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Hollande To Host Karabakh Talks As Russia Plays 'Divide And Rule'

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  • Hollande To Host Karabakh Talks As Russia Plays 'Divide And Rule'


    Oman Tribune, Sultanate of Oman
    Oct 27 2014

    TBILISI French President Francois Hollande hosts leaders from Armenia
    and Azerbaijan on Monday as Europe makes a fresh push to end the
    festering conflict over Nagorny Karabakh.

    Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited both
    countries last week after a sharp escalation in violence over the
    disputed region in recent months as war raged in Ukraine.

    Although few expect a breakthrough after more than two decades of
    bloodshed, it is "important to bring the two presidents together,
    to call on them to work together, to get back to the table to reduce
    tensions," a French diplomatic source said ahead of the summit.

    Despite years of internationally mediated negotiations since a 1994
    ceasefire, the two sides have not yet signed a final peace deal on
    Karabakh, still internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan.

    Oil-rich Baku, whose military spending exceeds Armenia's entire state
    budget, has threatened to take back the region by force if negotiations
    do not yield results.

    Armenia - heavily armed by Russia - says it could crush any offensive.

    "What happened in Ukraine has had a direct impact" on the conflict,
    a source in Hollande's entourage said, adding that Russia's annexation
    of Crimea "exacerbated the climate".

    Azerbaijani analysts say an increasingly assertive Russia is pursuing
    a divide-and-rule policy and has an interest in keeping the Karabakh
    conflict in a frozen state to retain its influence over its Soviet-era
    vassal Caucasian states.

    "Moscow holds the keys to the conflict's solution, but is intentionally
    not using its levers as it has an interest in keeping the status quo,
    in maintaining its influence over Azerbaijan and, especially, Armenia,"
    Shahin Abbasov, an independent Azerbaijani analyst, said.

    Abbasov said that by hosting talks in Paris, Hollande "aims at
    depriving (Russian President Vladimir) Putin of his role as an
    exclusive arbiter" in the conflict.

    A French diplomat admitted that Hollande will face an uphill battle
    in his efforts to facilitate the Armenian-Azerbaijani dialogue.

    Hollande will hold separate meetings with Azerbaijani President Ilham
    Aliyev and Armenia's Serzh Sarkisian. (AFP)
