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IHS Jane's: Azerbaijan to refrain from provocations on contact line,

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  • IHS Jane's: Azerbaijan to refrain from provocations on contact line,

    IHS Jane's: Azerbaijan to refrain from provocations on contact line,
    fearing miscalculation

    14:05 25/10/2014 ยป REGION

    The Azerbaijani authorities' ongoing clampdown on civil society is
    geared towards parliamentary elections in 2015, reads the article
    published on IHS Jane's site.

    According to the article, on 6 October, the Norwegian Helsinki
    Committee awarded 98 political prisoners in Azerbaijan the prestigious
    annual Andrei Sakharov Freedom Award. Since the beginning of the year,
    the Azerbaijani authorities have been carrying out a systematic
    campaign against the opposition and civil society by arresting
    prominent political dissidents, democracy activists, and human rights
    defenders. In September, security officials raided the office of
    apolitical, US-based non-governmental organisation (NGO) International
    Research and Exchanges Board (IREX), which is exclusively engaged in
    promoting educational activities. The government froze IREX's bank
    accounts as well as those of the local office of Transparency

    IHS assesses that the campaign is orchestrated by the influential head
    of the presidential administration Ramiz Mehdiyev, President Ilham
    Aliyev's main adviser on domestic policy, in response to the ouster of
    former president Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine, which increased
    suspicions that the Western-funded NGOs will likely be used to foment
    civil unrest in Azerbaijan, the article reads.
    By weakening both civil society and any political opposition,
    President Ilham Aliyev is hoping to avoid protests in the run-up to
    the parliamentary elections Scheduled for November 2015. The crackdown
    is likely to succeed and ultimately result in the desired election

    A ceasefire violation, resulting in several fatalities, along the Line
    of Contact (LoC) between Azerbaijan and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
    (NKR), which occurred on the night of 31 July/1 August, marked the
    most significant escalation In response to the violence, Russian
    president Vladimir Putin arranged a meeting in Sochi, attended by the
    Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents. Aliyev was reportedly warned not
    to entertain any notions of resolving the Karabakh conflict by force,
    according to several Azerbaijani military analysts.

    In an attempt to mitigate a potential Armenian ballistic missile
    threat, Azerbaijan is developing missile defence capability. Likely
    modelled after Israel's "Iron Dome", this air defence system is
    designed to shield Azerbaijan's key government buildings, military
    installations, and critical energy infrastructure, including the
    Sangachal terminal, from potential retaliation by Armenia using its
    Russian-supplied Scud-B and Tochka-U ballistic missiles.

    The current stalemate over Ukraine creates strategic uncertainty and
    makes it more likely that the Azeri government will abstain from
    provocations for fear of potential miscalculation. Finally, Azerbaijan
    will host major international sporting events in 2015 (First European
    Games), 2016 (42nd Chess Olympiad and F1 European Grand Prix), which
    also mitigate war risks in the three-year outlook.

    According to Azerbaijani sources close to 100 Azeri nationals are
    reported to have died in the Syrian conflict, but there are no
    reliable estimates of the number currently fighting there. News
    reports from Azeri open sources suggest there are between 100 and 400
    fighters. Azerbaijani militants take advantage of a visa-free regime
    with Turkey to travel to Syria. A number of factors have resulted in
    Sumgait emerging as the hotspot of Sunni extremism. There are periodic
    police raids in Sumgait and other hotspots, including northern areas
    populated by ethnic minorities (Qusar and Qakh districts), the article
