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Why Does No-One Remember The Assyrian Victims Of Turkey's Christian

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  • Why Does No-One Remember The Assyrian Victims Of Turkey's Christian


    International Business Times UK
    Oct 28 2014

    By Uzay Bulut
    October 28, 2014 12:10 BST

    You may have heard of the Armenian genocide. You've probably heard of
    Stalin's starvation of the Ukrainians, and the atrocities committed
    by the European empires in Africa. You've definitely heard of the

    Yet chances are you've never heard of the Assyrian genocide, even
    though this was just as brutal and costly. It was perpetrated alongside
    the Armenian massacre, yet only one of the twin programmes has lived
    on in infamy.

    The Assyrian genocide occurred 100 years ago, and decimated a people
    whose territory stretched from the areas now known as Iraq, Turkey,
    Syria and Egypt. Today, this very same area is the world's fiercest
    conflict zone, the wounds which opened a century ago showing no sign
    of healing.

    Which makes it all the more important that we remember the horrors
    inflicted on the Assyrians all those years ago.

    Ethnic cleansing

    Historians today describe the Assyrian Genocide as a programme of
    extermination carried out by the Ottoman Empire upon the Chaldean,
    Syriac and Assyrian populations. All three peoples were Christian, and
    the Ottomans attempted to wipe them out during a wider ethnic cleansing
    campaign, which also included the Armenian and Greek genocides.

    The Assyrian extermination campaign actually lasted from 1914 to 1923,
    Turkey's rulers carrying on the killing long after their empire had
    been dismantled. The death toll varies depending which historical
    scholar or record you consult.

    "Estimates on the overall death toll vary, with some contemporary
    reports placing the figure at 270,000, and estimates range to as many
    as 750,000," reported Dr. Israel W. Charny, the editor of two-volume
    Encyclopedia of Genocide and executive director of the Institute on
    the Holocaust and Genocide.

    Charny groups the Assyrian Genocide together with the massacre of
    Greeks and Armenians in a "Christian Holocaust", which he claims was
    "the precursor to the Jewish Holocaust in WWII."

    "To this day, the Turkish government ostensibly denies having committed
    this genocide" Charny adds.

    Ottoman Jihad against native Christian populations

    Sabri Atman, who is also one of the most well-known lecturers on the
    Assyrian Genocide, said in an interview with the Armenian Weekly this
    year that the Ottoman Empire was bent on "ethnically annihilating
    all non-Muslim citizens living under the Ottoman occupation, with
    the objective of homogenising Turkey in accordance with their goal
    to create a nation of 'One Religion'.

    "Their motto was 'One Nation, One Religion.' To achieve their goal,
    jihad (or holy war) was declared on Nov. 14, 1914 in all of the
    Ottoman mosques... The main plot was to get rid of all the Christian
    minorities of Turkey,."

    Atman added that "Denial is a form of continuation of the genocide. It
    is to be killed twice."

    Hannibal Travis, a Professor of Law at Florida International
    University, wrote an article on the Assyrian Genocide in 2006,
    suggesting that "the Ottoman Empire's widespread persecution
    of Assyrian civilians during World War I constituted a form of
    genocide... a deliberate and systematic campaign of massacre,
    torture, abduction, deportation, impoverishment, and cultural and
    ethnic destruction.

    "Established principles of international law outlawed this war of
    extermination against Ottoman Christian civilians before it was
    embarked upon, and ample evidence of genocidal intent has surfaced
    in the form of admissions by Ottoman officials.

    "Nevertheless, the international community has been hesitant to
    recognize the Assyrian experience as a form of genocide."

    The Assyrian Genocide still causes controversy today. Here Turks
    in Australia protest their state parliament's adoption of a motion
    recognising the genocide.Reuters Advertisement

    Finally, a monument

    An Assyrian genocide monument, in memory of the Assyrian victims of
    the Christian genocide of the Ottoman Empire during World War One, was
    erected on 19 October in Athens. The monument's opening was attended
    by Kyriakos Betsaras, the president of the Assyrian Union of Greece,
    as well as the current and former Mayors of Athens.

    Sabri Atman spoke at the ceremony, called on "Turkey and all nations
    around the world to recognise this historical reality," adding: "In
    recent years, Assyrians have been working diligently towards greater
    public awareness and worldwide recognition of the Assyrian Genocide.

    "The ethnic extermination of hundreds of thousands of our people and
    the destruction of our lands forever changed the demographics of the
    area we called home for thousands of years. We Assyrians standing
    here today are the children of a nation which was almost completely
    eliminated from the face of the earth," he said.

    "I'm also proud to stand in front of you today knowing that over
    20 countries have officially recognized the Armenian Genocide. It
    is my hope that in the future, countries will continue to follow in
    this pattern, and will also include the recognition of Assyrians and
    Greeks as victims of the same Genocide."

    Monuments commemorating the victims of the Assyrian genocide have
    also been erected in Sweden, Belgium, France, Armenia, Australia,
    Wales and the United States. Whether Turkey follows suit, however,
    remains to be seen.
