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Politicians do not pay attention to Tigranakert (video)

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  • Politicians do not pay attention to Tigranakert (video)

    Politicians do not pay attention to Tigranakert (video)

    13:30 | September 8,2014 | Politics

    Political circles in Armenia do not pay attention to Tigranakert and I
    would call their indifference in one word - apathy, Doctor of
    Historical Sciences Hamlet Petrosyan said on Monday.

    "No one in Armenia has taken any measure for Tigranakert, not a single
    party has held a protest for Tigranakert, whereas Azerbaijan is
    continually protesting and complaining and banning visitors from
    visiting Azerbaijan. They are sending letters of complaint to the
    organizations that participate in our excavations," the head of a
    group that is holding archeological excavations in Tigranakert told

    Of the 70 hectare of the land, the group has excavated 2 hectares, the
    most important parts of the area.

    Thanks to the excavations, the monument has become a spectacular sight
    that attracts more tourists. About 30000-40000 people visit
    Tigranakert annually. Most of them arrive from foreign countries.

    One of the main goals of the excavation is to make Tigranakert known
    to the world.
