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Turkey Goes Against US In Campaign Against ISIS

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  • Turkey Goes Against US In Campaign Against ISIS


    Thursday, September 11th, 2014

    Fighter jets taxi at the Incirlik air base in Turkey

    ANKARA--Turkey will refuse to allow a US-led coalition to attack
    jihadists in neighboring Iraq and Syria from its air bases, nor will
    it take part in combat operations against militants, a government
    official told Agence France-Presse Thursday.

    "Turkey will not be involved in any armed operation but will entirely
    concentrate on humanitarian operations," the official said on condition
    of anonymity.

    The decision echoes the country's refusal to allow the US to station
    60,000 troops in Turkey in 2003 to invade Iraq from the north, which
    triggered a crisis between the two allies.

    Ankara then also refused Washington permission to use its air bases
    to attack Saddam Hussein's regime.

    Turkey has come under fire by some critics for encouraging the
    formation of ISIS because of its support of Islamist opponents of
    Syrian President Bashar Assad, and its deliberately loose control of
    its borders.

    But Ankara vehemently denies its strategy has backfired.

    US Secretary of State John Kerry was to hold talks in Saudi Arabia
    on Thursday to drum up support from 10 key Arab nations and Turkey,
    after President Barack Obama announced Washington's new strategy
    against ISIS jihadists, which will include air strikes in Syria.

    After a lightning advance, ISIS militants now control swathes of Iraq
    and much of northern Syria along the Turkish border.

    Turkey now sees itself a victim of ISIS with Islamist militants
    holding 49 Turks hostage, including diplomats and children, abducted
    from the Turkish consulate in Mosul in Iraq on June 11.

    Ankara is therefore reluctant to take a stronger role in the coalition
    against ISIS militants in apparent fear of aggravating the hostage

    "Our hands and arms are tied because of the hostages," the official
    told AFP.

    Turkey can open Incirlik Air Base in the south for logistical and
    humanitarian operations in any US-led operation, according to the
    official who stressed that the base would not be used for lethal
    air strikes.

    "Turkey will not take part in any combat mission, nor supply weapons,"
    he said.

    Turkey is the only Muslim country in a coalition of 10 countries who
    agreed to fight ISIS at the NATO summit in Newport.

    Kerry is due to stop over in Turkey on Friday according to the
    official, although the US embassy in Ankara declined to confirm the
    visit that comes as part of a regional tour.
