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Military Field Alliance

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  • Military Field Alliance


    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Oct 17 2014

    17 October 2014 - 10:35am

    Yuri Glushakov exclusively to Vestnik Kavkaza

    These days one can see Russian navy sailors in Baku, who are watching
    the new beauties of the Azerbaijani capital. Residents and guests
    of the city can see the power of the Russian Navy from inside - the
    guided missile escort ship "Dagestan" and the small-size missile ship
    "Grad Sviyazhsk" which are moored near Flag Square.

    It is notable that before radical changes to the territory of the new
    avenue and Flag Square in Baku, in Soviet times it was the base of
    the Caspian Fleet, a mooring area, and similar infrastructure. But
    we cannot return to the past, we can only remember it. Azerbaijani
    and Russian sailors have something to remember and discuss.

    A detachment of the Russian Caspian Fleet headed by Commodore Valery
    Smirnov arrived in Azerbaijan on a friendly three-day visit. By
    October 19th, along with excursions, meetings and friendly football
    matches with Azerbaijani colleagues, sailors of missile ships will
    present their craft to Baku residents.

    Such meetings are a good tradition of the Navies of the two countries.

    Last year battle ships of the countries visited each other as well.

    Close cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijani in the Caspian Sea
    has gained a stable military aspect. Military cooperation between
    the countries was discussed in details earlier this week during
    the official visit to Baku by the Defense Minister of Russia,
    Sergey Shoygu.

    The head of the Defense Ministry was welcomed in Baku at the highest
    level as a dear friend who has contributed a lot to development of
    relations between Russia and Azerbaijan. Baku remembers his direct
    support ofor establishing the Emergency Ministry of Azerbaijan in
    2006-2007, the formation of its structure and material base, including
    helicopters for rescue activities. At the same time, in hot 2010,
    when the center of Russia was covered by fires, two helicopters from
    Azerbaijan helped the Russians to fight forest fires near Voronezh
    and Lipetsk.

    During the meeting between Sergey Shoygu and the President of
    Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev it was noted that strong cooperation in all
    spheres, including the military sphere, was built between Azerbaijan
    and Russia. After the meeting the head of the Russian Defense
    Ministry and his Azerbaijani colleague Zakir Hasanov signed a plan of
    cooperation between the ministries in 2015. It requires extension of
    military and technical cooperation, holding joint battle exercises,
    and training of qualified staff. The sides paid special attention
    to security on the Caspian Sea and agreed to conduct joint military
    exercises between the Russian Navy and the Azerbaijani Navy next year.

    The strategic partnership between Russia and Azerbaijan has gained new
    outlines in the military sphere. At the same time, nobody recalls the
    story with the Qabala Radar Station, as in reality its shutting-down
    appeared to be beneficial for both sides. Russia has no expenditures
    on the morally and physically outdated station, while Azerbaijan can
    state that there are no and will never be foreign military bases on
    its territory.

    Meanwhile, the military and technical alliance of Russia and
    Azerbaijan is being strengthened by new military contracts on
    purchasing military vehicles. The total sum of them could reach $5
    billion. According to General Hasanov, the plan which was signed
    by Shoygu requires purchasing modern weapons and vehicles made in
    Russia by Azerbaijan. Thus, Azerbaijan supports the Russian military
    industrial sector significantly, as it could suffer from sanctions
    launched against Russia by the EU, the U.S., and other countries.

    Of course Azerbaijan hasn't joined and won't join Western sanctions
    against Russia, and it will help its strategic partner to minimize
    the damage.

    However, there were negative views on Shoygu's visit to Baku. They
    were voiced by Yerevan. It fears that Russia is building a military
    political union with Azerbaijan at the expense of its relations with
    Armenia. It seems Armenian politicians haven't realized yet that the
    fact that they don't want to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    with Azerbaijan and the continuing occupation of Azerbaijani regions
    cause more and more dissatisfaction of Moscow. Even American political
    scientists who know the Russian establishment well openly discuss it.

    This week Ariel Cohen, a well-known American expert on international
    affairs, has told ArmInfo that the Kremlin could "betray" the Armenian
    President, Serge Sargsyan. Referring to his sources in Moscow, Cohen
    stated that Sargsyan irritates Vladimir Putin with his hard line.

    "Putin has to compensate for the conflict in Ukraine by settlement
    of the Karabakh problem. First of all, Azerbaijan should distance
    itself from the pro-Western position, and to achieve this, Armenia
    should withdraw from several regions of the Corridor (to Karabakh)
    and then agree on a final settlement of the issue. The strategic goal
    is Azerbaijan's accession to the EAEU. Russia will have to return
    Karabakh to Azerbaijan for this, otherwise it won't follow Moscow.

    Sargsyan and the Karabakh clan are an obstacle for the scenario,"
    the American expert says.

    In this context, the activities of the Armenian opposition which is
    consolidated over the idea of a possible overthrow are considered in a
    different way, while horror stories about Azerbaijan which is equipped
    with Russian military vehicles and weapons are in fact directed against
    the Russian policy of supporting an effective balance of forces in
    the South Caucasus. Armenia fears that the need for an outpost in
    the South Caucasus has diminished. Modern politics demand different,
    direct decisions in the region from Moscow, and the close cooperation
    with Azerbaijan and its ally Turkey (especially through the Crimean
    issue) becomes more important than the nationalist striving of the
    Armenian elite. A new big game of Russia in the Caucasus is starting
    200 years later...

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress