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Azerbaijani caviar occupies PACE: Assembly to draft report on Karaba

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  • Azerbaijani caviar occupies PACE: Assembly to draft report on Karaba

    16:06 04/09/2014 >> POLITICS
    Azerbaijani caviar occupies PACE: Assembly to draft report on Karabakh

    At the September 2 meeting of the Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of
    the Council of Europe (PACE) in Paris, a decision was made to file two
    Azerbaijani draft resolutions on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to the PACE
    Committee on Political Affairs that will draft a joint report. The report
    was entitled "Rise in Violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and Other Occupied
    Territories of Azerbaijan." The draft resolutions were submitted at the
    summer session of PACE.

    Azerbaijan's anti-Armenian hysteria in the PACE gathered momentum after
    Aliyev made adisgraceful speech
    in the PACE,
    "giving instructions" about the agenda the PACE should have.

    Aliyev self-confidently declared that the issue of political prisoners in
    Azerbaijan will not be debated by the PACE, instead the Nagorno-Karabakh
    issue should be included in the agenda. It is worth remembering here that
    "he who pays the piper calls the tune," in this case - the PACE agenda.

    One of the draft resolutions was presented by member of the Azerbaijani
    delegation to PACE Elhan Suleymanov.

    Second, surprisingly, the authors were not the Azerbaijanis, but Greek MP
    in PACE, former Foreign Minister of Greece Theodora Bakoyannis
    has always been known for her pro-Azerbaijani position and has close
    relations with Ilham Aliyev.

    According to media reports, during the Azerbaijani President's visit to
    Greece in the summer of 2014, Mrs Bakoyannis hosted a dinner at her home
    for Aliyev, hoping to get the Azerbaijani President's support and to take
    advantage of the fact that Azerbaijan seeks to export oil to Europe and to
    become a member of the European Commission, taking the portfolio

    Commissioner for Energy Affairs.

    The Council of Europe, which was initially created for the protection of
    human rights, democracy and rule of law, attempts to be involved in
    political issues, being unable to resolve them, ignoring its top priorities
    and turning a blind eye to the shameful situation regarding human rights,
    democracy and rule of law first of all in Azerbaijan.

    So this kind of morale emerged in the PACE where Azerbaijan definitely
    bought a group of MPs ready to carry out Azerbaijan's "instructions" in
    return for caviar and euros.

    From: Baghdasarian