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Opposition MP promises 'hot' autumn

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  • Opposition MP promises 'hot' autumn

    Opposition MP promises 'hot' autumn

    15:12 * 14.09.14

    In an interview with, Armenian National Congress (ANC)
    parliamentary group member Lyudmila Sargsyan said that the activity
    expected in autumn will depend on public response and wishes.

    Ms Sargsyan does not rule out a series of rallies.

    "We have no alternative to active autumn. And I think the people are
    expecting this active autumn. Of course, we cannot organize it by
    ourselves, and the people must be ready. I think they are
    psychologically preparing, and we, for our part, as political forces -
    the four cooperating forces - will certainly organize a rally and sum
    up all the issues, including the 12 demands to the government. And
    everything depends on the popular response to the opinions to be
    voiced at our rallies. That is, activity depends on popular reaction
    and wishes. We are aware that this situation cannot continue because
    the country is being destroyed.

    "There is a limit beyond which we are facing a national security
    problem, and the migration and disappointment is a national security
    problem. We are going to face problems in manning our army, and the
    borderline villages will remain undefended. We seem to be on the brink
    of war, and we, the entire people, must be ready to meet the
    challenges. The only way is democratically elected authorities
    enjoying popular confidence."

    As to why the four non-coalition forces have not so far reached a
    consensus on a radical change of power, Ms Sargsyan said that "massive
    rallies and numerous problems are leading us to this decision."

    "I think we are all moving toward this because I do not see any other
    ways of saving our country."

    Armenian News -
