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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 09/04/2014

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 09/04/2014

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Chris Zakian
    Tel: (212) 686-0710 or (973) 943-8697
    E-mail: [email protected]

    ** TOP STORY September 4, 2014
    The First Council of Nicea
    Detail of a wall painting depicting the First Council of Nicaea, found
    at the Church of Stavropoleos in Bucharest, Romania.

    ** Getting to "We Believe"
    It was the great religious `confab' of the 4th century: a gathering of
    Christian bishops from throughout the world, convened by no less an
    authority than the Roman Emperor Constantine I. In A.D. 325, a town in
    the Black-Sea province of Bithynia played host to 318 scholars of the
    church who met to deliberate on the burning theological questions of
    the day.

    We remember it today as the Council of Nicaea: the first attempt to
    forge a truly `ecumenical' Christianity-that is, a Christianity that
    encompassed all the world's human habitations=80'by coming to a
    consensus on church doctrine.

    The most significant result of the council was the Nicene Creed: the
    first uniform expression of Christian doctrine. The Creed would be
    elaborated upon in subsequent councils, but its essential form,
    conceived during that historic gathering in Nicaea, remains the
    fundamental statement of orthodox faith, embraced by churches
    throughout the world-and repeated during every Armenian badarak as the
    Havadamk (`We believe').

    The Armenian Church participated in the council, with St. Aristakes,
    the younger son of St. Gregory the Illuminator, representing his
    then-ailing father. This Saturday, our church will remember the 318
    Fathers of the Holy Council of Nicaea, and the project they began
    1,689 years ago.

    St. Mary
    Detail of an 18th-century painting of the Holy Mother-of-God by an
    unknown artist (collection of the National Gallery of Armenia).

    ** Feast of the Nativity of the Holy Mother-of-God
    On Monday, September 8, the worldwide Armenian Church will celebrate
    the Feast of the Nativity of the Holy Mother-of-God.

    St. Mary was born to Joachim and Anna, a devout couple whose earnest
    prayers for a child were answered with the birth of a daughter. Mary's
    birth is not recorded in the Gospel, but in all likelihood it occurred
    in Bethlehem or Nazareth, some 20 years before Christ's nativity.

    Her life of holiness and purity, and her graceful acceptance of the
    role to which God called her, as the mother of Jesus Christ, all make
    Mary one of the pre-eminent exemplars of the Christian faith, whose
    birth and very conception are occasions for celebration in the church.

    The Armenian Church has celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of the
    Holy Mother-of-God since the 13th century. St. Mary is known in the
    Armenian Church as Asdvadzamayr-Asdvadzadzin, the "Mother of God" and
    the "Bearer of God'-a position doctrinally established at the
    Ecumenical Council of Ephesus in the 5th century. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    to view a short video about St. Mary in the Armenian Church.

    At St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral in New York City, the Divine Liturgy
    will be celebrated at 11 a.m. on Monday, September 8.

    ** Scripture of the Week

    Is 13:1-11
    2 Cor 7:4-16
    Mk 7:31-37

    ** Prayer of the Week

    Let us hold the holy Mother-of-God and all the saints as intercessors
    with the Father in Heaven, that He may be pleased to have mercy and
    compassion on us, His creatures, and save us. Almighty Lord, our God,
    save us and have mercy on us. Amen.

    ** Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    4 September: St. John the Forerunner and Job the Righteous

    6 September: 318 Fathers of the Holy Council of Nicaea (AD 325)

    7 September: Barekendan of the Fast of Exaltation

    8 September: Feast of the Nativity of the Holy Mother-of-God

    Catholicos Vasken I
    His Holiness Vasken I.

    ** Remembering His Holiness Vasken I (1908-1994)
    His Holiness Vasken I presided over a period of historic importance in
    the Armenian Church. Indeed, he
    made history through the heroic way he faced the great challenges and
    opportunities of his time. But he was also able to make deep, personal
    connections in the individual hearts of his people. After serving 38
    years on the pontifical throne, he was regarded simply as the
    Catholicos of All Armenians: as the embodiment of the Armenian
    Church. Most people had never known another catholicos, and could
    hardly imagine anyone else as their vehapar.

