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BAKU: The Milli Majlis on creation of Friendship Group with Karabakh

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  • BAKU: The Milli Majlis on creation of Friendship Group with Karabakh

    Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijan
    October 17, 2014 Friday

    The Milli Majlis on creation of Friendship Group with Karabakh in the
    the European Parliament

    Baku/17.10.14 / Turan: Baku's reaction to the creation of the European
    Parliament Friendship Group on Nagorno-Karabakh in the European
    Parliament is restraint.

    Today, the principle of justice does not work in the world, and we
    should be accustomed to this policy of double standards, said speaker
    of Azerbaijani Parliament in the Parliament on Friday, commenting on
    the creation of such a group.

    Assadov called MPs not to make harsh criticism on this issue. "Report
    on the establishment of the Friendship Group of the European
    Parliament and of Nagorno-Karabakh - unofficial information
    disseminated only by the Armenian media. There is no official
    confirmation on this issue," he said. In turn, the MP Fazil Mustafa
    initiated preparation of special treatment of the Milli Majlis to the
    European Parliament.

    The Azerbaijani MP Ganira Pashayeva proposed the preparation of a
    special law on the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. According to
    her, the work of the Foreign Ministry on creation blacklist of those
    who illegally visited the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, is not

    More stringent measures are required to prepare a separate bill on the
    occupied territories, and to pass laws on inviolability of the
    territorial integrity of the country, she said. According to her,
    Georgia has adopted a similar regulatory law, and this is a positive
    example. -02D-

    From: Baghdasarian