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Azeri Raider Shahbaz Guliyev Gives Details Of Murder Of Armenian You

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  • Azeri Raider Shahbaz Guliyev Gives Details Of Murder Of Armenian You


    by Ashot Safaryan

    Monday, October 27, 22:23

    During a court trial in Stepanakert on Monday Azeri raider Shahbaz
    Guliyev gave some details of the murder of Armenian youth from
    Nagorno-Karabakh's Shahumyan district Smbat Tsakanyan.

    Though speaking bad Russian, Guliyev gave a detailed picture of
    their raid. He said that he and his comrades Dilham Askerov and Hasan
    Hasanov walked the area, spending nights near rivers and eating fruit.

    Tsakanyan was with them for three days (July 4-7).

    One day Askerov said that the boy had to be killed. Guliyev did not
    see how the boy was kidnapped nor did he see how he was killed. He
    just heard a shot. When he turned, he saw that the boy was lying on
    the road. He does not know who shot him down. Askerov and Hasanov
    were quarreling about something.

    When the three reached Karvachar, Askerov went there with a camera
    but was noticed. Guliyev and Hasanov tried to cover up tracks. When
    they came across a boy with a dog, they told him that they were from
    Georgia. The boy's father invited them to his house for a cup of tea.

    They were inside the house when two men came in. One of them knocked
    him out. According to Nagorno-Karabakh's Police, on 29 June 2014,
    Shahbaz Jalal oghli Guliyev, Dilham Gardashkhan oghli Askerov and
    Hasan Hasanov illegally penetrated into the territory of NKR having
    with then arms and ammunition and attempted a sabotage attack. They
    were spying and even kidnapped minor Smbat Tsakanayn, a citizen of
    NKR on 4 July, who was later found with deadly wounds to the head.

    Afterwards, on 11 July, on the Vardenis-Karvachar road, Hasanov
    murdered a resident of Yerevan Sargis Abrahamyan (born in 1971)
    and wounded Karine Davtyan, a resident of Dzoraghbyur village on the
    grounds of national hatred. He was rendered harmless after showing
    armed resistance to the Armenian forces. The other two raiders were

    Shahbaz Guliyev, 46, and Dilham Askerov, 54, were charged under
    the NKR Criminal Code's Article 316 (spying), Article 350 part 2
    (violation of the NKR's border by an organized group), Article 245
    part 3 (illegal carrying of arms and ammunition), Article 129 part 3
    point 1 (kidnapping, actions against a minor with the use of arms),
    Article 103 part 2 points 3,7,14 (murder combined with kidnapping by
    an organized group out of ethnic hatred) and Articles 33 and 103 part
    1 point 14 (attempted murder of two or more people by an organized
    group out of ethnic hatred).
