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Edward Nalbandyan "Deserted"

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  • Edward Nalbandyan "Deserted"

    Edward Nalbandyan "Deserted"

    Hakob Badalyan, Political Commentator
    Comments - 08 September 2014, 20:48

    The foreign minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandyan criticized the
    Concluding Declaration of NATO Summit in Wales during the joint press
    conference with the Austrian foreign minister on September 8 in
    Yerevan. Nalbandyan criticized the declaration for the wording on the
    Caucasian conflicts.

    "Two of the Minsk Group Co-Chairs are also NATO members. Despite this,
    during the recent NATO summits, with some changes from summit to
    summit, also in the last one in Wales in the provision related to the
    conflicts resolution in Moldova and the Southern Caucasus, there are
    some expressions, which present generalized and selective approach,
    which doesn't reflect the proposals of the Co-Chairs, ideas and
    approaches voiced by the Co-Chairs, as well as the numerous statements
    and decisions adopted in the framework of the OSCE during the recent
    years. This of course harms the negotiation process as well as
    undermines regional stability and security," Minister Nalbandyan

    The situation about NATO declaration is relative. NATO traditionally
    supported territorial integrity of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. At
    the same time, it mentioned the principles and norms of international
    law, the UN charter and Helsinki Final Act, in other words, all that
    underlies what is called the Principles of Madrid.

    In this respect, NATO repeated for it declared after Chicago summit in
    2012. Official Yerevan is dissatisfied with the focus of the
    declaration being on territorial integrity. Is this the reason why the
    Armenian foreign minister is so dissatisfied with the declaration and
    tells it harmful to the negotiation process, as well as undermining of
    regional stability and security.

    Perhaps, Edward Nalbandyan considers the Russian-Turkish statements on
    "joint settlement" of the conflict or the sale of Russian weapons of
    4 billion dollars to Azerbaijan or Sergey Lavrov's reference to the
    liberated territories as "Azerbaijani territories" the return of which
    should be resolved being helpful to regional security and stability.

    In respect to these, Nalbandyan has never expressed any
    dissatisfaction or detected or expressed concerns about any danger.
    Meanwhile, he sees danger in the NATO declaration. Meanwhile,
    developments took place at the NATO Wales summit which directly stem
    from the interests of regional security and stability. In particular,
    NATO has raised the level of cooperation with Georgia to the creation
    of a joint military and training center, exchange of intelligence
    data. At the same time, the U.S.-Georgia cooperation, supply of arms
    is intensifying, which was highlighted by the visit of the U.S.
    secretary of defense Chuck Hagel to Georgia.

    All these indirectly promote security and stability in the South
    Caucasus. One of the favorable statements was U.S. Secretary Kerry's
    statement ruling out escalation in Artsakh.

    Another evidence is the consent of the religious leader of Iran to
    official contacts between Tehran and Pentagon which is Iran's direct
    reaction to the results of NATO Wales summit and it would not have
    been such if Iran did not detect significant factors that favor its
    regional stability and security.

    Armenia has not had a foreign policy for a long time, and the foreign
    ministry with its role is a branch of the Russian Ministry of Foreign
    Affairs and Armenia's foreign policy has successfully arrived at this
    under the leadership of Edward Nalbandyan. The Armenian foreign policy
    is a function the remnants of which are lying heavily on the shoulders
    of the Armenian armed forces which is already carrying a heavy load.

    Hence, it is normal that Moscow complains of the NATO summit because
    some decisions made during the summit, if implemented, will restore
    the balance of forces shattered by the September 3 statement, prevent
    the Russian-Turkish-Azerbaijani dominance and their maturing deal of
    dividing the region among themselves.

    Russia would certainly complain of such a summit.

    The least of all evils might be Armenia's attempt to flatter Russia
    with such criticism of the declaration and it is not ruled out that
    NATO will treat Nalbandyan's words in this way. Moreover, if Russia's
    demands to Armenia are met, it will be considered as a real bargain
    that Yerevan pays for sending its president to the summit in Wales.
