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Righteous Turks: Who Are They And Why Are They So Important?

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  • Righteous Turks: Who Are They And Why Are They So Important?


    13:38 17.09.2014

    Within the last five years numerous talks could be heard about the
    Turks who rescued the Armenians during the years of genocide. The
    expression "the Turks who rescued the Armenians" sounds a bit
    strange, if not wrathful to an Armenian hearing. But is it true? An
    affirmative answer is recorded - yes, it is true. There are myriad
    examples and stories from handwritten and published memoires of the
    genocide survivors, as well as from oral stories stating about the
    mercifulness of ordinary Muslims - Turks, Kurds, Arabs and others,
    who helped Armenian individuals and whole families to survive, even
    if temporarily.

    Yet, at least two challenges should be considered, referring to this
    topic. The first one is the classification of such cases. In general,
    human behavior reacts differently to wars, mass atrocities and natural
    disasters. Speaking about the Armenian genocide, the first and the most
    important statement is that the crime constituted a state organized
    and orchestrated genocide. Moreover, in case of the genocide against
    the Armenians there was an overwhelming consensus among the majority
    of the Turkish population of the Ottoman Empire. The latter regarded
    the state-initiated crime as beneficial for the state and for the
    security of the Ottoman Empire. It was also regarded as a great chance
    from the Heaven to make a profit while looting and expropriating
    Armenian property, as well as the chance for the most fanatical part
    of the Ottoman Muslims to kill the "infidels" and get permission for
    entering Paradise. Mass participation in the crimes against the Ottoman
    Christians, including also Turkish and Kurdish women and children,
    was also associated with the war time propaganda activities of the
    'Committee of Union and Progress' government, especially with regard
    to the announcement of Jihad by late November 1914 shortly after
    the empire went into the war. This became a fatal point for the
    mobilization of the Ottoman Muslims to back the state planned crime
    of the genocide against the Armenians and other Christians.

    In this regard the question of the mass participation of Turkish
    population in the crimes against the Armenians is vividly presented
    in a telegram sent to Paris Peace conference by Admiral Richard Webb,
    High Commissionaire in Istanbul:

    "To punish all persons guilty of Armenian atrocities would necessitate
    wholesale execution of the Turks, and I therefore suggest retribution
    both on a national scale by dismembering the late Turkish empire, as
    well as individually by the trial of high officials, such as those
    on my list, whose fate will serve as an example."(A telegram sent
    to Paris Peace conference by High Commissionaire in Istanbul Admiral
    Richard Webb at April 13, 1919.)

    This means that at the end of the war Allies had already realized
    the impossibility of full punishment of the Ottoman Turks who were
    involved in the crimes en mass.

    The second challenge is the growing interest towards the topic of
    Righteous Turks and the need of the classification of rescue cases.

    Today we observe two hot topics being widely circulated in Turkey
    and beyond its borders at the threshold of the Armenian genocide
    centennial. One is about the "Turks who saved Armenians" and the
    second is about so called "hidden Armenians" still living in Turkey.

    Plenty of findings are available for research and data collection, as
    well as several international conferences also dedicated to this topic.

    My sincere apologies if I destroy someone's rosy and well calculated
    plans and prospects, but I have to state that in overstressing on
    the rescuing stories the existence of which I admit, it is easy to
    understand, that we deal with a clear-cut strategy of shifting the
    main narrative of the Armenian genocide with a quite secondary one.

    Although it is not an attempt for banalization or denial of the
    genocide, however, it is aimed at making such events as the dominant
    paradigm in overall representation of the genocide committed.

    It will be ludicrous to say that there has been an Armenian
    Genocide, but as a result of these "tragic events" some Turks rescued
    Armenians. Any attempt to shift the main narrative of the genocide and
    any financial injection to support such attempts will be fruitless
    and will work against the real reconciliation of both sides. Such
    reconciliation is possible only after the acknowledgment of the
    crime committed and the acceptance of the necessity to deal with
    its consequences.

    Another issue is why such stories must be important to the Armenian
    part too. Firstly, all the cases of the Armenian lives' rescue by the
    Turks during the genocide must be mentioned, even if those stories
    are few in number and scope over the general picture of the genocide,
    they MUST be presented, since the cover up or escape from mentioning
    such cases will be simply regarded as a denial. In other words, the
    stories of the rescue of the Armenians by the Turks are an unalienable
    part of the general story of the Armenian genocide. Secondly, those
    stories are important, since they additionally come to back the
    statement that the very state organized and orchestrated nature of
    the crime committed by Ottoman state. Those Muslims who saved the
    Armenians opposed to the Turkish state policy and risked their and
    their family members' lives while hiding the Armenians. It is well
    known that the Ottoman military issued a strict order stating that
    if any Muslim would hide an Armenian in his house he would be hanged
    in front of his house and the whole house would be burnt.

    This is an essential point in this topic since we have to clarify that
    the whole discourse of the rescue stories touched upon the questions
    who, in which circumstances and from whom saved Armenian victims.

    Clearly enough such questions appear in the second place. Additional
    note: cases of those who saved Armenian lives simply to exploit them
    or expropriate their property ARE NOT among the cases of rescue.

    Similar to that is when a Turk, a Kurd or whoever saved whole family
    members' lives just to get married to a beautiful Armenian female.

    These were often just physical rescue cases, and many times rescued
    Armenians, among them children, were forced to convert to Islam,
    were made Turkish in their new families and as a result lost their
    identity. These constitute the genocidal act according to the Genocide
    Convention. Let's return to the main definition: the real rescue story
    is that when a Turkish individual or a whole family while opposing
    to the state order to destroy Armenians and while risking their lives
    hid or saved Armenians from deportations or helped them to escape from
    an inevitable death with no economic or personal benefit. Sorry, but
    the rest of the stories are a part of overall violence and shameful
    genocidal acts...

    By Hayk Demoyan Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute
