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Ashot Manucharyan: It Is Very Much Dangerous And Senseless To Lead R

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  • Ashot Manucharyan: It Is Very Much Dangerous And Senseless To Lead R


    The aggravation of the Russia-West confrontation over Ukraine and
    the unprecedented intensification of the ISIL factor in the global
    geopolitics have cased a lot of questions. In an interview to ArmInfo,
    Ashot Manucharyan, member of the Karabakh Committee, adviser of the
    first president of Armenia on national security affairs, clarifies
    some real politics aspects.

    by David Stepanyan

    Monday, October 27, 21:35

    Mr. Manucharyan, what can you say about the reasons, core and prospects
    of the Ukrainian crisis?

    The current crisis in the US-Russian relations has a 20-year
    background. After the collapse of the Soviet Union Russia recognized
    the United States as global leader and sought control only over the
    post-Soviet area. In its turn, the United States kept assuring Russia
    that they are close allies. But quite recently the Russians realized
    that the Americans are doing nothing to support them but are just
    pushing them towards an economic and scientific-educational disaster.

    The crisis in Syria showed them in the Kremlin that they in the White
    House do not care at all for what they think and for the first time
    in the last 20 years the Russians said no to the Americans. Naturally,
    the Americans decided to punish the Russians. But it was a big mistake
    on their part as you can guide Russia only by cajoling it rather than
    by slapping it in the face. The Americans slapped the Russians in the
    face and began teaching them a lesson by means of Ukraine. In fact,
    they used the Ukrainian crisis just as a weapon for purposes having
    nothing to do with the Ukrainians' hopes for better life. There are
    wise people in Ukraine who were initially aware of what was happening,
    but, unfortunately, this awareness has not developed into Ukraine's
    national policy.

    So, what have the United States and Russia arrived at today?

    The core of the present world order is the international
    financial-banking system, while all that talk about the Yalta
    conference is just for fooling people. The United States is the
    greatest empire of the world, but this empire of dollar does not
    belong to the Americans. So, it is wrong to blame the American people.

    They are just used as a tool by a group of global moguls. Today lots
    of people are beginning to resist this system, including certain
    communities inside the United States, some nations in Latin America
    and even Europe. Also in opposition are the BRICS members. But those
    controlling the world system are not going to change anything. So,
    we should not confuse the crisis in Ukraine with the Russian-American
    conflict. The former is just a tool for the latter. The actual reason
    of this confrontation is that Russia is a rebel country. But the
    special thing about Russia is that it is the only nation that can
    block almost any decision by the United States by just threatening
    it with its nuclear arsenal. China alone is unable to do it.

    At the US initiative, half of the world is currently imposing
    sanctions on Russia, and the sanctions are gradually reducing the
    Russian economy to the level of Soviet economy of the late 1980s.

    Doesn't Washington take into account the unpredictability of the
    Russian people, who are capable of entering the Baltic states,
    for instance?

    Indeed, everything considered to be important in the Anglo-Saxondom
    world fails in Russia. For instance, there is shortage of food in
    Russia, although there has never been glut of food in this country. In
    Russia people have started thinking about numerous problems, which
    earlier they did not even think about. They have started understanding
    that they had been deceived, and something important was replaced
    with something not so much important in their mind. They have stated
    understanding it just as a result of the western sanctions. About one
    million Russians wish to defend Ukraine but not from the Ukrainians
    but from the USA and the world order. In this context, he thinks
    that it is very much dangerous and senseless to lead Russia to the
    readiness to the war. I think that perhaps saving of the world is in
    strengthening of Russia.

    As a factor of suppression of the world financial and economic

    Russia is currently the only force to restrain the harshest steps
    of the world grabbing system. As regards Ukraine, it was used by
    the United States, which was trying to subdue Europe. Today we state
    that the US has failed to do it completely. Moreover, it is because
    of Europe's reluctance to obey the US that a new tool has emerged in
    the world.

    The Islamic State...

    Yes. The United States has created the ISIL so as to be able to start
    a war in any place in the world at any moment. Islamists are people
    who believe that the present world order is not fair, so, you can
    find them everywhere.

    Today the US aviation is delivering blows on the ISIL's positions. Has
    anything changed?

    Having failed to gain control over Europe by means of Ukraine, the
    United States has decided to create a new global weapon, the ISIL.

    Initially this weapon was meant for local campaigns in Syria, Iran
    and the Greater Middle East, including Turkey, but later, when the
    Americans realized that the global revolt is already covering Russia,
    China and even Europe, they decided to use the ISIL for global
    purposes. In fact, the West is instilling into the Muslim world a
    horrible ideology of robbery and murder. The ISIL is promising Muslims
    worldwide a fair world, so, any Muslim seeking justice can be regarded
    as their potential member. Today the Americans are provoking a global
    conflict. Today they are forcing Germany to publicly arm Kurds for
    fighting Islamists but tomorrow they may use this fact to make the
    Germans the ISIL's key enemy. The Americans already have the Germans
    on the ropes: whenever they wish, they may arrange an explosion or a
    chemical attack in any German city, the Germans will start revenging
    and this all will cause chaos in their country. Today the Americans are
    actually fighting the ISIL. They first created it and then organized
    the world against it. What they actually want is to provoke lots of
    conflicts worldwide with the only aim to preserve the existing world
    order. They have enough nuclear weapons to tame China but not Russia.

    Can the format of military-political and economic alliance with
    Russia ensure multilevel security of Armenia given all the specified
    global threats?

    Today we are an ally of Russia, who is obliged to ensure our security,
    and now that we have joined the Eurasian Economic Union, also our
    economic welfare. So, the biggest threat for us today is that we can
    be blown up under Russia in the same way as Ukraine was blown up.

    Azerbaijan can also become a bomb for Russia. Several thousands
    of people who recently fled to that country from Syria may well
    be advocates of the Islamic Caliphate, so, they may well be ready
    to kill other people and to sacrifice their own lives. They are
    different from the Azeris that fought in the Nagorno-Karabakh war,
    and should they proclaimed an Islamic state somewhere in Azerbaijan,
    this will have very bad consequences. Russia also has lots of Islamic
    regions, so, this is also a big threat for the Russians. The conductor
    of these processes is the United States, who is acting through Qatar,
    Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

    Many of your colleagues think that the Karabakh conflict is a
    potential threat of explosion of the fragile regional stability. To
    all appearances, you don't think so...

    The Nagorno- Karabakh conflict can be used as a fuse but this factor
    is not strong enough. I guess they in Moscow have made it clear to
    Ilham Aliyev that things have changed and his old sponsors, the United
    States, Israel and the United Kingdom, are already using non-waste
    technologies. Sometimes even very loyal leaders end badly if they
    stand in the way of the global system. I think this is what Aliyev
    is mostly afraid of.
