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Azerbaijan is in the grip of a geopolitical confrontation

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  • Azerbaijan is in the grip of a geopolitical confrontation

    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Sept 21 2014

    Azerbaijan is in the grip of a geopolitical confrontation

    21 September 2014 - 1:52pm
    Mikhail Belyaev. Exclusively for Vestnik Kavkaza

    The bitter struggle of the West and Russia for influence in Ukraine
    and other former Soviet countries leaves less space for
    traditionally-neutral Azerbaijan for the conduct of its multi-vector
    foreign policy. In such circumstances, Baku is consistently moving
    away from the West, relying on regional cooperation with major
    regional players - Moscow, Ankara and Tehran.

    One after another, almost all Western foundations and NGOs have been
    squeezed out of the country within the last couple of years, while
    Baku firmly refused the association with the EU long before the
    beginning of the crisis in Ukraine. The Azerbaijani authorities were
    well aware of the forces on which funds were spent by the Western
    foundations located in the republic, and the country did not want to
    risk its relations with Russia. Quite naturally, Azerbaijan, which
    stopped at all the germs of the "Euromaidan", is not included on the
    new list of pets in Washington. One can recall that the US Senate did
    not include Azerbaijan in a bill to provide a number of post-Soviet
    countries with the status of allies, unlike Georgia, Ukraine and
    Moldova. The actual loss of Azerbaijan in the GUAM configuration
    indicates a change in the geopolitical priorities in the relations
    between Baku and its Western partners.
    In addition to that, anti-Western rhetoric is being tightened in the
    country. During a recent visit to Azerbaijan of Dmitry Rogozin, for
    the first time Baku harshly outlined its own position on the issue of
    the Western sanctions against the Russian Federation.

    "No one will break Russia, it will never bend, on the contrary, it
    will further strengthen," Deputy Prime Minister Yaqub Ayyubov said at
    a meeting with his Russian counterpart. After a couple of days,
    Azerbaijani Ambassador to Russia Polat Bulbuloglu said that the West
    is putting pressure on Azerbaijan because of its unwillingness to
    suspend relations with Moscow. Simultaneously, the Ambassador
    expressed his willingness to increase the export of Azerbaijani
    state-produced agricultural products to Russia in order to replace
    Western goods. The diplomat also confirmed information about the
    upcoming visit to Azerbaijan of LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The
    explicit warming in Azerbaijan's relations with the politician was
    believed in government circles of the Republic to be a positive
    signal. Today, the political establishment of the country shows
    willingness to cooperate with the Russian politician known for his
    closeness to the Kremlin.

    In recent years, criticism of the double standards and insincerity of
    Western policy has already already become a commonplace in the
    speeches of the representatives of the ruling elite. The flames were
    fanned by the resolution adopted by the European Parliament on on
    September 18, in which Azerbaijan, in an unprecedentedly harsh and
    peremptory form, was accused of human rights violations. In fact,
    Europe categorically demanded the release from detention of all
    arrested for tax evasion and espionage foir "Westerners", including
    those who so far are only under investigation. Azerbaijan considers
    this approach a gross interference in its domestic affairs. Baku was
    also surprised by the selectivity of European lawmakers, who do not
    say a word about the violations of basic rights of nearly one million
    Azerbaijani refugees and internally-displaced persons.

    The issue of human rights was used against Azerbaijan by the Europeans
    after a recent campaign aimed at total stripping of the domestic
    political field from Western agents of influence. The Azerbaijani
    Foreign Ministry says it is no coincidence that this resolution was
    adopted just before the ceremony of laying the foundation of the
    pipeline TANAP. According to the press-secretary of the Foreign
    Ministry Elman Abdullayev, it is a deliberate attempt to cause damage
    to the further development of relations with the EU by the European
    lawmakers with ties to Armenian lobby groups.

    The head of the Azerbaijani delegation at the PACE, Samad Seyidov, has
    stressed that none of the European MPs who voted for the resolution
    have ever been in Azerbaijan or are aware of the processes occurring
    in the country. Finally, one of the key members of the ruling party
    "Yeni Azerbaijan", Siyavush Novruzov, has urged Azerbaijan to leave
    the organization "Euronest"; in his opinion, the body has not become a
    platform for constructive cooperation at parliamentary level, and is
    being more and more used for the anti-Azerbaijani attacks.

    Moving away from the West politically, Baku drew its attention not
    just to the north, but also to its southern neighbour. The development
    of relations with Tehran gained momentum after the election of new
    President Hassan Rouhani. High-level delegations, one after another,
    make reciprocal visits, negative articles and accusations in the media
    of the two countries have almost disappeared, President Ilham Aliyev
    visited Tehran in April and is now expecting a return visit by the
    Iranian president to Azerbaijan in the fall. During the September trip
    of the economic delegation of Azerbaijan headed by Minister of
    Economic Development Shahin Mustafayev to Iran, Tehran invited
    Azerbaijan to act as a mediator for the organization of agricultural
    production in Russia. In order to increase the level of cooperation
    with the transport sector, the head of the Customs Administration of
    Iran, Masoud Karbasian, will soon visit Baku. In addition, officials
    have made specific decisions on the construction of a new power plant
    with a capacity of 1000 megawatts in the border zone. Finally, before
    the end of the year the Defense Minister of Iran is also due to pay a
    visit to Azerbaijan.

    Iranian media also reported with reference to the Minister of
    Information Technology of Iran that Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran intend
    to create a tripartite commission on economic cooperation. Given the
    regular tripartite meetings of the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan,
    Iran and Turkey, further alignment of regional cooperation between
    Baku, Ankara and Tehran against the current geopolitical background
    fits into the logic of the process.

    It should be noted that the relations between Turkey and the United
    States are not going through the best times. Turkish President Erdogan
    hit out at Washington with charges of the destruction of Ukraine. With
    such statements Erdogan indicated fundamental differences in the
    American and Turkish assessments of the Ukrainian crisis. Almost
    simultaneously, the closest allies Ankara and Baku defused accountable
    CIA "nursist groups" in the echelons of power, which their overseas
    partners also could not possibly like. Finally, one should not forget
    that it was the efforts of the government of Ilham Aliyev, in
    cooperation with Erdogan, that blocked the project lobbied by the
    United States concerning opening the borders of Turkey and Armenia,
    which ultimately served the purpose of withdrawal of Armenia from
    Russia's orbit.

    Obviously, for Baku, Ankara, Moscow and Tehran after the Afghan,
    Iraqi, Libyan and Ukrainian precedents there are reasonable grounds to
    believe that the strengthening of Western influence in the already
    troubled Caucasus region is fraught with the creation of the next
    hotbed of instability there. The sharp deterioration in the economic
    situation in Russia, which, of course is the aim of the Western powers
    in introducing increasingly tough sanctions against the country, will
    not contribute to regional stability either. In this context, the
    strengthening of regional cooperation and closer cooperation between
    the historic neighbours seems the only possible way to counter
    emerging threats from outside.
