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Azerbaijan and Armenia: More ex-Soviet border tension

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  • Azerbaijan and Armenia: More ex-Soviet border tension

    Sept 3 2014

    Azerbaijan and Armenia: More ex-Soviet border tension

    By Bhekuzulu Khumalo,

    WASHINGTON, September 3, 2014 -- President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan
    met with residents of the Beylagan region last week and announced,
    "The Azerbaijan public is aware that at the beginning of this month
    Armenia tried to stage a provocation on the frontline. But the
    Azerbaijan army gave a fitting rebuff to the enemy."

    There have been enormous tensions on the frontline between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan, and these erupted into open conflict at the beginning of
    August; they have since died down. This led Aliyev to tweet in the
    middle of August, "the situation of neither peace nor war cannot last
    any longer." That is, the ceasefire signed between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan in 1994 must come to some conclusion.

    The two countries are contesting a significant territory known as
    Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenia has demanded the independence of this
    region, calling it the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Armenia took control
    of the territory of 146 000 people in 1994, but only after chasing
    away the resident Azeris. Azerbaijan rightly insists that there can be
    no real meaningful negotiations over the territory without the return
    of these refugees to their homes.

    The ex-Soviet states are riven by numerous territorial disputes,
    largely ignored by the media unless Russia is involved, as in Georgia
    and Ukraine. Territorial disputes are emotional because everybody
    needs a home and because they usually create refugees. The
    international community has found it difficult to solve the dispute
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Russia's President Putin managed to
    stop the recent flare up, but no real solution was at hand at the
    Sochi meeting Putin chaired between Aliyev and Armenian President
    Serzh Sargsyan.

    Armenia will not easily abandon its desire for the territory to be an
    independent state with a predominantly Armenian population. Azerbaijan
    will continue insisting that the Azeri refugees must be allowed to
    return. There is a deadlock.

    Each party should consider the other's proposals before real
    negotiations can take place for a lasting peace deal. Armenia must
    accept the return of the refugees, and Azerbaijan must allow the
    territory some independence; negotiations presuppose compromise, and
    that means accepting things each side would not normally accept. In
    this case that means that the territory will be shared by people of
    both sides.

    On that basis, real negotiations can take place to protect the
    interests of both states, and the peoples in the disputed territory.
    Rigid social structures are for societies at war; the chain of command
    and hierarchy must be clear to deal with threats from enemies. But for
    a society to be at peace, rigid social structures have to done away
    with. A negotiated peace for Nagorno-Karabakh must consider that.

    To put to rest the fears of Armenians, who believe they will be
    outnumbered by Azeris, the territory will need a government with a
    limited role. For the different peoples to get along within the
    territory, liberties must be increased, property rights strengthened,
    and government involvement in the economy limited. If a government
    gets involved, it will always favor somebody over somebody. Government
    involvement means people will rightly claim unfairness Armenians are
    favored over Azeris or the other way round.

    The alternative is to waste time and risk war. Time -- lost time that
    could have been used to build the region -- is part of the cost to
    rebuild after a war. Armenia has been threatening to target Azeri
    cities with missiles.

    The territory must have a no-visa, no-tariff arrangement with both
    Azerbaijan and Armenia. The money must be determined by the people,
    not the government. A 200 year deal on the territory will allow both
    Armenia and Azerbaijan to observe the benefits of freedom as he
    territory changes over time.

    Everybody knows the benefits of freedom; elites hate freedom because
    they want to pretend they bring benefits to mankind. Both Aliyev and
    Sargsyan understand freedom, that is why both states demanded freedom
    from the USSR. Why not attempt this peace, what is there to lose,
    otherwise the territory will remain disputed and unproductive.

    The free market will neutralize rule by oligarchs; the territory will
    prosper. Those who use governments are either greedy or envious, and
    desire the land to have a culture of greed and envy. Having access to
    government means you have money, how does a poor person influence
    government except as a rebel? Markets are a better check on would-be
    oligarchs and rebellion than war.

    But who knows what grand schemes the trio of Washington, Paris, and
    Moscow -- "the Minsk group" -- have in mind, or what they are
    negotiating. The political systems in these countries are dominated by
    the greed and cronyism, and with the crisis in Ukraine dominating
    their attention, the Minsk group representatives are unlikely to focus
    on accommodation between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

    Hopefully both Armenia and Azerbaijan desire the benefits of peace,
    liberty and freedom. All leaders want to be seen as the peace seekers.
    A tweet by Aliyev said, "today, stability in the region is provided
    only thanks to the policy of the Azerbaijani state. Azerbaijan is a
    stabilizing country." Will he pick up the phone and tell Sargsyan he
    accepts Armenia's core demand for the territory, and will Armenia
    accept return of the refugees, for the sake of peace?
