AINA Assyrian International News Agency
Sept 3 2014
Genocide of Assyrians, Armenians and Greeks By Turks and Kurds Was Islamic
Posted 2014-09-03 06:44 GMT
The perpetrators of the Turkish genocide of Armenians and other
Christians at the beginning of the 20th century did not act out of
concern for some nation state but simply behaved as mandated by their
bloodthirsty god. Armenpress reports that this was published by the
Turkish poet Serkan Engin in the article titled "Genocide in the name
of Allah". The article with Genocide-describing photos was published
in the Dispatch International website.
Serkan Engin writes: "The wholesale extermination of Armenians,
Assyrians, Chaldeans, Nestorians and Pontian Greeks during World War I
has been aptly described as "Christian genocides". The perpetrators of
these massive atrocities were Muslim Turks and Kurds spurred on by the
Turkish Ottoman government.
Sometimes these genocides are explained by the nationalism of the
Ottoman government led by supposedly progressive Union and Progress
Organization. However, those who actually did the killing - the
predatory bands of the "Secret Organization" (in Turkish: Teskilati
Mahsusa) - were not motivated by national concerns but found their
justification in Islam.
Islam permits all Muslims to kill and rape every non-Muslim and to
grab all their money and property. The Turks and Kurds who killed
their own non-Muslim neighbors, forced their women and little girls to
become sex slaves and took all they owned had no awareness of the
"nationalism" propagated by their commanders, the leaders of the Union
and Progress Organization. The Turks and Kurds who took part in the
Armenian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Nestorian and Pontian Greek genocides
and massacred innocent human being with pleasure, did not do it for
the sake of "Turkish nationalism". They were simple farmers,
describing themselves as "Muslims", not as "Turks" or "Kurds".
The massacres ordered by the leaders of the Union and Progress
Organization were a gift to the Turks who had lived as predators for
two thousand years, and only turned to agriculture and the breeding of
livestock after their arrival in what is modern-day Turkey in the 11th
century CE. The Ottoman government now offered them the chance to
pillage and take revenge on their supposedly "rich" non-Muslim
The same applied to the Kurds, who like their Turkish co-religionists
lacked the ability, aptitude and historical experience to master any
job outside agriculture and livestock breeding, were only too happy to
join in slaughter and pillage of non-Muslims.
Muslim Turks and Kurds tore their non-Muslim neighbors to pieces with
the appetite and ferocity of hyenas. They showed no mercy and in fact
gloated over their misdeeds. They seized all the houses and stores of
the non-Muslims. They took non-Muslim women as sex slaves or domestic
slaves in their "harems" - in fact as their "booty" as is mandated in
the rules of Islam. And they sold some of these women and girls at the
slave bazaars for a bit of money.
The perpetrators of these terrible crimes didn't feel any
self-reproach. On the contrary, they were very happy, because their
misdeeds made them more worthy of Allah, the god of Islam. These
disgusting massacres made them better Muslims moved them closer to the
Islamic heaven with its houris [the 72 virgins in paradise promised to
obedient Muslim men, ed.] ready for group sex and its rivers of kevser
wines [i.e., non-alcoholic, halal-compliant wine, ed.].
They were at peace because they were obeying the laws of Allah and the
They raped tiny girls and women, slaughtered the innocent, burned
children alive and massacred millions of non-Muslims - all in
accordance with Islam, the religion of "peace".
Because their Allah is merciless towards the disbelievers".
In 1913, the Turkish Ottoman government of the supposedly liberal
Committee of Union and Progress initiated a program of forcible
Turkification of non-Turkish minorities. Starting in 1915 the
government turned to deliberate extermination of indigenous and
Christian ethnic groups - Assyrians, Greeks, Armenians, Chaldeans and
Nestorians. Most well known is the wholesale slaughter and destruction
of the Armenian Christians living in what is modern-day Turkey. It is
estimated that between 1 and 1,5 million Armenians were killed. In
1943 the Armenian holocaust inspired the Polish-American lawyer
Raphael Lemkin to coin the term "genocide" to define the planned and
systematic extermination of entire nations or ethnic groups.
The genocides ordered by the Turkish government and perpetrated by
Turkish and Kurdish Muslims are accepted as fact by serious Western
historians but are till this day strenuously denied by the Turkish
Sept 3 2014
Genocide of Assyrians, Armenians and Greeks By Turks and Kurds Was Islamic
Posted 2014-09-03 06:44 GMT
The perpetrators of the Turkish genocide of Armenians and other
Christians at the beginning of the 20th century did not act out of
concern for some nation state but simply behaved as mandated by their
bloodthirsty god. Armenpress reports that this was published by the
Turkish poet Serkan Engin in the article titled "Genocide in the name
of Allah". The article with Genocide-describing photos was published
in the Dispatch International website.
Serkan Engin writes: "The wholesale extermination of Armenians,
Assyrians, Chaldeans, Nestorians and Pontian Greeks during World War I
has been aptly described as "Christian genocides". The perpetrators of
these massive atrocities were Muslim Turks and Kurds spurred on by the
Turkish Ottoman government.
Sometimes these genocides are explained by the nationalism of the
Ottoman government led by supposedly progressive Union and Progress
Organization. However, those who actually did the killing - the
predatory bands of the "Secret Organization" (in Turkish: Teskilati
Mahsusa) - were not motivated by national concerns but found their
justification in Islam.
Islam permits all Muslims to kill and rape every non-Muslim and to
grab all their money and property. The Turks and Kurds who killed
their own non-Muslim neighbors, forced their women and little girls to
become sex slaves and took all they owned had no awareness of the
"nationalism" propagated by their commanders, the leaders of the Union
and Progress Organization. The Turks and Kurds who took part in the
Armenian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Nestorian and Pontian Greek genocides
and massacred innocent human being with pleasure, did not do it for
the sake of "Turkish nationalism". They were simple farmers,
describing themselves as "Muslims", not as "Turks" or "Kurds".
The massacres ordered by the leaders of the Union and Progress
Organization were a gift to the Turks who had lived as predators for
two thousand years, and only turned to agriculture and the breeding of
livestock after their arrival in what is modern-day Turkey in the 11th
century CE. The Ottoman government now offered them the chance to
pillage and take revenge on their supposedly "rich" non-Muslim
The same applied to the Kurds, who like their Turkish co-religionists
lacked the ability, aptitude and historical experience to master any
job outside agriculture and livestock breeding, were only too happy to
join in slaughter and pillage of non-Muslims.
Muslim Turks and Kurds tore their non-Muslim neighbors to pieces with
the appetite and ferocity of hyenas. They showed no mercy and in fact
gloated over their misdeeds. They seized all the houses and stores of
the non-Muslims. They took non-Muslim women as sex slaves or domestic
slaves in their "harems" - in fact as their "booty" as is mandated in
the rules of Islam. And they sold some of these women and girls at the
slave bazaars for a bit of money.
The perpetrators of these terrible crimes didn't feel any
self-reproach. On the contrary, they were very happy, because their
misdeeds made them more worthy of Allah, the god of Islam. These
disgusting massacres made them better Muslims moved them closer to the
Islamic heaven with its houris [the 72 virgins in paradise promised to
obedient Muslim men, ed.] ready for group sex and its rivers of kevser
wines [i.e., non-alcoholic, halal-compliant wine, ed.].
They were at peace because they were obeying the laws of Allah and the
They raped tiny girls and women, slaughtered the innocent, burned
children alive and massacred millions of non-Muslims - all in
accordance with Islam, the religion of "peace".
Because their Allah is merciless towards the disbelievers".
In 1913, the Turkish Ottoman government of the supposedly liberal
Committee of Union and Progress initiated a program of forcible
Turkification of non-Turkish minorities. Starting in 1915 the
government turned to deliberate extermination of indigenous and
Christian ethnic groups - Assyrians, Greeks, Armenians, Chaldeans and
Nestorians. Most well known is the wholesale slaughter and destruction
of the Armenian Christians living in what is modern-day Turkey. It is
estimated that between 1 and 1,5 million Armenians were killed. In
1943 the Armenian holocaust inspired the Polish-American lawyer
Raphael Lemkin to coin the term "genocide" to define the planned and
systematic extermination of entire nations or ethnic groups.
The genocides ordered by the Turkish government and perpetrated by
Turkish and Kurdish Muslims are accepted as fact by serious Western
historians but are till this day strenuously denied by the Turkish