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Kenya: Sadly, Who Today Will Speak Of The Kenyans?

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  • Kenya: Sadly, Who Today Will Speak Of The Kenyans?


    The Star - All Africa
    Sept 11 2014

    column By Patrick Gathara

    When, following the Second World War, the surviving Nazi and Japanese
    leaders, were arraigned in military courts to face charges of, amongst
    others, crimes against humanity, Chief Prosecutor Robert Jackson
    described the trials as "one of the most important tributes that Power
    has ever paid to Reason". However, given that only crimes of the Axis
    Powers could be tried and that it was not a defence to argue that the
    Allies had done many of the same things the Axis Powers were being
    accused of, "one of the most important tributes that Power has ever
    paid to Reason" turned out to be little more than victors' justice.

    Last week, we witnessed another example of victors' justice in a crimes
    against humanity trial. International Criminal Court prosecutor, Fatou
    Bensouda, surprised no one with the admission that the case against
    President Uhuru Kenyatta with regard to the 2007-08 post-election
    violence had practically collapsed. It perhaps was never a strong
    case to begin with and the ICC's dismal track record in securing
    convictions does not inspire much confidence. However, it would be
    hard to deny that the death knell for the case was rung on the day
    Uhuru and his fellow indictee, William Ruto, won the elections and
    ascended to the highest office in the land.

    The campaign that followed, which sought to intimidate both the
    court and its witnesses, was unprecedented in its ferocity. And
    it succeeded. Many of the witnesses had sudden changes of heart or
    experienced what can only be described as an attack of conscience -
    previously suppressed memories of being bribed and coached abruptly
    surfaced. At the same time cartels were said to be hunting witnesses
    down, the government was expending huge amounts of time as well as
    diplomatic and fiscal resources trying to stop the trial and ignoring
    the constitution. Specifically Article 143(4), which expressly allowed
    for the prosecution of a sitting president.

    As the President looks set to cast aside the "personal challenge"
    he has succeeded in masquerading as a national problem, similar
    things are happening in his deputy's case. Meanwhile, we long ago
    learnt that the other 4,500 pending PEV cases meant to be prosecuted
    locally had similarly collapsed. The rub of it is that no one will now
    be held responsible for the deaths of 1,200 Kenyans and the maiming
    and displacement of hundreds of thousands of others.

    Such impunity is, of course, nothing new in Kenya. In fact, it was
    because of our scepticism over the ability of the local justice
    system to deal with our high and mighty that many were ready to say:
    "Let's not be vague: It's the Hague." However, when it came down to it,
    our incestuous elite closed ranks to protect one of their own. Nary
    a voice was raised, even in the opposition, when the state subverted
    the constitution, refused to cooperate with the ICC and failed in
    its duty to protect witnesses. In fact, even before the election,
    Uhuru's bitter rival, Raila Odinga, had promised to scuttle the ICC
    trials if he won. Few politicians on either side are perturbed by
    the failure to prosecute more than a handful of PEV-related cases.

    The collapse of these PEV cases, both locally and at the ICC,
    is profoundly depressing because it reinforces the disposability of
    Kenyan lives. The fact is, from the dawn of our history, Kenyans have
    been regularly slaughtered in large numbers, mostly at the behest of
    our ruling elites who picked up their bad habits from the colonials.

    And throughout, impunity has been the order of the day. The Indemnity
    Act, for example, gives blanket immunity to all government personnel
    for crimes committed against the population of North Eastern during
    the Shifta War in which up to 7,000 people died. No one has been held
    responsible for the many subsequent massacres in the same region
    nor for the government-instigated mass killings and displacements
    in the 1990s. According to the Kenya Human Rights Commission, "from
    1991 to 1996, more than 15,000 people died and almost 300,000 were
    displaced in Rift Valley, Nyanza and Western. In the run-up to the
    1997 elections, fresh violence erupted on the Coast, killing more
    than 100 people and displacing over 100,000."

    Rather, the men on whose watch many of these murders and displacements
    occurred are today feted, both in death and in life. Within the
    last month we have solemnly marked 36 years after the death of
    President Kenyatta and celebrated President Moi's 90th birthday. At
    these anniversaries, the many victims of their brutal rule remained
    conveniently hidden and forgotten, their lives and suffering as cheap
    today as it was when it was inflicted.

    The fact that Kenya refuses to demand justice for its people is the
    most telling sign of how low our lives are esteemed. The fact that
    our people die nameless and are displaced in nice round numbers is
    a reminder of our individual insignificance. There are no monuments
    to remind us of those we have sacrificed for our elites, save for
    the hidden camps for the displaced whose existence the government is
    quite happy to deny. For most of the time they are invisible, their
    unending suffering rendered meaningless. Even during the ICC trials,
    they have mostly remained unseen.

    The ease with which we have forsaken our brothers and sisters does
    not bode well for the future. The charge of "crimes against humanity"
    was first articulated in reference to the Armenian Genocide of 1915-18.

    However, the Turks were never formerly prosecuted under international
    law. This failure to hold them to account paved the way for the
    Nazi Holocaust. As Adolf Hitler rhetorically asked his generals:
    "Who today still speaks of the Armenians?"

    Who today will speak of the Kenyans?
