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Our House Is On Fire

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  • Our House Is On Fire

    Our House Is On Fire

    Siranuysh Papyan, Interviewer
    Interview - 25 October 2014, 12:36

    Mr. Yeghiazaryan, on October 10 you attended the rally of
    non-governmental three. Do you think these parties can achieve change?

    Change depends on people, on the people who are standing in the front
    rows. If you want to build something, save something, you should use
    every tool at hand. Don't think that we are in love with the three, we
    hate this government, this has led to that. Today the people who want
    to have a homeland choose these tools which have been provided to us
    or we have the right to use to save the situation. Yes, I attended the
    rally on October 10. I watched it from aside. Yes, there is not that
    compact state that can help us take revenge, but it is necessary to
    stand up again on October 24, utter a convincing word. I repeat that
    if my person were concerned, I would not have attended these rallies
    at all but the homeland is concerned. We are facing threat of losing
    our homeland. I am afraid of going to the villages. I was in villages
    near Gavar about 20 days ago, people looked so bad, exhausted,
    unshaved, hungry. Is this our people? How long shall we live this way?

    Will we achieve qualitative change provided that the three should
    fight against themselves if they come to power? Will they do it?

    That's a good question therefore we must prepare people to make the
    right choice during the elections. It is not necessary to have the
    three in power. A person may appear whom we will prefer. I did not
    commit today to elect the president from the three. We'll want and
    see, and today the imperative is to save people from this situation.
    Let everyone run in the elections, Serzh Sargsyan, Sahak Sahakyan,
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan, Gagik Tsarukyan, Raffi Hovannisian. Let them run
    in the election, let us make a mistake, fight for change. If we
    planted potatoes and potatoes did not grow well, does it mean we
    should not plant onions or carrots? Potatoes do not grow well, carrots
    may grow. We must try. Since independence we have been rolling down.
    We must stop this chute.

    Is real change possible in your opinion?

    It is very important now to see the ground on which the three are
    standing. It also depends on all of us. I cherish hope that on October
    24 they will specify their words and message. Since I am not a member
    of the three, I do not take part in their consultations, I act as a
    citizen, I am part of people who want to live better. I am sorry for
    our people, for our homeland which is being emptied at a dizzy speed.
    Armenians are running away from their country. Where will they run
    away? That is why we must create our homeland which will be small but
    where we will be warm, safe, happy and we will know that our
    grandchildren will live there and make it better. Therefore, I don't
    want to discuss the three, it is not interesting to me. We must use
    every tool to improve our homeland. This is our slogan.

    Can you imagine a smooth change of government or early elections?

    When part of the body is decayed, it must be cut off and thrown away
    because it will contaminate the whole body. I support this thesis but
    who wants to shed blood? Only a mad man would want to shed blood. But
    we are not insane, our destiny has been stolen, our honor has been
    stolen, our children were made immigrants, we have not shed anyone's
    blood but today our shrine, our homeland is concerned.

    Are you worried about the loss of sovereignty of Armenia?

    No, much more about robbery and cynicism. The focus is on this. I am
    not personifying the fight, I don't care who the president is, I want
    us to have a country, be honest, strong, disciplined, if we were an
    honest country, we would not have appeared in this situation. Neither
    the EEU nor the EU will threaten or frighten us if we are strong. It
    is hard to harm an integrate person. We must have such a country,
    honest, integrate, a state that is a lighthouse of values of
    Armenians, and nobody can harm us then.

    There is an opinion that most members of the three will never risk
    their possessions and will not go all the way.

    What makes you think that if we continue this way, nobody's property
    will be endangered? The government is to blame that such a situation
    has occurred. Oligarch, bad politician, good people have come together
    because nobody trusts the government, people with different
    occupations, positions, income have come together for a change of
    government... hence, everyone is threatened. The government must study
    and identify their guilt and shortcomings.

    This is the situation. I am going to fight, I want to fight, I want to
    achieve change. We have no alternative, our house is on fire, we must
    get out of it to save it.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress