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Partners In Crime...

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  • Partners In Crime...


    J-Wire Jewish Australian News Service
    Sept 12 2014

    writes Michael Kuttner

    John Kerry's frenzied efforts to put together a coalition of terror
    busting countries and his boss's equally futile attempts to contain
    rather than defeat one particular terror group while ignoring many
    others highlight the Mickey Mouse situation currently prevailing.

    Michael Kuttner

    Israelis can only look on in bemused horror as the leading democracies
    of the international community continue to agonize and procrastinate
    in the face of unambiguous plans to spread Islamic terror throughout
    the world.

    The absurdity of the situation was forcefully reinforced the other day
    when Joe Biden, the American Vice President, in an effort to prove
    that the Administration had a strategy and was in full control of
    the situation, proclaimed: "we will chase ISIS to the gates of hell."

    Little did he realize that this sort of bluster is the same sort of
    rubbish stated by terror groups confronting Israel who promise at
    regular intervals to do this to us. Moreover his overinflated rhetoric
    was immediately blown out of the water by reports that GI's stationed
    in Iraq tweeted: "how will he do this when we cannot even leave the
    front gate of our own base?"

    The sad fact of the matter is that resounding resolutions which are
    not backed up by realistic, resolute and robust action have no show of
    doing anything other than garner headlines and satisfy those who prefer
    verbal pyrotechnics, acquiescing appeasement and political doublespeak.

    In this regard I want to focus on two supposed allies being coddled
    and serenaded at present and show how the alleged fight against terror
    is being conducted in a manner which one can only politely describe
    as hypocritical.

    First of all take Turkey which as a member of the NATO alliance one
    would imagine it to be a shining example of liberal democracy and
    upholder of human rights. Anyone with even a smattering of history
    and current events will know that this country which aspires to join
    the European Union at some stage has not only a sordid past but a
    very spotty current track record. This erstwhile ally has until today
    refused to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide in which up to one and
    a half million Armenians were murdered. Granted this was carried out
    by the Ottomans but the fact that Turkey still cannot bring itself to
    accept historical responsibility speaks volumes. After all Germany
    today has not only confessed the crimes carried out in its name
    during the Nazi period but has also made restitution to its victims,
    something the Turks have not contemplated. In fact any attempt to
    get Turkey to own up to its sordid behavior has resulted in violent
    reactions and threats of intimidation.

    Anybody heard of North Cyprus? This is the illegally occupied territory
    of the sovereign State of Cyprus invaded and occupied by Turkey. For
    some mysterious reason neither the USA nor any other member of the
    United Nations has lost any sleep over this continuing and flagrant
    violation of international law. I wonder why?

    Human rights abuses and intimidation of political opponents do
    not seem to be a barrier to becoming an ally in Obama's intended
    coalition. However a far more worrying aspect of Turkey's current
    situation is deliberately ignored. That is its full hearted and
    enthusiastic support for Hamas which has been designated as a
    terrorist organization. Not only does Ankara provide safe havens for
    Hamas leaders but it actively promotes the financial and political
    advancement of that terror group. Thus, we witness virulent anti
    Israel statements and policies which condemn our war on terror and
    encourage those carrying out these acts. Is this the sort of ally
    who can be relied on and indeed should be even considered?

    The second country with a decidedly spotty record which Kerry is eager
    to recruit is Qatar. This feudal bastion of democracy with its immense
    wealth is the prime funder and supporter of Hamas which without its
    help would be unable to fire rockets at Israel's civilian population.

    It also hosts Hamas leaders and helps promote anti Israel activities
    In other words this Gulf State is hardly a suitable candidate to be
    part of any coalition against terror.

    These two partners in crime should be held to account and not embraced
    for their support of terror. However, international double standards
    being the order of the day, these considerations play no part in
    formulating strategy to eliminate terror groups. It is notable that
    Israel was not mentioned in Obama's speech. Despite it being on the
    front line and suffering more than any other country it is obvious that
    in order to build a coalition, no matter how shaky that will prove to
    be, the USA needs to freeze out the only country which is a constant
    victim and moreover takes concrete steps to combat this scourge.

    Assurances notwithstanding by American officials, the plain truth is
    that Israel is not wanted. Those Arab regimes which give lip service
    to the campaign will at the end of the day do very little. Turkey
    has already bowed out of anything meaningful.

    With friends and allies like Turkey and Qatar, who needs terrorists?

    One can judge the sincerity of one's friends by the company they keep.

    The lesson for Israel is that once again we are on our own.

    Some have yet to learn that lesson.

    Michael Kuttner is a Jewish New Zealander who for many years was
    actively involved with various communal organisations connected
    to Judaism and Israel. He now lives in Israel where he is J-Wire's
