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Voices Of The Armenian OSCE Delegation

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  • Voices Of The Armenian OSCE Delegation


    SwissInfo, Switzerland
    Oct 27 2014

    By Renat Kuenzi
    Oct 27, 2014 - 15:29

    Ashassi Yesayan, director of the independent centre for direct
    democracy in Yerevan and initiator of the visit: "Our voting law does
    not function because the government has too much power. In a report
    to the government, I made suggestions for improvement." In addition
    to directing the centre, Yesayan is an advisor to the Ministries of
    Justice and Territorial Administration in Armenia.

    Kristina Aghayan, a project manager at the OSCE, provides support
    to the Armenian government and administration with implementing good
    governance programmes. "I'm very happy that six officials from Armenia
    could come to Switzerland and feel the pulse of Swiss democracy. Above
    all, I am impressed that opinions of the citizens go from the bottom
    up to the executives at top. This makes Switzerland almost an ideal."

    Nune Hovhannisyan, a member of the seven-member central election
    commission of the Republic of Armenia: "In my work I identify
    weaknesses and make suggestions for improvement, most recently for
    example regarding greater transparency in the financing of political

    Liana Ghaltaghchyan, departmental head, Ministry of Justice: "When
    we prepare legislative bills, we often do not know how we should
    inform the citizens. As a result, they only learn about laws once
    they are in force, instead of being brought into the process during
    the drafting phase."

    Arayyk Aghababyan, representative of the liberal conservative
    "Prosperous Armenia" party in Parliament. "I find it good that the
    cantons with two seats in the small chamber of the Swiss Parliament
    (Senate) have equal weight. But as for the elections to the larger
    chamber, the House of Representatives, I think it is not right that
    one constituency comprises 10,000 electors, and another 100,000. This
    means the chances of the candidates are not the same everywhere. I
    believe all constituencies should be of equal size. I would therefore
    propose that mechanisms similar to those that exist for compensation
    among the cantons be implemented for the Switzerland's different-sized

    Ashot Giloyan, department head, Ministry of Territorial Administration:
    "My focus is on the implementation of the European Charter of Local
    Self-Government of 2009, which Armenia also ratified.

    Among others, we have initiated six pilot projects in which citizens
    were allowed to vote via SMS. Voter turnout was low, however,
    because the shift in consciousness necessary for more rights to
    self-determination has not yet taken hold.

    By Renat Kuenzi, Translated from German by Kathleen Peters

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress