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More From IDC On Ted Cruz' Despicable Behavior

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  • More From IDC On Ted Cruz' Despicable Behavior


    Sept 12 2014

    September 12, 2014 by Mark Shea 0 Comments

    Washington, D.C. - "In 1915, a German army officer named Armin

    began to document a genocide that was taking place against Armenians.

    Over one million people, eradicated, marched into the desert, and
    murdered. Armen Wegner smuggled photos out at great risk to himself,
    to show the documented genocide that was taking place. In 1933 in
    Germany, Wegner became the only German author to publicly write an open
    letter in condemnation of what he saw coming down the road. For this,
    he was imprisoned in a concentration camp. The title of the letter was,
    In Defense of the Jews."

    "This was the story IDC's Executive Director, Andrew Doran, told in
    tears about the inspiration for the name 'In Defense of Christians.'
    The organization was founded to stand in solidarity with the Christian
    communities of the Middle East who are even now facing systematic
    genocide. Doran made these remarks after Senator Cruz abruptly left
    the stage during his keynote address.

    "Last night, over 1,000 people gathered from over 24 states and a
    dozen countries to stand in solidarity with the persecuted Christians
    of the Middle East. On Tuesday night, an ecumenical gathering of
    Christian leaders opened IDC's three-day Inaugural Summit with a
    call for unity with all minorities of the Middle East. The heads of
    the major Churches of the Middle East--the Maronite Patriarch, the
    Armenian Orthodox Catholicos, the Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch,
    the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch, the Syriac Catholic Patriarch, the
    Representative of the Antiochian Orthodox Patriarch, the Representative
    of the Chaldean Catholic Patriarch, the Representative of the Coptic
    Orthodox Patriarch, the Representatives of the Assyrian Church of the
    East, and the representatives of the Protestant Churches--all came
    together to support Christians suffering across the region. It is the
    first gathering ever of the Eastern Patriarchs in the United States.

    "In last night's Solidarity Gala Dinner, Senator Cruz chose to stand
    against the small and vocal minority of attendees who disagree with
    his views on Israel rather than standing with the vast majority of
    those who attended the gala and support both Israel and the Middle
    East's Christians.

    "Cruz said in his remarks: 'Today we are gathered at a time of
    extraordinary challenge. Tonight we are all united In Defense of
    Christians. Tonight we are all united In Defense of Jews." His
    statement was immediately met with a full round of applause.

    "Yesterday, 17 Republican and Democratic Senators and Representatives
    addressed this same audience, referring to peace and unity with
    Muslims and Jews--themes expressed throughout the conference with
    the resounding support of those present.

    "Senator Cruz was not 'booed off stage' last night," Baaklini said.

    "He was asked to focus on the persecution of Christians in the Middle
    East under the theme of Religious Freedom and Human Dignity. Some
    participants inappropriately shouted, 'Talk about the Christians!'
    when Cruz refused to do so. Sadly, there was a small but vocal
    anti-Israel element in the room. Those individuals do not represent
    the views of IDC. In fact, there were many more people shouting down
    the hecklers than there were hecklers. The hecklers who did not remove
    themselves were removed by security.

    "Senator Cruz abruptly ended his remarks accusing some participants
    of being 'consumed with hate.' That was as unfortunate as the
    inappropriate reaction by a small number of attendees.

    "IDC regrets that last night's event, the only deviation from unity
    of the entire Summit, was briefly politicized and that some were
    discourteous. The work of this summit, however, remains vital. All the
    leaders present resumed the call to unity undeterred on Thursday. The
    work to protect and preserve Christianity in the Middle East will
    continue, despite efforts to derail this work.

    As Nina Shea, who introduced Cruz later said, "We will not agree on
    territorial disputes, but we stand united against religious persecution
    regardless of the religion.
