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Yerevan claims Baku stalling Karabakh settlement process

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  • Yerevan claims Baku stalling Karabakh settlement process

    Interfax, Russia
    Oct 17 2014

    Yerevan claims Baku stalling Karabakh settlement process

    YEREVAN. Oct 17

    Azerbaijan is not ready to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, said
    Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian.

    "Azerbaijan pretends that it is ready to draw up a peace treaty but it
    is trying to shift the debates to other platforms on one hand and to
    thwart the negotiating processes aimed at coordination of fundamental
    settlement principles on the other hand," the Armenian Foreign
    Ministry press service quoted the minister to Interfax as telling the
    OSCE Minsk Group intermediaries.

    "The minister emphasized that the destructive steps taken by
    Azerbaijan exhibited its unpreparedness to settle the conflict," the
    ministry said.

    Nalbandian called the intermediaries' attention to the increased
    frequency of ceasefire violations ahead of a meeting of the Armenian
    and Azeri presidents in Paris due in late October. "This is a
    behavioral style traditionally demonstrated by Baku before high-level
    meetings," he stated.

    "Nalbandian also pointed out to the intermediaries that Azerbaijan had
    been alleging that the [OSCE Minsk Group] cochairmen had proposed to
    start expert negotiations on settlement elements acceptable for Baku,"
    the ministry said.
