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Ripple Effect: Ukraine And The South Caucasus

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  • Ripple Effect: Ukraine And The South Caucasus


    The Moscow Times
    Oct 27 2014

    By Maxim Suchkov

    As the Ukraine crisis continues, at least three obvious and critical
    facts can be ascertained. The crisis has proven the existing European
    security system to be ineffective; has severely damaged relations
    between Russia and the West and left diplomacy in a gridlock; and made
    many international agreements obsolete, particularly the Belavezha
    Accords, which established the Commonwealth of Independent States
    after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Echoes of these consequences
    will be long felt across Eurasia.

    Certain shockwaves from the crisis in Ukraine have already reached
    the South Caucasus, one of the regions most susceptible to changing
    dynamics between Russia and the West.

    First, a great deal of skepticism about the capability of European
    institutions to resolve conflicts in the post-Soviet space now prevails
    among South Caucasus elites. Ironically, this understanding serves
    to prevent violence in the region to a certain extent: Responsible
    stakeholders in Tbilisi, Yerevan and Baku have realized that if
    there should be serious warfare in the region, there will be no
    international institutions powerful enough to stop it, or any great
    European powers ready for a head-on military collision to defend
    their clients' interests.

    At the same time, the South Caucasus states have found themselves
    in an unenviable position: The Ukrainian crisis has shown that
    deciding between European and Eurasian integration comes at a high
    price, but that indecision is an even worse path. Thus the startling
    developments in Ukraine have triggered two processes: On the one hand,
    they have accelerated Georgia and Moldova's efforts to integrate into
    Euro-Atlantic institutions. On the other hand, the Ukraine crisis has
    pushed Armenia to seek full membership in the Russian-led Eurasian
    Union and encouraged Georgia's breakaway regions of Abkhazia and
    South Ossetia to forge closer ties with Russia.

    The domestic support for Eurasian integration in Armenia, South Ossetia
    and Abkhazia seems to have been spurred by a resurgence of national
    identity. All three have a common cause: historical reunification,
    an idea that has re-energized by the "Crimea precedent."

    Armenian supporters of Eurasian integration have projected
    "re-incorporation of Crimea into Russia" onto the disputed territory
    of Nagorno-Karabakh, suggesting it is a precedent for reunification of
    Armenia's historical lands. Supporters of integration in South Ossetia
    might use the same logic to reincorporate their territory into Russia.

    When power politics are at play, smaller states often scramble to side
    with great powers. But those who expect the tit-for-tat game between
    Russia and the West to continue have opted to maneuver between the
    two. Azerbaijan has chosen this path, floating between the East and
    West in its stance toward the crisis in Ukraine, and reaffirming its
    commitment to multivector diplomacy. Yet the time may come for Baku
    to make hard choices as well.

    Finally, the crisis in Ukraine has had a remarkable impact on the
    South Caucasus. Although it may not yet be fully recognized, the
    transformed realities of Eurasian geopolitics have surely revived
    the idea that there are distinct geopolitical zones -- fodder for
    political and academic hard-liners who love to ponder what this might
    mean for the Caucasus.

    They say that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Russia
    may look like it has gone through the tough part of the Ukraine crisis,
    but whatever further moves it makes in this diplomatic chess game, it
    should understand the impact on its policy in Eurasia. The consequences
    are already looming on the horizon.

    Maxim A. Suchkov, Ph.D., a former Fulbright visiting fellow at
    Georgetown University (2010-11), is currently a fellow at the Institute
    for Strategic Studies (Pyatigorsk).
