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ANKARA: 'Distant neighbors': AA travels the Turkey, Armenia border

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  • ANKARA: 'Distant neighbors': AA travels the Turkey, Armenia border

    Anadolu Agency (AA), TUrkey
    October 24, 2014 Friday

    'Distant neighbors': AA travels the Turkey, Armenia border

    Anadolu Agency meets people across the closed border between Turkey
    and Armenia and finds a desire for better ties between the two

    By Handan Kazancı
    YERIVAN, Armenia

    Although political ties between Turkey and Armenia remain frozen,
    Anadolu Agency has met ordinary citizens on both sides of the divide
    who want to see better relations between the two neighbors.

    Although surveys point to the fact that almost half the population of
    Turkey and Armenia want to establish cultural, economic or political
    links, the future of the nations' relationship is still blurred.

    According to 2012 research in Armenia by the Yerevan-based Caucasus
    Research Resource Center, 41 percent of Armenian respondents supported
    opening the closed border between Turkey and Armenia without

    Similar research done by the Ankara-based Turkish Economic and Social
    Studies Foundation in 2010, found that almost 50 percent of the
    population supported cultural, economic and political rapprochement
    between Turkey and Armenia.

    Nevertheless, the Turkish/Armenian border remains closed after
    Yerevan's occupation of Nagorno-Karabkh ` a disputed territory between
    Azerbaijan and Armenia.

    Speaking to Anadolu Agency at Yilankale ` known as Levonkla in
    Armenian ` a medieval fortress in Turkey's southern province of Adana,
    cyclist Huseyin Dogan, 43, says he believes Turks and Armenians are
    `brothers and sisters.'

    `These two nations have been turned into enemies by third-party
    countries for political reasons,' Dogan says.

    `Everybody know that this [closed border] is the consequence of
    powerful countries' pressure,' he adds.

    In Armenia, Anadolu Agency spoke to Minasyan Yervant, 72, a professor
    at Yerevan State University who agrees with Dogan.

    Talking in the Cascade Area in central Yerevan, Minasyan said: `A
    rapprochement between the two countries actually cannot be done
    between only Turkey and Armenia.

    `There are the bigger interests of some bigger countries,' Yervant says.

    Relations between Ankara and Yerevan have also been poor owing to
    bitter disagreements over events in 1915 which the Armenian diaspora
    and government describe as `genocide.'

    Turkey says that although Armenians died during deportations in 1915
    many Turks also lost their lives in attacks carried out by Armenian
    gangs in Anatolia.

    Five years ago this month, Turkey and Armenia signed protocols to
    normalize relations but the initiative eventually failed. Both
    countries subsequently blamed each other for the stalled talks.

    Although relations with Turkey have consequences for Armenia's
    economy, for Yervant ` as for many Armenians ` unemployment is the
    country's biggest concern.

    According to CIA data, the estimated unemployment rate in Armenia in
    2011 was 18.4 percent. The former Soviet country ranks 152nd on the
    world unemployment list while Turkey ranks 101st with a 9.3 percent
    rate, according to 2013 estimates.

    Aram Sarkisyan, 44, a police officer from Yerevan, also thinks
    unemployment is the biggest problem in the country.

    `Cooperation is needed between the people of Turkey and Armenia.
    Everything is going to back to the old times when Armenians and
    Turkish people were friendlier to each other,' Sarkisyan tells Anadolu

    With its almost three-million-strong population Armenia has struggled
    economically since independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

    Although the country supplied machine tools, textiles and other
    manufactured goods to the other Soviet republics during the Cold War
    era, today it is a small-scale agricultural country.

    As both the Turkey and Azerbaijan borders are closed because of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Armenia has only two open trade borders:
    Iran and Georgia.

    According to CIA data, Armenia is now dependent on Russian commercial
    and governmental support; most key Armenian infrastructure is
    Russian-owned or managed.

    Professor Yervant says opening the border between Turkey and Armenia
    depends on developments on the region.

    `Whatever is happening in the world generally has a consequence. It is
    actually a clash of interest of bigger countries: the U.S.; the E.U.;
    and Russia,' he adds.

    Officer Sarkisyan says he believes that the border will open soon: `It
    is going to be beneficial for both Turkey and Armenia.'

    `We should have found a solution earlier,' he adds.

    Speaking about Turkey and Armenian relations Israelyan Mariyam, 56,
    from Yerevan tells Anadolu Agency: `Whatever happened in the past we
    could maybe leave in the past.

    `But for the centenary commemoration of the genocide, we would
    appreciate it if Turkish people would recognize genocide as a

    As Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink ` assassinated by a Turkish
    nationalist in 2007 ` summed up in his book `Turkey and Armenia', the
    pair are `two close nations, two distant neighbors.'

    As part of AA's series of reports from Armenia, next week we will
    investigate the road ahead for Turkey's strained relations with