    His service to those people had begun long before he took the vows of
    a clergyman. He was already a mature and highly-regarded intellectual
    in Romania when he decided to devote his life to the church. But God
    had chosen the man born Levon Baljian for a special role, and he
    embraced his destiny as Catholicos Vasken I.

    At his ascension to the Throne of St. Gregory in 1955, he assumed the
    full burden of our entire church. He went on to become the vital
    bridge between homeland and diaspora. He was a shrewd, daring force
    behind the Karabagh movement. He brought balance to our nation at a
    dark time, and his voice inspired calm in moments of crisis.

    Catholicos Vasken I passed away on August 18, 1994, at the age of
    86-20 years ago this summer. At the news of his death, the line of
    mourners flowing through the grounds of Holy Etchmiadzin did not abate
    for three whole days, and included people from around the world, and
    from all walks and stations of life.

    Inscribed upon his tombstone in the courtyard of the Holy See are the
    words Ser Voch Yerpek Angani: `Love Never Falters.' It is the epitaph
    chosen by the blessed Catholicos Vasken himself-the words he wished to
    inscribe in stone, to express the totality of his life and work. They
    are the words he wanted future generations to remember, whenever they
    thought of him.

    We invoke those words on the 20th year of his passing. In life,
    Catholicos Vasken I opened the door to many new realities for our
    people. His enduring memory should likewise inspire us to open our
    hearts, and follow in his footsteps along the path of love. For Love
    never falters.

    Holy Cross Church, Akhtamar, Van
    Holy Cross Church on the island of Aghtamar, where pilgrims will take
    part in the Divine Liturgy this week.

    ** Pilgrims Arrive in Historic Armenia
    Diocesan Primate Archbishop Khajag Barsamian is leading a group of
    some 20 people on a two-week pilgrimage to historic Armenia, from
    September 3 to 15.

    The pilgrimage begins in Van, where participants will have the
    opportunity to take part in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy at
    Holy Cross Church on the island of Aghtamar. Other highlights include
    prayer services at the recently consecrated St. Giragos Armenian
    Church of Dikranagert and the St. Gregory Church in Kayseri.

    The group also will tour other parts of historic Armenia-Arapkir,
    Mush, Antep, Sivas, Kharpert, and Malatya, among other cities and
    villages. The journey will include a stop in Istanbul, where pilgrims
    will visit the Armenian Patriarchate.

    Assisting the Primate is the Very Rev. Fr. Vazken Karayan, pastor of
    Holy Cross Church of Union City, NJ.

    Armenian Teachers Symposium

    ** Armenian Teachers' Symposium to be Held Saturday
    The Diocese's Armenian Studies program will sponsor the Armenian
    Teachers' Symposium on Saturday, September 6, at the Diocesan complex
    in New York.

    This year's program, themed `Engaging Approaches to Learning,' will
    focus on language core standards, and how to improve learning in the
    classroom. The guest speakers include writer and educator Vehanoush
    Tekian; Gilda Buchakjian Kupelian from the Diocese's Armenian Studies
    department, who will introduce resources and instructional concepts;
    and Maestro Khoren Mekanejian, the Diocese's director of Music
    Ministry, who will present a brief music instruction session.

    Teachers will have an opportunity to learn about new educational and
    cultural resources and `best practices' of other schools, and will
    also participate in a thought-provoking workshop. Educators who have
    served their local Armenian Schools for over 25 years will be honored
    during the symposium.

    For information, contact Gilda Buchakjian at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

    The Fragrance of God

    ** Join the Enlighteners Book Club
    Reading a book tends to be a solitary endeavor; but what happens when
    we read a book as a group? The Diocese's Department of Christian
    Education is excited to offer an opportunity for people to learn and
    grow together through `The Enlighteners Book Club'-an online group
    that will read a designated book together and meet online to discuss
    it through guided questions.

