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Trouble in the Neighborhood: ISIS "no threat" to Caucasus experts sa

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  • Trouble in the Neighborhood: ISIS "no threat" to Caucasus experts sa

    Trouble in the Neighborhood: ISIS "no threat" to Caucasus experts say

    SOCIETY | 04.09.14 | 15:43


    ArmeniaNow reporter

    An "Islamic State" terrorist group video on the internet where they
    threaten to 'liberate' the Caucasus and Chechnya with 'Allah's mercy',
    has triggered various interpretations, especially that the group,
    ISIS, has announced about creating an Islamic Caliphate on the
    territory of Iraq and Syria.

    Expert of Iran studies Mame Amiryan says that it is very important for
    a Muslim to convert another to his faith, but these Islamist groupings
    have modified the Jihad and turned it into Islamizing by force.

    "So, if a person does not want to convert to Islam, he is killed, thus
    he will either die or convert to Islam. Today's terrorist
    organizations are a part of Al Qaida. After the Syrian war they
    separated from Al Qaida and became a separate terrorist organization.
    When Assad's governmental forces started recording success, those
    terrorist groupings changed their directions toward Iraq, and after
    crossing the Syrian border Shangal region Yezdis received the first
    blow, where their mass slaughter started," Amiryan told ArmeniaNow.

    What is the threat of these events in the Middle East for Armenia?
    According to analysts, this cannot but have an indirect or direct
    impact on the South Caucasus, on Armenia which is about 700 kilometers
    (435 miles) from Iraq.

    "I think that we simply do not feel the danger, but it is existent.
    The danger is conditioned firstly by the fact that Armenia's neighbors
    are involved in this conflict. Specifically, it is about Turkey and
    about Iran. And if we suppose that it is constantly spoken about
    Iraq's possible fragmentation, about Iraq dividing into pieces,
    naturally if the supposed Kurdish state is created, then it will be a
    direct threat for Iran and Turkey's territorial integrity. It sounds
    impossible, but there still is the threat," expert of Eastern studies
    Vardan Voskanyan told 1st Channel.

    Amiryan is skeptical about the terrorists' announcements about
    occupying Caucasus and Chechnya saying "Russian security works very
    well, and it will not allow foreign forces' to interfere. I can say
    the same about Armenia. Armenia's national security gives us grounds
    to believe there is no threat. Being a small and a compact country we
    are protected from four sides by the Armenian and Russian Armies."

    On September 2 in the NA foreign relations committee Foreign Minister
    Edward Nalbandyan had a closed discussion with the MPs of all NA
    factions. To the question whether Armenia should expect dangerous
    foreign political developments, the foreign minister said, "There is
    nothing dangerous and if there was need to inform the media about our
    conversation it wouldn't have been closed."
