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Turkey to raise Karabakh issue at NATO summit: Erdogan

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  • Turkey to raise Karabakh issue at NATO summit: Erdogan

    Turkey to raise Karabakh issue at NATO summit: Erdogan

    September 3, 2014 - 18:39 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The issue of Nagorno Karabakh will be included in
    the agenda of the NATO summit due in Wales September 4-5, Trend quoted
    the Turkish President as saying.

    As Recep Tayyip Erdogan said after a Baku-hosted meeting with his
    Azeri counterpart Ilham Aliyev, during the upcoming NATO summit Turkey
    plans to stress the importance of fulfilling promises given to

    "Turkey is ready to show determination in the issue," he emphasized.

    President Erdogan added that the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict is a priority for Turkey which testifies to high level of
    ties with Baku.

    Earlier, Turkey's newly appointed Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu
    announced his Cabinet's program, with normalization of ties with
    Armenia among other points.

    The official characterized promotion of stability in South Caucasus
    and reduction of tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan among
    Turkey's foreign policy priorities.

    "We'll also continue efforts to improve ties with Armenia in hopes
    that Yerevan will be guided by mutual interest for cooperation and
    search for "fair memory," rather than historical hatred," the official

    According to presidential press service, Armenian leader Serzh
    Sargsyan will leave for Great Britain on the evening of September 3.
    The President will meet the leaders and cabinet heads of the ISAF
    (International Security Assistance Force) member states on the
    sidelines of the NATO summit.
