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Dr Jack Dominian - Obituary

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  • Dr Jack Dominian - Obituary


    Dr Jack Dominian was a psychiatrist and Catholic theologian who
    celebrated loving sex between unmarried and gay partners

    Dr Jack Dominian

    7:15PM BST 28 Aug 2014

    Dr Jack Dominian, who has died aged 84, was a British psychiatrist
    and Roman Catholic theologian who championed a rethink on Christian
    sexual ethics at the same time as he fought to uphold the institution
    of marriage.

    As early as 1977, Dominian had warned against the Catholic Church's
    preoccupation with marital chastity at the expense of other factors in
    a successful marriage. Writing shortly after the Vatican had published
    its Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics decrying
    the corruption of moral standards brought about by the "unbridled
    exaltation of sex", Dominian outlined his own Proposals for a New
    Sexual Ethic. There he argued that the presence of a genuine love
    between two people - whether they be married or not - validates sex,
    making it an activity worthy of celebration. Sexual pleasure, he wrote,
    must not be trivialised in the eyes of the Church, being one of the
    "gifts of God to Man which can become the springs of joy, pleasure
    and loving communication".

    Dominian went on to extend the same argument in defence of the
    love between same-sex couples. To think of sex solely in terms of
    procreation, he wrote in New Internationalist in 1986, was to deny
    its "capacity to give life in a more than biological sense", its
    role in strengthening a couple's sexual identity and their sense of
    commitment to each other. While Dominian admitted that the teachings
    of the Bible condemned homosexual practices, he ventured that same-sex
    marriages would one day be possible, and that couples should receive
    the support of Church and State.

    At that time Dominian was working as a senior consultant at the
    Central Middlesex Hospital in Acton, where he had been struck by the
    number of dissolved and unhappy marriages among his patients. Wanting
    to understand more, in 1971 he founded the Marriage Research Centre
    (now One Plus One) to conduct research and offer marriage advice.

    Under his direction the centre tracked the progress of 65 volunteer
    couples from their wedding day in 1979 through the first six years of
    marriage, and then at regular intervals thereafter, in an attempt to
    identify the factors behind spiralling divorce rates. Using this data,
    Dominian identified three separate phases to a married relationship:
    the crucial first five years, during which some 30 to 40 per cent
    of all divorces take place; the middle decades, during which couples
    must juggle commitments to immediate family with commitments to work
    and their ageing parents; and the final decades, when one half of a
    couple is often left to cope with the death of the other.

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    Yet Dominian came to feel disillusioned with the ability of counselling
    to resolve long-standing marital discord, since by the time most
    couples arrived at One Plus One the issues that had led to their
    unhappiness were already too deeply entrenched. From the mid-1990s
    he began to call for an approach that focused on the prevention of
    relationship breakdown, rather than belated attempts at a cure. In the
    future, he argued, couples would need to be prepared for marriage,
    and given tools to develop the "companionate" love that arises from
    intimate coexistence.

    It was a love that had been markedly lacking in Dominian's early life.

    He was born Jacob Dominian in Athens on August 25 1929, to a Catholic
    father and Greek Orthodox mother, and attended the Lycee Leonin, one of
    the city's oldest independent schools, before moving with his family
    to India at the age of 12. His father, elder brother and sister were
    all distant figures throughout his childhood, and the relationship
    with his mother was often under strain. "Nowadays, she would have
    been a business magnate, but in those days she took her frustrations
    out on me," he later recalled. "She was a very self-centred person."

    Yet it was from his mother that he inherited his keen sense of
    ambition, and after National Service he went up to read Medicine at
    Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, gaining his Master's degree from Exeter
    College, Oxford. He met his future wife, Edith, at a 1955 meeting of
    the Union of Catholic Students in Worcester, and they married later
    that year.

    Having attended the Maudsley Hospital in London to complete his
    psychiatric training, Dominian became a consultant physician to
    the Central Middlesex Hospital in 1965, where he remained for the
    next two decades. He was appointed MBE in 1994 for his services to
    marriage counselling.

    In all he published more than 30 books, including The Definitive Guide
    to What Makes a Marriage Work (1995), and One Like Us: A Psychological
    Interpretation of Jesus (1998), which employed modern psychoanalytic
    theories to explore Christ's childhood development.

    Applying psychiatry's diagnostic criteria to himself, Dominian
    identified his own personality type as neurotic -- "but then," he
    added cheerfully, "neurotics can be fascinating to live with".

    Dr Jack Dominian's wife predeceased him in 2005, shortly after the
    couple had celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. They had
    four daughters.

    Dr Jack Dominian, born August 25 1929, died August 10 2014

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress