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Recognition Of Artsakh And Independence Of Nakhijevan

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  • Recognition Of Artsakh And Independence Of Nakhijevan


    Naira Hayrumyan, Political Commentator
    Comments - 17 September 2014, 00:09

    This week the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs will visit the area of the
    Karabakh conflict and afterwards the foreign ministers of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan will meet at the U.N. General Assembly, the Azerbaijani
    foreign minister Elmar Mammedyarov announced.

    The U.S. co-chair James Warlick has already arrived in Armenia
    and made some statements on the necessity to change the format of
    negotiations. He said the sides must define the format.

    Most probably, it is time to announce to eliminate the OSCE Minsk
    Group, and now each of the co-chairs is trying to take the lead of
    the Karabakh settlement in their own way. Russia, for example, tried
    to station troops in Karabakh and draw its borders anew. The United
    States is doing it through recognition of Karabakh by its states.

    After Moscow's failure to station troops it may also want to recognize
    the independence of Karabakh not to cede leadership to the United
    States or France. For example, the famous Russian expert Modest
    Kolerov has announced that it is getting almost inevitable.

    "Russia may face the necessity of unilateral recognition of
    independence of Nagorno-Karabakh, which even Armenia has not done for
    reasons that are well known. The Armenian people have had to pay a
    high price for their country for many times during their history. And
    this example is obvious. No deal will relieve anyone of anything,"
    Kolerov wrote.

    In fact, the famous Russian expert is speaking about the existence
    of such plans. Furthermore, speaking about recognition, he adds that
    soon "Nakhijevan will appear in the area of achievement of virtual
    independence, self-sufficient Iran, being steadily provoked by
    Azerbaijan, will appear in the state of defense readiness".

    Different schemes are being drawn in the region, and after October 10,
    if Armenia joins the Eurasian Union, the Russian scheme will win.

    Moscow will have to recognize Karabakh but in order not to upset
    Azerbaijan and not to abort deals worth billions, NKR will be
    recognized within the borders of the Autonomous District of
    Nagorno-Karabakh, and the rest will be shared with Baku.

    Five U.S. states have recognized Karabakh within its current borders.

    Unlike Russia, the United States is not afraid of upsetting
    Azerbaijan. And in order to have this scheme win, Armenia must have
    the courage to refuse programs that fragment Karabakh.

    Russia does not refuse the Minsk Group-mediated talks but obviously
    the United States will provoke Moscow to take this step. And it can
    "provoke" through Armenia only if they persuade that the offered plan
    is favorable and give guarantees in case of Russia's fury.

    An interesting line is noticed in Modest Kolerov's speech. He is
    speaking about the independence of Nakhijevan which is now being used
    as an indefeasible part of transformation of the region. Perhaps,
    it is not accidental that the Armenian foreign minister Nalbandyan
    suddenly visited Vayots Dzor and looked at Nakhijevan from the
    Armenian border. He is considering something ahead of the meeting in
    the United States
