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Orange County ANCA Meets with Senate Candidate Solorio

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  • Orange County ANCA Meets with Senate Candidate Solorio

    Orange County ANCA Meets with Senate Candidate Solorio

    Friday, September 5th, 2014

    Chris Guldjian, Baydsar Thomassian, Jose Solorio, and Garo Madenlian

    SANTA ANA, Calif.--The Armenian National Committee of America Orange
    County Chapter members recently welcomed Jose Solorio, candidate for
    the 34th State Senate District, to the Orange County Armenian Center
    where they gave the current Community College Trustee and former State
    Assemblyman a tour of the facilities, and shared some historical
    information about all the Armenian community organizations working out
    of the Armenian Center.

    After briefly discussing the ongoing community activities sponsored by
    the various organizations, ANCA OC members and Solorio held a brief
    meeting where they were joined by Baydsar Thomassian, Deputy District
    Director for the Honorable Kevin De Leon, the recently named
    California Senate President Pro Tempore.

    During the informal meeting the parties discussed issues important to
    the Armenian American community of Orange County, as well as two
    important ANCA Western Region initiatives. AB 1915 commonly referred
    to as the Genocide Education Bill adds Armenian Genocide survivor and
    witness oral testimonies into the teachings of human rights in
    California public school and encourages professional development
    activities and resource development for educators to teach about the
    Armenian Genocide; and of course AJR 32, the resolution where
    California recognized the independence of Artsakh and called on the
    United States to do the same.

    Solorio pledged to work with the community and outlined his continued
    support for Armenian American issues, most notably his unwavering
    stance to recognize the Armenian Genocide. He then discussed his
    election campaign in the 34th district and invited the ANCA OC to his
    upcoming event.

    ANCA OC members and Solorio then walked next door to Forty Martyrs
    Armenian Church to the annual festival and blessing of the grapes
    where the Armenian American community had an opportunity to personally
    meet with the candidate. During the official program Mr. Solorio was
    also introduced to the crowd of over 500 community members and invited
    to the podium where he reiterated his support for community issues and
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide.