    The club's inaugural title is Vigen Guroian's The Fragrance of God,
    which chronicles the passage of seasons in a garden as symbolic of
    one's spiritual journey. The author's personal experience, as well as
    his theological insight, provides a deep spiritual dimension to his
    reflections as a gardener. Dr. Guroian will join one of the online
    discussions on the book.

    Eric Vozzy of the Christian Education department will facilitate the
    online group. To register, click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    to open a Goodreads account and join the `The Enlighteners Book Club.'
    Once you join the group, you will have access to a schedule of
    readings and meeting times, and a link to purchase The Fragrance of

    For more information, contact Eric Vozzy at (212) 686-0710, ext. 165,
    or via e-mail at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    Diocesan Director Search

    ** Search for Diocesan Director of Administration
    The Eastern Diocese is searching for candidates for the position of
    Director of Administration.

    Based in New York City, the Director of Administration will be
    responsible for the management and operations of the Diocesan Center;
    management of the administrative, operations, and business staff; and
    coordination of Diocesan programs, in accordance with the directives
    and policies established by the Primate and Diocesan Council.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    to view a complete job description and list of
    qualifications. Qualified applicants should send resume and cover
    letter to the Primate's office at the e-mail address
    [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]?subject=Diocesa n%20Director%20Applicant)

    Upcoming events

    ** Upcoming Parish Events

    Holy Martyrs Church | Bayside, NY
    Holy Martyrs Church of Bayside, NY, will host its annual Oceania
    Street Festival on Saturday, September 6 (from 12 to 8 p.m.), and
    Sunday, September 7 (from 12 to 6 p.m.).

    The festival features Armenian food, street vendors, dance
    performances, games for kids, a raffle, and other activities. The
    Vosbikian Band will entertain guests on Saturday, and the Onnik
    Dinkjian band will perform on Sunday. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. Mary Church | Livingston, NJ
    The Sunday and Armenian schools of St. Mary Church of Livingston, NJ,
    will begin the new academic year this month. A welcome back program is
    planned for Sunday, September 7. Parents can register new students at
    that time. Click here
    ( e=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=186788a703-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Holy Resurrection Church | New Britain, CT
    Holy Resurrection Church of New Britain, CT, will host a screening of
    the film `Orphans of the Genocide' on Thursday, September 11,
    beginning at 7 p.m. The screening will be followed by a discussion
    with filmmaker Bared Maronian. The event is co-sponsored by Holy
    Resurrection Church, St. George Church, and St. Stephen Church. Click
    ( e+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=186788a703-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church | Providence, RI
    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church of Providence, RI, will host its annual
    picnic on September 13 and 14.

    Enjoy live Armenian music and dancing under large tents on church
    grounds. Dinner on Saturday night will feature kheyma; on Sunday
    guests will be served chicken. Armenian shish and losh kebab will also
    be available.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    to view a flyer. For more information, visit,
    or call the church at (401) 272-7712.

    Holy Cross Church | New York, NY
    Holy Cross Church in New York City's Washington Heights neighborhood
    will host its name-day dinner on the Feast of the Exaltation of the
    Holy Cross, Sunday, September 14.

    Following the Divine Liturgy, a complimentary madagh dinner will be
    served. The day's program will include the awarding of the parish's
    Mabel Fenner Scholarships. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    to visit the parish website for information.

    Church of the Holy Ascension | Trumbull, CT
    The Church of the Holy Ascension of Trumbull, CT, will host its annual
    Armenian Picnic on Sunday, September 14, from 12 to 4 p.m. on church
    grounds. Enjoy Armenian music, shish and looleh kebab, baklava, and
    other Armenian favorites. Activities for kids will include a balloon
    artist and games. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Holy Trinity Church | Cambridge, MA
    Holy Trinity Church of Cambridge, MA, will host the Trinity Family
    Festival on Sunday, September 14, from 12 to 5 p.m. on church grounds.

