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With What Borders Will Karabakh Be Recognized?

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  • With What Borders Will Karabakh Be Recognized?


    Naira Hayrumyan, Political Commentator
    Comments - 10 September 2014, 22:17

    Russian expert, member of the Russian Human Rights Council adjunct
    to the president Maxim Shevchenko has announced that the idea of
    removing Russia from the talks for the Karabakh settlement is absurd.

    The idea of removing Russia from the process of settlement of
    post-Soviet conflicts is being heard more often. A lot of experts
    claim that the presence of Russia does not allow the frozen conflicts
    to fade away. Shevchenko says Russia cannot give up on participation
    because these conflicts are increasingly affecting its "outskirts".

    The OSCE Minsk Group is the only format where Russia is with the United
    States and Europe. This format is almost ineffective. The Minsk Group
    co-chairs did not even attend the last two Sargsyan-Aliyev meetings
    in Sochi and Newport.

    The key issue now is what will be there instead of the Minsk Group.

    Whatever is there, Karabakh will return to the table of negotiations.

    The French members of parliament visiting Armenia and Karabakh said
    so. Shevchenko also says so. "I have always stated that the Armenians
    of Karabakh are a subject and side of the process of negotiations,
    and I have constantly called on Baku to negotiate with Stepanakert,
    not Yerevan," he said.

    The Armenian side has insisted on the participation of Karabakh
    in the negotiations for many years to shift the process from the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani platform to the platform of self-determination.

    This is the only argument heard from Stepanakert though nobody can
    say for sure what advantage it will bring to the Armenian sides.

    The Armenian side has been claiming the participation of Karabakh
    in the negotiations in order to shift the process from the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani platform to the platform of self-determination.

    This is the only argument heard from Stepanakert though nobody can
    tell for sure what advantage it will bring to the Armenian sides.

    What is the intention of returning Karabakh to the talks related to?

    Shevchenko, for example, thinks that Stepanakert will agree to
    the option of returning to the setting of 1988. "I think Karabakh
    must be an independent state but follow Switzerland, there must be
    a canton system, Azerbaijani, Armenian," he says. In other words,
    Stepanakert is needed to "surrender" to the Russian-Turkish plan of
    division of Karabakh.

    It is hard to tell whether this is Russia's official stance though
    the Russian foreign minister Lavrov has also spoken about the
    "inevitability of return of territories". And one can claim that this
    is Russia's offer relating to Karabakh.

    In Newport John Kerry revealed the U.S. proposals: preservation of the
    Minsk Group and status quo, as well as unacceptability of escalation.

    Besides, 5 U.S. states have recognized the NKR independence.

    And what does the other co-chair France offer aside from the
    participation of Karabakh in the negotiations? France has set up a
    friendship group with Karabakh which includes present and former MPs,
    political and public personalities.

    For his part, the EU Commissioner Stefan Fule visiting Baku has
    announced that Crimea and Karabakh are different in answer to the
    question of the Azerbaijani journalist why "annexation of Crimea"
    is condemned, whereas "occupation of Karabakh" is not. He did not
    specify but apparently the reason for the "kind" attitude to Karabakh
    is that Karabakh did not allow Russia to annex it.
