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Russia Has Been Locked For A Long Time

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  • Russia Has Been Locked For A Long Time

    Russia Has Been Locked For A Long Time

    Igor Muradyan, Political Analyst
    Comments - 24 October 2014, 01:00

    How can Russia be locked in the virtual space which is called Eurasia
    in Moscow? The West is not against the localization of the Russian
    pseudo-imperial ideology in Eurasia, especially that nobody has so far
    figured out where the borders of Eurasia are.

    With any political-ideological regime Russia will continue to supply
    carbohydrates and other mineral resources to the world market,
    primarily meeting the needs of developed states of the West because it
    has nothing else to supply.

    In fact, there are different approaches and tools, and aside from the
    economic tools there are military tools, primarily in the regions. It
    is, first of all, the North Caucasus, Central Asia and Ukraine where a
    military-political and economic conflict is here to stay.

    Russia seems to have temporarily improved its relations with the
    countries of the North Caucasus. Moscow fears and avoids participation
    in any conflicts in Central Asia, which was demonstrated by
    developments in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, and this illustrates, by
    the way, what a failure defense organization CSTO is.

    Moscow is right when it says that it did not intend to initiate a war
    in Ukraine and, allegedly, the war was imposed on it. Moscow has done
    everything it could to entrap Ukraine into a war, and one has to be a
    talented idiot to lead to such an irresolvable conflict.

    Russia's strategic allies are not interested in a solution of this
    fratricide war because this is the most effective way of locking
    Russia within Eurasia, make it spend huge resources, as well as
    question not only the success of the ruling regime but also the
    "imperial" dream of the Russian society.

    Ukraine is experiencing a period of national renewal and start of an
    irreversible integration with NATO and the European Union. Ukraine
    lost the first war with Russia and admitted to this though it is hard
    to describe the existing situation as Russia's victory. Ukraine has
    created its military forces anew, and in a few years it will become
    one of the most militarized states in Europe, relying on its own
    resources, national ideals and military traditions.

    (About half of family names of Full Cavaliers of the Georgian Cross in
    Vladimir Hall in the Kremlin were Ukrainian, half of marshals and
    generals who won World War II were Ukrainian.)

    In the ongoing stage the West has backed Ukraine and, indicating that
    nobody is going to shed blood for Ukraine, the West is, nevertheless,
    participating in militarization and army building in Ukraine.

    Nevertheless, the West is fine with the occupation of part of the
    territory of the southeast of Ukraine. First of all, several millions
    of Russians living here are withdrawn from the political turnover.
    Second, Russia has created a "Vietnam" and it will not be able to get
    over this "Vietnam" for a long time.

    Vietnam was a faraway and vague country for the United States. In
    Russia these Ukrainian territories are a matter of political survival
    for the ruling elite and the geopolitical format of the Russian
    national ideology. However, Vietnam is Vietnam, and this model of war
    successfully covers the Ukrainian-Russian conflict.

    In fact, the war is led outside the habitat of the main components of
    the Ukrainian population, and the war is not felt in the main
    industrial and vital centers of Ukraine. The war is increasingly
    changing to a guerilla war, which was supposed from the very
    beginning. Most probably, the underground war between the Ukrainians
    and Russians will add to the guerilla war. Now the massacre between
    two nations is prevented somehow but it will not be possible to
    prevent it for a long time.

    However, the involvement of Russia in the war is appearing a favorable
    factor not only for the international community but also for the
    Ukrainian elites whose goal is to oust the Russian population from
    Ukraine. And if one dares claim that this is fantasy, one should have
    a look at the South and North Caucasus, at what has happened there.

    The Russians have not exercised their right to taboo, and there are no
    tabooed ones now. The Russians felt they were untouchable, whereas
    they will be running away faster than anyone else. In the late 1980s
    the Russians wrote on the walls in Tashkent: "We chased Germans to
    Berlin, we will chase you to Sakhalin." Is the voice of the Russians
    heard in Uzbekistan?

    Russia will make every effort not to allow such an outcome for the
    Russian population in Ukraine but it will happen, one way or another,
    rather sooner than later.

    The Western think-tanks have not even dreamt of such a gift as the one
    that the Russians have given them by triggering the war in Ukraine.
    Here is a reliable lock for many years and Russia will hardly be
    allowed to sort this out. Russia is a militant state, and every
    unjustified war ends up with another collapse of Russia.

    Furthermore, Crimea is a "cork", Donbas is a "lock". Russia stepped
    into the 21st century.
