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"The tragedies of nations are inevitable under the present race of a

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  • "The tragedies of nations are inevitable under the present race of a

    "The tragedies of nations are inevitable under the present race of arms by

    September 20 2014

    "Aravot's" interview with expert on Arab studies, also researcher at the
    Institute of Oriental Studies, also Professor, Araks Pashayan - More than
    40 days has elapsed since the day that the Yezidis celebrate the beginning
    of their genocide, August 3. Although it is known that Islamic extremists
    have started the process of territorial capture for their "Caliphate" since
    June. What have we recorded for these four months or forty days? What is
    currently going on now in Northern Iraq? - In fact, Iraq's sovereignty is
    at stake. Violence and hostilities are on. The northern regions are
    occupied, including Mosul, where the "Islamic state" has established state
    groupings as a source of legislation by strict application of Sharia. A
    state religion is established. A part of Yezidis continue being in
    expatriation. Both the Iraqi army and Kurdish army, Peshmerga, continue the
    counteraction against the "Islamic state". - Periodically, various types of
    international and local experts express opinion that the United States
    underlies these "stories", the so-called provoker and instigator. What are
    the reasons for this opinion? And do you agree with them? - In general, in
    2003, after the US-led invasion, Iraq appeared in a long-run and somewhat
    controlled chaos, in so far not being able to correct the spine. During
    Saddam Hussein's tenure, Iraq with Arab nationalistic trait was a powerful
    state with a strong army and sustainable economy, although an authoritarian
    system. The USA plans to establish democracy in the country was not only a
    failure, moreover, the country was plunged into an unprecedented crisis,
    thus creating centers of tension in the region. Over the years, the ongoing
    war revealed deep those in-depth contradictions that existed between
    Shiites and Sunnis. On the other hand, the intensity around different
    ethnic and religious communities living in Iraq increased. Iraq became the
    fulcrum, from where the benefits and interests of various regional force
    centers, including Iran's, Turkey's and Sunni Arab monarchies of Persian
    Gulf, began again to clash. Apparently, the goal of superpowers was to
    weaken the regional force centers, including Iraq and Syria, to be able to
    fully control the Middle East. - A few days ago, the White House spokesman
    already said that the United States is at war with Islamic extremists and
    ISIS, even though John Kerry prior to it had rejected this formulation.
    Does it turns out that the United States has entered into a fight with "a
    snakecherished in its bosom"? What kind of war situation is between the
    United States and ISIS? - The United States is responsible for Iraq's
    stability, integrity and sovereignty, and perhaps is trying to demonstrate
    that it is ready for counteraction. Much has been said about the fact that
    the U.S. authorities are likely to cooperate with al-Assad's regime.
    Military operations have already been conducted. As to what extent the US
    statements and actions against the "Islamic state" are determined and
    sincere, it is questionable. After all, if it were not for continued
    support by separate superpowers and regional states to the Islamic
    extremist political groups in the fight against Bashar al-Assad, today the
    "Islamic state" would not exist, which is a serious threat not only to the
    region but to the international community and the EU countries. - How much
    likely do you consider the beginning of the Third World War, which recently
    is also often spoken of by different experts? - The current situation
    created in international relations is very similar to the times of the Cold
    War, when the United States and the Soviet Union were conflicting with each
    other in a third country. The same trends are available today. On the one
    hand, the United States with its allies, on the other hand, Russia with its
    allies. - Everyone is talking about the fact that in the beginning of the
    21st century, the world was as silent and far from Yezidis as in the
    beginning of the 20th century - from Armenians, again the ships of the West
    could not climb our mountains... What can such a delay be explained that
    lasted for weeks and cost the lives of thousands of people, now, in our
    days. - Tragedies of nations will always happen. It is inevitable under the
    present race of such competition of superstates and especially arming. -
    And finally, Armenia's role in all of this. How would you assess the stance
    of our state to realities in the Middle East? - Armenia, although, is
    definitely far from the original conflict center, however, we are living in
    the same region. Our immediate neighbors: Iran and Turkey, are involved in
    a regional conflict. In addition, there are Armenian communities not only
    in Syria but also in Iraq, including in the northern region, Kurdistan.
    (Note that the Armenian language is considered one of the official
    languages in Iraq). About six dozen Armenian families living in Mosul were
    forced to flee from the "Islamic state" attacks, abandoning their
    belongings, homes and finally the Armenian church. So, Armenian need to
    focus on current issues and continue joining the efforts for establishment
    of peace and stability in the region at international levels, trying to
    raise the problems of minorities in the Middle East, including the Yezidis,
    which has already been implemented.

    Interviewed by MELANIA BARSEGHYAN
    Read more at:

    From: Baghdasarian