a heated controversy that shows that
    the Soviet legacy is far from being resolved.

    Previous entries in `This Week in Armenian History' can be
    read on the Prelacy's web site (



    According to confirmed reports the Armenian Genocide Orphan Rug will
    be part of an exhibit at the White House Visitors Center from November
    18 to 23.
    The exhibit, `Thank You to the United States: Three Gifts to
    Presidents in Gratitude for American Generosity Abroad,' will showcase
    the Orphan Rug given to President Calvin Coolidge in 1925 as a symbol
    of gratitude for American aid and generosity for U.S. assistance
    during the genocide. The rug, 11'7' x 18'5', has over 4,000,000
    hand-tied knots and took the Armenian girls in the Ghazir Orphanage of
    the Near East Relief ten months to weave. The rug has been in storage
    for decades and its requested display was embroiled in controversy
    last year.

    The story of the rug is told in a book, President Calvin Coolidge and
    the Armenian Orphan Rug, by Hagop Martin Deranian, that is available
    at the Armenian Prelacy bookstore. For information contact the
    bookstore by email ([email protected]) or by phone


    October 18-Annual Armenian Bazaar, St. Gregory Church, 135 Goodwin
    Street, Indian Orchard, Massachusetts, 10 am to 7 pm. Favorite
    Armenian dinners including shish, losh, and chicken kebab and rice
    pilaf; stuffed grape leaves, cheese and spinach pie, pickled
    vegetables; traditional Armenian and American baked goods;
    raffle. Take-out available. For information: (413) 543-4763.

    October 19-St. Stephen's Church, New Britain, Connecticut,
    His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan will ordain Ara Stepanian as Deacon
    the Divine Liturgy and preside over the parish's 89th Annual Banquet.

    October 25-St. Gregory Church of Merrimack Valley, Annual Fall Fair,
    10 am to 7 pm, at Jaffarian Hall, 158 Main Street, North Andover,
    Massachusetts. Shish, losh, and chicken kebab dinners, lentil and
    kheyma, vegetarian dinners, pastries, gifts, raffles. For information:

    October 26-Celebration of 80th anniversary of Armenian Weekly and
    115th anniversary of Hairenik, at home of Carmen and Avo Barmakian, 58
    Matthew Lane, Waltham, Massachusetts. Keynote speaker, Professor
    Richard G. Hovannisian, professor of Armenian and Near Eastern History
    at UCLA. Reservations by October 18, Heather Krafian, 617-932-1965.

    November 2-All Saints Church, Glenview, Illinois, 71st Anniversary
    under auspices of Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, following the Divine
    Liturgy, at Shahnasarian Hall, 1701 N. Greenwood, Glenview, Illinois.

    November 6-Avak Luncheon, sponsored by St. Gregory Church, 158 Main
    Street, North Andover, Massachusetts, at noon. Speaker: Sonya
    Vartabedian, `Diary of a Community Editor,' reflections from Sunday
    School student here to award-winning journalist and editor of The
    Andover Townsman and Andover Magazine.

    November 7-8-9-Rouben Mamoulian Film Festival, 7 pm, at the Museum
    of the Moving Image in Astoria, New York. Sponsored by the
    Anthropology Museum of the People of New York, the Armenian Cultural
    Educational Resource Center Gallery at Queens College, and The Museum
    of the Moving Image. Opening night and reception will feature Love Me
    Tonight, the 1932 musical comedy film produced and directed by
    Mamoulian, with music by Rodgers and Hart, starring Jeanette MacDonald
    and Maurice Chevalier. For tickets and information:
    [email protected] or 718-428-5650.

    November 7 & 8-St. Stephen's Church, Watertown, Massachusetts, 58th
    Armenian Bazaar, 10 am to 9:30 pm at Armenian Cultural & Educational
    Center, 47 Nichols Avenue, Watertown, Massachusetts. Meals served from
    11:30 am to 8:30 pm (take out is available). Enjoy delicious meals,
    Armenian pastries, gourmet items, arts and crafts, books, raffles,
    attic treasures. For information: 617-924-7562.

    November 14-15-Holy Trinity Church, Worcester, Massachusetts, Annual
    Fall Fest. Friday, 4 to 8 pm; Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm. Shish, chicken,
    losh kebab and kheyma dinners. Home made pastries and special
    desserts. For information: 508-852-2414.

    November 15 &16-Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, Rhode Island,
    Armenian Fest 2014 at Rhodes-on-the-Pawtuxet, Broad Street, Cranston,
    Island. Largest indoor festival in Rhode Island. Delicious shish and
    losh kebob, chicken and kufta dinners and Armenian pastry available
    all day. Live dance music. The Mourad Armenian School and Providence
    Hamazkayin dance groups will perform on Saturday and Sunday at 5
    pm. Hourly raffles, silent auction, country store, gift baskets,
    flea-market, arts and crafts. Main raffle prizes worth total $2,700.
    Fun for all ages. Free admission, parking and valet. For information:
    401-831-6399 or

    November 21, 22, 23-Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey,
    Annual Bazaar, Food Festival, and Hantes. Mezze and Kebab dinners
    (chicken, shish, luleh); dessert table and trays of home-made
    delicacies; Boutique
    Booths; Chinese Auction; Supervised Game Room for children;
    Pre-packaged Monte, Sou Buereg, Kufteh, and Lehmejun; Take-out
    available; Live Music for dancing and listening. Traditional Kavourma
    dinner on Sunday served immediately after church service. For
    information: 201-943-2950.

    December 6-Armenian Winter Dessert Festival, Soorp Khatch Church,
    Bethesda, Maryland.

    December 6-St. Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville, Massachusetts,
    Annual Bazaar at Christian Reform Church, Whitinsville, 10 am to 5 pm.

    December 7-Ladies Guild of St. Stephen's Church of New Britain and
    Hartford, Connecticut, will host a Wine Tasting Party at noon in the
    church hall, 167 Tremont Street, New Britain. A wine talk and tasting
    will be provided by Taylor Brooke Winery, Woodstock, Connecticut,
    owned by Linda Varjabedian Auger.

    December 7-8th Annual ANC Eastern Region Banquet, Ritz-Carlton Battery
    Park, NY. Freedom Award Honoree: former Manhattan District Attorney
    Robert Morgenthau and the Morgenthau family; Vahan Cardashian Award
    Honoree: ANCA activist Alice Movsesian. Tickets are $250. For
    reservations and information, please visit or

    December 12-Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) 11th Annual Holiday Gala,
    Cipriani 42nd Street, New York City. Cocktails and Silent Auction, 7
    pm; Dinner & Program, 8 pm; Dancing & After Party, 10 pm. For tickets
    and information or 212-994-8234.

    February 9-11, 2015-Ghevontiantz gathering of clergy serving the
    Eastern Prelacy.

    March 13-15, 2015-`Responsibility 2015,' International conference for
    Armenian Genocide's centennial at Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York,
    featuring prominent historians, policymakers, authors, and
    artists. Organized by the ARF Eastern US Centennial Committee, under
    the auspices of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of America,
    Eastern Region. for information.

    March 20, 2015-Musical Armenia, presented by Eastern Prelacy and
    Prelacy Ladies Guild, Weill Recital Hall, 8 pm, Carnegie Hall, New
    York City.

    October 5-9, 2015-Clergy gathering of Eastern, Western, and Canadian

    Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy's web

    To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
    add [email protected] to your address book.

    Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
    credit Crossroads as the source.

    Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
    their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
    [email protected]
