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Russia Has Appointed "Attendant" To Armenia

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  • Russia Has Appointed "Attendant" To Armenia

    Russia Has Appointed "Attendant" To Armenia

    Hakob Badalyan, Political Commentator
    Comments - 25 October 2014, 15:04

    The head of the Russian Customs Committee Andrey Belyaninov has made a
    scandalous statement on the issue of customs on the border of Armenia
    and Artsakh in the light of membership of Armenia to the Eurasian
    Economic Union.

    In answer to the reporter's question on the customs he said "we are
    not planning anything for the time being", the Russian Regnum

    In other words, the issue has not been resolved but there is just an
    interim arrangement. Perhaps, this is what the president of Kazakhstan
    Nursultan Nazarbayev meant when he announced at the October 10 summit
    in Minsk that a compromise had been reached on the borders of Armenia.
    Apparently, this is the compromise - for the time being the customs
    issue will not be brought up, and later it will depend on how Armenia
    will behave.

    In any case, it turns out that Armenia has not rejected the customs
    issue altogether but has agreed not to speak about it for the time

    The head of the Russian customs service has announced that they will
    not deal with the activities of the customs on the border of Armenia
    and Artsakh. This statement is also interesting because it arouses
    questions as to whether they mean the checkpoint in Kashatagh or
    another facility that will be created later. Belyaninov said they are
    not going to interfere with the customs. Again, not they have no right
    to interfere, not they are not competent to interfere, they simply are
    not planning to. In other words, if they want, they are empowered.

    In addition, the first step has already been taken. Belyaninov has
    announced that he has appointed his representative to Armenia who will
    soon visit Armenia. First, it is interesting that the head of the
    Russian Customs Service is speaking about appointing his
    representative to Armenia while this official should have been
    appointed by the Eurasian Economic Union. Besides, the Armenian
    parliament has not ratified the treaty on membership to the Eurasian
    Union, and formally the membership of Armenia is still uncertain.
    Although, Moscow knows that the Armenian parliament is deprived of
    will and national dignity and approval of an imperial project would
    hardly encounter any hindrance there.

    At the same time, Belyaninov has announced that his representative
    will probably visit the border but will not interfere with the
    activities of the BCP. In other words, for the time being Russia will
    choose the audit option which will be implemented between Armenia and
    Artsakh. In other words, the customs representative becomes Moscow's
    "attendant" in Armenia or simply de facto government of Armenia which
    will keep Artsakh and Armenia under control, which has huge military
    and political importance for both Armenia and Artsakh and for the
    region in general. Moscow cannot establish its control there through
    its own military presence, and for the time being the issue will be
    resolved through the customs representative.

    By the way, it is interesting that Moscow is announcing about it on
    October 24 when the opposition goes on a rally. An interesting
    parallel is drawn between the rallies of non-governmental forces and
    destiny-making decisions on Armenia in the Eurasian Union. It is
    interesting to know what will coincide with the third rally.