    Join the parish for an afternoon of food and fellowship. The day will
    feature traditional Armenian food, music by the Greg Krikorian
    Ensemble, face-painting and other activities for children, and a
    `tavloo challenge.' The blessing of madagh will take place at 4 p.m.

    Click here
    ( stern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=186788a703-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information, or contact the church office at (617)
    354-0632, or via e-mail at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

    St. Vartan Cathedral | New York, NY
    Registration and the first day of St. Vartan Armenian School will take
    place Saturday, September 20, at 10 a.m. Classes are geared towards
    children ages 2 to 14, with bi-lingual sessions available. For
    information, contact the school principal Shakeh Kadehjian at (718)
    729-7265, or e-mail [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

    St. Thomas Church | Tenafly, NJ
    The Kirikian Armenian Saturday School of St. Thomas Church of Tenafly,
    NJ, will resume classes on Saturday, September 20. The school offers
    Armenian language and culture instruction. Registration for new
    students will be held on the first day of class. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Church of Our Saviour | Worcester, MA
    The Church of Our Saviour of Worcester, MA, will sponsor its 21st
    annual Charity Golf Outing on Monday September 22, at the Sterling
    Country Club in Sterling, MA. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. An
    awards banquet will follow the day's tournament. Sponsorship
    opportunities are available. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    to learn more and to download registration materials.

    ACYOA Fall Retreats

    ** ACYOA Announces Fall Programs

    The ACYOA Central Council is putting the finishing touches on its
    lineup of fall programming.

    The season will open with the ACYOA Seniors New England Retreat on
    October 25. Local chapter representatives will gather at the Holy
    Resurrection Church in New Britain, CT, for workshops and discussions
    centered on the day's theme, `God is the Greatest Architect.' Click on
    the following links to view a flyer
    ( Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=186788a703-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    and to register online
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)

    In November, the ACYOA Central Council will sponsor its annual
    Leadership Conference at the Don Bosco Retreat Center in Stony Point,
    NY. The weekend-long event, from November 14 to 16, will give young
    people the opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills while
    exploring the topic `Know Thyself: Responding to Life's Challenges.'
    Click on the following links to view a flyer
    ( rn+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=186788a703-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    and to register online
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)

    For more information, visit, or contact Jennifer Morris,
    director of Youth and Young Adults Ministries, at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) ,
    or Lorie Odabashian, the department's coordinator, at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

    ** EVENTS
    Bible Study

    ** Explore the Bible: A New Series at St. Vartan Cathedral

    Beginning this fall, St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral will host a monthly
    series of interactive discussions on the Armenian Church's approach to
    the Gospel of Matthew. Readings from Matthew will be followed by a
    dialogue about how Armenians have traditionally read and studied these
    passages. The discussion will be supplemented by images, hymns, and
    the writings of Armenian Church fathers.

    Sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings, from 7 to 8:30, on the
    following dates: September 16, October 21, November 18, and December
    16. They will be led by Eric Vozzy, who recently joined the Eastern
    Diocese's Christian Education department.

    Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=186788a703-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    to view a flyer for more information, or contact Eric Vozzy at (212)
    686-0710 ext. 165, or via e-mail at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) . Learn more by following
    #ExploreTheBible on social media.

    Bike for Independence Day

    ** Ride for Armenian Independence

    St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral and the Permanent Mission of the
    Republic of Armenia to the United Nations will host a bike ride in New
    York in observance of Armenia's Independence Day later this month.

    The event is scheduled for Saturday, September 20, beginning at 9:30
    a.m. Riders will proceed from 34th Street to West 12th Street and
    return to the cathedral for lunch.

    Vasken Melikian, Lebanon cycling champion and Guinness World Record
    holder for towing a car by bicycle the farthest distance, will be the
    day's featured participant.

    The event is free, but prospective participants are asked to RSVP by
    Wednesday, September 17, by contacting Maria Barsoumian at the
    Diocesan Center at (212) 686-0710, ext. 136, or at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

    Click here
    ( ocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=186788a703-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-186788a703-159688434)
    to view a flyer for more information.
