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"I Will Answer Arthur Hakobyan's Questions Looking Into His Eyes"

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  • "I Will Answer Arthur Hakobyan's Questions Looking Into His Eyes"


    Pastinfo, News Agency
    Law - 12 September 2014, 21:38

    Unlike the several previous hearings, the successors of the victims,
    the parents of one of the kids who died from the car accident showed
    up in court.

    The representative of the French embassy to Armenia who is following
    the trial of Vardan Petrosyan, as well as some public and political
    personalities were attending the hearing.

    The hearing began with the statement of Vardan Petrosyan's defender
    Nikolay Baghdasaryan regarding the insulting expression by the
    representative of the aggrieved party Arthur Hakobyan addressed to him.

    The defender of the victim's successor Ruben Baloyan filed a motion for
    another examination of Vardan Petrosyan because he did not attend the
    previous hearing and did not have an opportunity to ask him questions.

    Vardan Petrosyan's advocate objected, announcing that his client does
    not want to make a testimony.

    Vardan Petrosyan himself announced: "I have nothing to say in the
    court room, I will answer Arthur Hakobyan's questions looking into
    his eyes, sooner or later I will be set free and I will go to them."

    "How should we understand this, he killed two kids, I was not here, he
    came and told lies and now he does not want to answer our questions,"
    Arthur Hakobyan said.

    Listening to the opinions of the sides, the court granted the motion
    of the aggrieved party and allowed them to ask questions to Vardan

    However, the latter refused to answer Arthur Hakobyan's questions,
    promising to answer all the questions outside the court.

    "Arthur, I will answer your questions but outside here. Your questions
    asked in court will be different from the ones you will ask be asking
    outside," Vardan Petrosyan said.

    Afterwards the forensic expert who carried out the forensic study
    of the crashed cars spoke. The expert said the Niva car was fully
    examined on the police penalty ground.

    Answering the questions of Vardan Petrosyan's advocate Nikolay
    Baghdasaryan, he said according to the findings of the forensic study,
    the reverse lights of Niva car were on during the accident. He also
    confirmed that the Niva car did not have side mirrors. In this respect,
    the expert said the investigative body did not ask a question to
    the expert on mirrors. Vardan Petrosyan's defender said, however,
    the expert had to find out whether the mirrors had been in place
    irrespective of all because it could have caused an accident.

    "And they did not find it out, and later I will say why," the defender

    It became known from the expert's examination that the forensic study
    did not cover the technical safety of the autogas container installed
    in the trunk of the Niva car. And since the gas container had not been
    covered by the forensic study, the court dismissed all the questions
    of the defender.

    Ruben Baloyan suggested that the court ban questions regarding the
    gas container.

    "We all understand very well that the gas container had nothing to do
    with the death of the kids, this issue is brought up for reporters,"
    the advocate of the aggrieved party announced.

    Nikolay Baghdasaryan smiled in answer to his colleague's observation,
    which angered the father of one of the kids, Arthur Hakobyan. He asked
    the court to forbid Nikolay Baghdasaryan to smile during the trial,
    reminding that the case of death of two children is being heard. And
    the behavior of the accused intends to drive him mad.

    "I will not swear, Nikolay, Vardan, I will not swear. I lost two
    16-year-old kids," said the aggrieved party, adding that he can hardly
    keep myself from bursting.

    From: A. Papazian