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Troika Rally: Tsarukyan calls for leadership of "new quality"

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  • Troika Rally: Tsarukyan calls for leadership of "new quality"

    Troika Rally: Tsarukyan calls for leadership of "new quality"

    POLITICS | 24.10.14 | 19:47

    Gagik Tsarukyan, the leader of the opposition-leaning Prosperous
    Armenia Party (PAP), has called for leadership and politics of new
    quality as he addressed on Friday evening another well-attended rally
    in Yerevan's Liberty Square organized by the informal coalition of
    three parliamentary minority parties.

    He called for breaking the monopoly of the current government, saying
    that the emerging movement was for a transition of power in a peaceful
    way rather than through a Maidan-like revolution. "But stagnation
    should not be an alternative to Maidan," he emphasized, in reference
    to the change of government in Ukraine through what became known as
    Maidan protests earlier this year.

    In his speech Tsarukyan repeatedly emphasized that he will remain
    standing "next to the people" until the movement achieves success,
    urging the current leadership to comply with the troika's earlier
    demands concerning social and economic issues. At the same time, the
    PAP leader announced that the movement will be forming headquarters of
    activists throughout Armenia that will be ready for mobilization
    "whenever is necessary".

    Tsarukyan said that the option of organizing a sit-in could be
    discussed at the next rally, but neither he nor the leaders of the
    Armenian National Congress (ANC) and Heritage, the two other parties
    making up the troika, announced the date of the next rally.

    In his speech ANC leader Levon Ter-Petrosyan, who unsuccessfully ran
    for presidency against current President Serzh Sargsyan in 2008, said
    that the three parties had a common strategy of achieving a power
    change, but said they would not make their tactics public.

    Heritage Party leader Raffi Hovannisian, who was Sargsyan's main
    challenger in the 2013 presidential election, repeated his demand to
    the current administration that he made back then - to share the power
    with the people and resign. He called on the leadership to organize
    preterm presidential and parliamentary elections within the next six
