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Yerevan Erebuni Plaza Business Center To Host A CRM Seminar

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  • Yerevan Erebuni Plaza Business Center To Host A CRM Seminar


    YEREVAN, October 20. /ARKA/. A seminar on CRM issues will be held at
    Erebuni Plaza business center in Yerevan on October 28-29, Mer Soft
    company reports.

    The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a system for managing
    a company's interactions with current and future customers. It often
    involves using technology to organize, automate and synchronize sales,
    marketing, customer service, and technical support.

    Mer Soft said attendees will master CRM methods and tools to ensure
    clients' loyalty, ways to collect information from clients to boost
    sales, as well as efficient business-process management tools in
    sales and customer service.

    The target audience is directors and founders of small and midsized
    companies, commercial directors, heads and staffs of marketing and
    sales departments.

    The seminar will be delivered by founder of Mer Soft and co-author of
    Mer Soft CRM Garegin Sargsyan who has already introduced the CRM soft
    in many Armenian companies and has a five-year experience in the field.

    The seminar will give an idea about CRM history, target audience, data
    collection tools, consolidated customer database, classification of
    clients and partners, customer segmentation, CRM system interlinkages.

    Participants will familiarize themselves with types of relationship
    between clients and partners, sales supervision systems, assessments
    of customer loyalty and ways to increase it, consulting sales, cross
    sale, analysis of customer capacity and customer complaints.

    The seminar will also tell about automated CRM systems, how they are
    applied in Armenian companies and what problems may be expected. Apart
    from this, Mer Soft will hold a presentation of its own CRM system.

    Issues related to integration of instruments, including SMS, e-mail,
    call center and web page, will be covered.

    Registration is open via e-mail ([email protected]) or through a phone
    call (+374 10 355 111; +374 77 355 111; +374 95 355 111).

    Mer Soft Limited was founded in 2008. The company has taken up its
    niche in the software development market. The company aims at finding
    solutions to reduce manpower efforts, thoroughly studying clients'
    needs and business processes before developing the soft, cutting
    expenditures and increasing income through software. -0-- m_seminar/#sthash.WotuRBJC.dpuf

    From: Baghdasarian