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New York Times Betrays Its Own Investigation And Gets It Wrong On Ka

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  • New York Times Betrays Its Own Investigation And Gets It Wrong On Ka


    Thursday, September 11th, 2014

    Screengrab from the New York Times


    A mere two days after publishing an expansive and informative expose
    about foreign powers buying influence with US-based think tanks to
    affect US policy, The New York Times published a sloppy article by
    long-time Azerbaijani collaborator, Brenda Shaffer, who by using
    official Baku's vernacular sounds the alarm for supposed plans by
    Russia to engineer another "land grab" in the region--this time in

    In The New York Times article, "Foreign Powers Buy Influence at Think
    Tanks," correspondents Eric Lipton, Brooke Williams and Nicholas
    Confessore diligently combed over hundreds of pages of documents to
    detail how foreign--among them Azerbaijani-monies to think thanks
    are adversely impacting academic research and are influencing US
    foreign policy.

    It seems the Times frowns upon foreign powers influencing US policy,
    but its editorial board does not mind publishing pieces by known
    lobbyists who use their years of entrenched advocacy for foreign
    governments to advocate issues that official governments cannot and
    influence public opinion.

    That's exactly what Shaffer does in her piece, "Russia's Next Land
    Grab" to convince the Russia-weary readers of the Times to beware of
    a supposed land grab that will adversely impact Baku's interests.

    Prof. Brenda Shaffer

    Shaffer, who has been described by the Azerbaijani press as a
    "well-known Azeri government lobbyist," last year vocally defended
    Aliyev's re-election, which was panned by most observers including
    the State Department. Throughout her career as an "academic," Shaffer
    has been a fixture at Azerbaijan-centric conferences and symposiums,
    always advocating on behalf of the Baku government and its oil riches.

    The New York Times described Brenda Shaffer as "a professor of
    political science at the University of Haifa and a visiting researcher
    at Georgetown." What the paper neglects to say is that Shaffer is also
    a visiting professor at the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy and has
    spent almost two decades lobbying for Baku by presenting testimony
    to Congress and speaking and international conference organized by
    some of the think thanks that were at the center of the New York
    Times investigation.

    The premises she presents to convince readers that Russia's "land grab"
    of Karabakh is imminent, are assertions that Russia's interests in
    Armenia make Karabakh the natural choice for such a move, claiming,
    with substantial evidence, that Russia masterminded the Oct. 27,
    1999 attack on the Armenian Parliament.

    She also claims that the meeting between Armenian and Azerbaijani
    presidents in Sochi was a plan devised to move a military mission
    to Nagorno-Karabakh, a fact that was not reported by either party to
    the meeting. In fact, if such was the case, the US and France would
    not have welcomed Putin's efforts to broker peace. It turned out that
    Putin's meeting with Armenia's Serzh Sarkisian and Azerbaijan's Ilham
    Aliyev did not differ much from a meeting held last week between the
    presidents and Secretary of State John Kerry in Newport, Wales on
    the sidelines of the NATO summit.

    By publishing the Shaffer piece The New York Times deflects the
    real reasons hampering a peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict--Azerbaijan's continued threats of war, violation of the cease
    fire and inciting anti-Armenian hatred--and blames the villain du jour,
    Russian President Vladimir Putin for the unrest in the Caucasus.
