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I Am Armenian

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  • I Am Armenian

    OpEd News
    Sept 13 2014

    I Am Armenian
    By Declan Hayes

    I am not Armenian. I am Irish, as it happens. However, in the Armenian
    language, my family name means I am Armenian.

    If I were Armenian, I would be very angry with my fellow-Armenians,
    those in the USA in particular. They are, we hear, the second richest
    minority group in the USA and they are, we hear, making big
    preparations to commemorate the 24 April 2015 genocide when 1.5
    million Armenians were butchered in Syria for the simple crime of
    being born Armenian.

    The American Armenians, we hear, remember those far-gone atrocities
    and are determined the world will know about it. In France, we hear,
    it is a crime to deny that genocide was perpetrated by Turkey on the
    Armenians, along with the Greeks, the Assyrians and a number of other
    minorities in April 1915. France, Syria, Chile, Uruguay and numerous
    other countries have, from time to time, commemorated that genocide
    with postage stamps, a nice initiative, instigated no doubt by
    concerned Armenians who remember those far-off atrocities and are
    determined the world will smugly and silently remember them.

    So, why the anger, you ask. Today, 7th September, the Armenian
    civilians of Jaramana in Damascus are still under constant bombardment
    by the moderate rebels America's President Peace prize winner Barack
    Obama has just promised another $4 bn to, the Armenians of Aleppo have
    had their homes and factories looted and their contents sold off as
    booty in Turkey, they have buried their friends and relatives by the
    score, and the Armenians of Kasab have likewise had their relatives
    slaughtered, their community destroyed and their elderly folk taken as
    hostages to Turkey where they were paraded in front of the American
    ambassador and his beautiful wife for their entertainment.

    Whatever about the fat cats of the Armenian Diaspora, the Armenians of
    Syria are by and large simple people who got their kicks by singing
    hymns in church and their living by picking apples. Those simple
    pleasures and livelihoods are now denied them and the American
    Armenians, no doubt too busy following Kim Kardashian on twitter or
    listening to Cher's ditties on their expensive sound systems, do
    absolutely nothing to help their fellow-Armenians who remain at the
    business end of the Turkish cosh.

    Even though American Armenian lawyers, we hear, are great advocates,
    we see none of them getting off their well-waxed posteriors to take
    class actions on behalf of the elderly Kasab Armenians taken as
    hostages to Turkey for the entertainment of their ambassador and his
    beautiful wife. Even though American Armenian churches, we hear, are
    very generous donors to all types of charities and they have the
    welfare of the larger and less fortunate Armenian community very much
    at heart, their fellow Armenians in Syria have yet to see one single,
    solitary dime from these generous flag-bearers of atrocities committed
    long ago, atrocities those in Kasab who suffered similar atrocities
    this year, heard first-hand accounts about when, as little children,
    they sat on their mothers' knees almost a century ago. Not for them
    the narcissistic keening by the rivers of Gotham. Their mess of
    pottage has a sharper edge, the unforgiving sword of the Saudi funded
    jihadists who are well on the way to exterminating them and their way
    of life.

    Syria's Armenian community have been stripped of their livelihoods by
    foreign gunmen who enjoy the largesse of the American government which
    depends, in part, on the tax dollars of America's Armenian community.
    Syria's Armenian community, like all the people of Syria they have
    lived peaceably with for untold centuries, need the help of the
    outside world, members of the Armenian Diaspora in particular.

    Although simple people, Syria's Armenians are not stupid. They know
    there is a plan afoot to denude the traditional bible lands of Syria,
    Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine of their Christians and other minorities.
    They know they are in the line of American fire through no fault of
    their own, save that of being born Armenian Christians. What they do
    not know or cannot understand is why the well-heeled members of the
    Armenian Diaspora in the United States and France care so little for
    their fate that they will not even do the most simple, elementary and
    rudimentary things in solidarity with their Syrian confreres.

    Why no Armenian or Christian aid? Why no political pressure on
    Washington's warlords? Why no legal challenges against Turkey's
    Erdogan regime and why is America's ambassador to Turkey and his
    beautiful wife not behind bars? These are simple questions I would put
    to America's Armenian leaders if our paths crossed -- in America or
    they will hardly cross here in Syria as America's Armenian community
    are either too busy or too scared here to "come and visit" as St Paul,
    himself no stranger to Damascus, put it.

    I am not Armenian but, if I were, I would be angry. I would try not to
    sink into the type of despair that is the ghost at the bedside of
    Syria's Armenian community. If America's Armenian community refuse to
    help, perhaps salvation for the Armenians and Syria's other Christian
    remaining communities lies where with it has traditionally lay, with
    the Syrian Arab Army and its ultimate protector, Mother Russia.

    I will put these issues to the nuns of Saidnaya when I meet them later
    today for their great festival. In the meantime, as we say in Russian,

    Dr Declan Hayes is currently on his third trip to Syria this year. He
    is helping organize a conference in Damascus for April 24th 2015,
    tentatively called: Syria: Between Destruction and Reconstruction to
    mark the murder of all Syria's innocents and to help plot a way
    forward out of the morass.

    From: A. Papazian