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Karabakh people's view should be taken into account - France senator

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  • Karabakh people's view should be taken into account - France senator

    Karabakh people's view should be taken into account - France senator

    18:05, 08.09.2014

    The principles of freedom and democracy, and the view of the people of
    Karabakh need to be considered during the settlement of the
    Karabakh-Azerbaijan conflict.

    Alain Néri, a member of the France-Karabakh Friendship Circle in the
    French Senate, stated the aforesaid during Monday's talk with Ashot
    Ghulyan, Speaker of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic--or Artsakh--National
    Assembly (NKR NA).

    In turn, Ghulyan underscored the French lawmakers' visit to NKR, and
    stressed that the achievements of the free and democratic NKR are open
    to the whole world. He also highlighted the French mediation mission,
    as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, in the talks with Azerbaijan.

    Néri, for his part, stated that they are paying a friendly visit to
    Artsakh, during which the directions for further cooperation will be

    France-Karabakh Friendship Circle member Jacques Remiller, on the
    other hand, noted that a pacific settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict and the recognition of its people's right to live free has
    great importance for him.

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