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EEU: Excessive Optimism Is Inappropriate

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  • EEU: Excessive Optimism Is Inappropriate


    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Sept 12 2014

    12 September 2014 - 2:22pm

    By Vestnik Kavkaza

    In 3.5 months the citizens of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan (and probably
    Armenia) will live in the Eurasian Economic Union. Over the years of
    preparation for establishment of the union a lot has been said about
    the effect on the populations of the member countries.

    Today experts warned about excessive optimism, but insist that there
    is no alternative to the EaEU.

    Yuri Krupnov, the chairman of the Supervisory Council of the Institute
    of Demography, Migration and Regional Development, thinks that people
    should treat the issue of the EaEU more constructively: "In Russia
    economic growth is almost zero, while in neighboring countries serious
    intended devaluation of national currencies is going on. There is a
    complicated economic situation in Belarus."

    "We should create new economies of our common civilization space,
    restore the technological university. Of course it is great that
    Daewoo, Volkswagen, Nissan, Renault build automobile plants in our
    country. I remember in 1997 I was told in Malaysia that they got
    the first car based on Mitsubishi and the Malaysians were very happy
    that they have their domestic cars. Of course we can be proud that
    Volkswagen and Daewoo come to us, but sanctions and the situation
    on banning technological transfer to our Russian civilization show
    that the Eurasian Economic Union is unworkable without technological
    independence," Krupnov thinks.

    At the same time, the expert says that we should understand that "the
    decision of May 29th on signing the basic agreements of the Eurasian
    Economic Union is a matter of life and death. We are establishing a
    pre-economic union to build a new economy in post-Soviet space. It
    will be a long and difficult process. But the events in Georgia in
    2008 and the Ukrainian tragedy show that the alternative to it is
    the collapse of the independence of our states."

    According to Krupnov, "Presidents Putin, Nazarbayev and Lukashenko say
    that this is a concentration of forces before serious constructive work
    in the next decade. The EaEU should be built. We need intermediate
    technological industrial projects. In Kazakhstan the term "boosted
    industrialization" is banal, while in Russia we have been discussing
    industrialization for three years, the word "boosted" is perceived
    as horrible, as we have a very liberalized mentality. Since the
    collapse of the USSR we have a big achievement this year - the law
    on industrial policies is being legally discussed, and "industrial
    policies" is not an obscene phrase anymore."

    "We have great prospects. We should understand that without joint
    construction, all our states and sovereignties will die. We need to
    survive in this security framework," Krupnov is sure.

    Vladimir Lepekhin, the head of the EurAsEC Institute, agrees with
    him: "Due to the political scientific center "North-South" in July
    a conference was held in Kazakhstan, where a model of economic
    development was presented. It gives us a picture of development of
    the Eurasian Economic Union. In Kazakhstan they do their best within
    the industrial plan which was adopted in 2010, but Russia has no
    such plan, unfortunately. The conference discussed the topic: "Raw
    material industry orientation of the country - bad or good?" There is
    a view that it is bad to depend on resources. But it is bad when all
    resources are exported instead of being processed in the country. Raw
    materials turn into goods when it is connected with an industrial
    plan of development. That's what happens in Kazakhstan. And we can
    see these advantages, if we look carefully."

    According to Lepekhin, "on the one hand, we reduce trade turnover due
    to problems in Ukraine; on the other hand, there are the first steps
    which confirm that in the long prospect integration will bring greater
    economic effect. If we look attentively at the economic structure,
    we will see that there is a turn to intensification of the industrial
    development of Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia. Kazakhstan is the
    leader among the three countries in the sphere of development of an
    optimal model."
