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RA can easily contradict RF in NATO issue: Anush Sedrakyan

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  • RA can easily contradict RF in NATO issue: Anush Sedrakyan

    RA can easily contradict RF in NATO issue: Anush Sedrakyan

    18:49 | September 4,2014 | Politics

    If RF relations with NATO get tense, RA, as in case of EU membership,
    as well as in case of NATO will stand in front of the "either...or"
    policy, thinks political expert Stepan Safaryan and adds, "In the same
    way as RF made RA stop its relations with the EU, it mustn't be
    excluded that the same will happen in case of NATO."

    RF acts toward Ukraine made NATO allies to review their partnership.
    As a result RF stopped all the relations with the NATO though it had
    the highest level of partnership with it. Stepan Safaryan notes that
    it is stated both in foreign political and military doctrines of RF
    that NATO is a threat for RF.

    The main issue on NATO Summit in Wales, in which Serzh Sargsyan is
    also taking part, is RF actions in Ukraine. For this purpose NATO
    wants to create rapid response groups, "If it influences RF-NATO
    relations, Armenia, having low level of independence and sovereignty,
    will also have problems.

    Free Democrats party vice President Anush Sedrakyan is not concerned
    about freezing relations between NATO and RF. She thinks that RF is
    our strategic partner, but RA can easily contradict, "Calm and
    confident, determined contradiction, and I am sure that it will be in
    such way, as RF security systems proved their low vitality and
    inability, or what's worse, the lack of desire."

    Mrs. Sedrakyan thinks that Armenia must be mostly flexible when
    cooperating with NATO. What relates to RF, it cuts its relations not
    only with NATO, but with all the institutions of civilized world, "It
    puts iron curtain between itself and civilized world, as it has failed
    as technological, democratic state and it is now implementing the
    project of being a dangerous state."

    NATO Summit Armenian delegation member, Heritage party secretary Tevan
    Poghosyan reminds that RA has its own format in the cooperation with
    NATO, "NATO can improve and worsen its relations with many states, but
    we must be only concerned of our problems and interests and continue
    our cooperation."
